Hotkeys in Sandbox+ - Things To Do In Dominatrix Edition

Z (recruit/dismiss) - TELEPORTS

Z + INSERT - Teleport to Zero Saints Thirty - inside base

Z + HOME - Teleport to Zero Saints Thirty - outside base

Z + PGUP - Teleport to White House - pre-invasion cutscene

Z + DELETE - Teleport to White House - pre-invasion press conference

Z + END - Teleport to White House 1 - destroyed

Z + PGDOWN - Teleport to White House 2 - destroyed

Z + RIGHT - Teleport to Pleasantville

Z + LEFT - Teleport to The Escape - Ship

Z + DOWN - Teleport to The Escape - flying section

Z + UP - Teleport to Miller-Space - virtual prison

Z + LBRACKET - Teleport to Miller-Space - door choice room

Z + RBRACKET - Teleport to Matt Miller Rescue

X (taunt) - TELEPORTS

X + INSERT - Teleport to De Plane 1

X + HOME - Teleport to De Plane 2

X + PGUP - Teleport to De Plane - On Track Night Club

X + DELETE - Teleport to Stilwater

X + END - Teleport to From Asha with Love

X + PGDOWN - Teleport to 2D Sidescroller (in 3D!)

X + RIGHT - Teleport to Gat rescue

X + LEFT - Teleport to Kinzie Gambit - Genki turret area

X + DOWN - Teleport to Kinzie Gambit - Genki killing floor

X + UP - Teleport to All Hands on Deck - Zin ship

X + LBRACKET - Teleport to He Lives - Office

X + RBRACKET - Teleport to He Lives - Nightmare

C (compliment) - TELEPORTS

C + INSERT - Teleport to Grand Finale - Key escort

C + HOME - Teleport to Grand Finale - Armory

C + PGUP - Teleport to Grand Finale - Shaft

C + DELETE - Teleport to Grand Finale - Throne Room

C + END - Teleport to Gat Loyalty - Genki SERC

C + PGDOWN - Teleport to Gat Loyalty - Apocalypse Genki

C + RIGHT - Teleport to Training Area

C + LEFT - Teleport to Super Powered Fight Club

C + DOWN - Teleport to Platforming Rift

C + UP - Teleport to Speed Rift

C + LBRACKET - Teleport to TK Rift

C + RBRACKET - Teleport to Penetrator cave

F (melee/horn) - TELEPORTS

F + INSERT - Teleport to sign textures

F + HOME - Teleport to Ship

F + PGUP - Teleport to Gateway Camano Place

F + DELETE - Teleport to Gateway Espina

F + END - Teleport to Gateway Henry Steel Mills

F + PGDOWN - Teleport to Gateway Loren Square

F + RIGHT - Teleport to Gateway Sunset Park

F + LEFT - Teleport to Gateway Ashwood

F + DOWN - Teleport to Gateway Brickston

F + UP - Teleport to Gateway Arapice Island

F + LBRACKET - Teleport to Gateway Yearwood

F + RBRACKET - Teleport to Gateway Bridgeport

G (grenade Switch) - TELEPORTS

G + INSERT - Teleport to inside Paul (Enter the Dominatrix)

G + HOME - Teleport to Dominatrix Club (Enter the Dominatrix)

G + PGUP - Teleport to Winter Pleasantville (How the Saints Saved Christmas)

G + DELETE - Teleport to North Pole (How the Saints Saved Christmas)

G + END - Teleport to Santa's Workshop (How the Saints Saved Christmas)

G + PGDOWN - Teleport to Winter Steelport - Loren Square (How the Saints Saved Christmas)

G + RIGHT - Teleport to Saints HQ ruins

G + LEFT - Teleport to Three Count Casino

G + DOWN - Teleport to Magarac Island

G + UP - Teleport to Let's Pretend secret room

G + LBRACKET - Teleport your co-op partner to your location

G + RBRACKET - Teleport yourself to your co-op partner location


CTRL + INSERT - Toggle superpower movement (once you deactivate it, you can also enable freefall and parachuting from Enter the Dominatrix)

CTRL + HOME - Toggle superpower attacks

CTRL + PGUP - Toggle superpower attacks in vehicles (enabled by default)

CTRL + DELETE - Toggle superpower cooldown

CTRL + END - Toggle invulnerable mode and God Mode

CTRL + PGDOWN - Cycle Ghost Town modes (no traffic, peds only, vehicles only)

CTRL + RIGHT - Sandbox+ on-foot radio - mission playlist

CTRL + LEFT - Sandbox+ on-foot radio - Mixtape playlist

CTRL + DOWN - Turn off Sandbox+ on-foot radio

CTRL + UP - Reshuffle music for Sandbox+ on-foot radio

CTRL + LBRACKET - Toggle glitched pedestrians

CTRL + RBRACKET - Toggle gravity for the player

E (action/use) - SPECIAL COMMANDS

E + INSERT - Enable all weapon slots and dismissing/recruiting homies (break the mission)

E + HOME - Cycle animation swaps (2D Sidescroller, Murderbot, Pleasantville walk, streaking, zombie, drunk)

E + PGUP - Cycle drunk states

E + DELETE - Cycle drug effects

E + END - Toggle glitch effect (disabled by default)

E + PGDOWN - Toggle Virtual Reality effect

E + RIGHT - Attach explosions to the player

E + LEFT - Revive all downed followers

E + DOWN - Decrease player height

E + UP - Increase player height

E + LBRACKET - Cycle teams (police, Zin, Saints)

E + RBRACKET - Cycle weapon sets for followers (gang, police, laser, unarmed)* NOTE: Both Increase player height and decrease player height are each a separate cycle of sizes. If you keep going (increasing or decreasing) it will eventually reset back to default height and start the cycle anew.


R + INSERT - Cycle custom spawning (zombies, Pimps and Hos, mascots, Rift Glitch, clone army, Pleasantville traffic)

R + HOME - Cycle custom notoriety (Pleasantville police, clone army, mascots, Brotherhood, survival glitched, survival mascots, survival bikers, survival strippers)

R + PGUP - Cycle Zin notoriety locks/increase Zin notoriety

R + DELETE - Spawn Warden instantly/reset Warden notoriety

R + END - Toggle Slew mode (free camera; once you enable it, you can also hide the player and your vehicle)

R + PGDOWN - Reset all time of day cycles

R + RIGHT - Cycle Saints Row IV times of day

R + LEFT - Cycle Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell times of day

R + DOWN - Cycle Saints Row: The Third times of day

R + UP - Cycle custom times of day (15 slots for your own TODX files!)

R + LBRACKET - Toggle police shooting from vehicles (enabled by default)

R + RBRACKET - Toggle Warden notoriety


1 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Zero Saints Thirty - Intro

1 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Intro

1 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Press Conference

1 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Ship Crash

1 + END - Replay Cutscene - A Pleasant Day - Outro

1 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - The Real World - Platform Rescue

1 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - The Real World - Outro

1 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - Ghost in the Machine - Intro

1 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Intro

1 + UP - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Outro

1 + LBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Matt Miller Flashback

1 + RBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Matt's Back - Intro


2 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Matt's Back - Outro

2 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Back by Popular Demand - Intro

2 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - Back by Popular Demand - Outro

2 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Intro

2 + END - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Outro

2 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Pierce Flashback

2 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Intro

2 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Outro

2 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Ben King Flashback

2 + UP - Replay Cutscene - From Asha with Love - Intro

2 + LBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - From Asha with Love - Asha Flashback

2 + RBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Intro


3 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Mid

3 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Outro

3 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Gat Flashback

3 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Kinzie Gambit - Intro

3 + END - Replay Cutscene - All Hands on Deck - Intro

3 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - All Hands on Deck - Outro

3 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Intro

3 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Mid

3 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Outro

3 + UP - Replay Cutscene - The Girl Who Hates the 50s - Outro

3 + LBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - We Have the Technology - Intro

3 + RBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Batteries not Included - Intro


4 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Intro

4 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 1 Intro

4 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 2 Mid

4 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 3 Intro

4 + END - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Outro

4 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - Ben King Loyalty

4 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - Asha Loyalty

4 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - Johnny Gat Loyalty

4 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - Kinzie Loyalty

4 + UP - Replay Cutscene - Mat Miller Loyalty

4 + LBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Pierce Loyalty

4 + RBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Shaundi Loyalty


5 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Data Clusters

5 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Hot spots

5 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - Hacking

5 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - Platforming Rift

5 + END - Replay Cutscene - Speed Rift

5 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - TK Rift

5 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - Mind Over Murder Intro

5 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - Blazing

5 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - Super Power Fight Club

5 + UP - Toggle Sandbox+ messages and sound effects

5 + LBRACKET - Toggle HUD

5 + RBRACKET - Show player position (xyz)


6 + INSERT - Reset Kinzie's Warehouse Hotspot

6 + HOME - Reset Steelport Arena Hotspot

6 + PGUP - Reset Angel's Gym Hotspot

6 + DELETE - Reset Luchadores' tower Hotspot

6 + END - Reset Deckers' tower Hotspot

6 + PGDOWN - Reset Safeword Hotspot

6 + RIGHT - Reset all zones to default (does not affect Hotspots)

6 + LEFT - Switch notoriety cycle mode (so it locks notoriety at specified level or simply increases notoriety level)

6 + DOWN - Toggle restricted zones

6 + UP - Toggle ambient cop spawn

6 + LBRACKET - Toggle co-op commands (other commands will affect your co-op partner if enabled)

6 + RBRACKET - Toggle tutorial popups (disabled by default; does not affect missions!)


7 + INSERT - Activate Terminal Z-01 menu (weather changes will be applied once you exit the simulation and enter it again)

7 + HOME - Activate text adventure from Miller-Space

7 + PGUP - Activate Image As Designed menu

7 + DELETE - Activate Let's Pretend menu (contains most of clothing in the game)

7 + END - Activate Gateway menu

7 + PGDOWN - Activate Rusty's Needle menu

7 + RIGHT - Activate vendor menu (buy Loa Dust to walk through walls!)

7 + LEFT - Activate Friendly Fire menu

7 + DOWN - Toggle ASCII mode

7 + UP - Cycle reticle overrides

7 + LBRACKET - Give $100,000 cash

7 + RBRACKET - Toggle insane followers (followers will aggressively attack all pedestrians)


8 + INSERT - Repair player vehicle

8 + HOME - Toggle invulnerability for player vehicle

8 + PGUP - Toggle infinite mass for player vehicle

8 + DELETE - Toggle kneecappers for player vehicle

8 + END - Toggle lights for player vehicle

8 + PGDOWN - Toggle unjackable status for player vehicle

8 + RIGHT - Toggle no-flip mode for player vehicle

8 + LEFT - Toggle vehicles exploding when upside down (disabled by default)

8 + DOWN - Toggle Trail Blazing mode for player vehicle (vehicle is on fire but won't explode)

8 + UP - Detonate player vehicle

8 + LBRACKET - Cycle passenger modes where followers drive you around

8 + RBRACKET - Playa dance party (does not work for followers)* NOTE: The passenger modes work a little differently than you might expect:

Recruit a follower.

Press 8 + LBRACKET to enable passenger mode.

Enter a vehicle (you should automatically enter the passenger seat when you get in).

Press 8 + LBRACKET to teleport follower into driver seat.

Press 8 + LBRACKET to start follower driving in Smooth Ride mode.

Press 8 + LBRACKET again to switch to Drive-By mode where follower will shoot at NPCs while driving.

Further repeated pressing of 8 + LBRACKET while in the vehicle will simply cycle between these 2 modes.

Exit vehicle and then press 8 + LBRACKET to disable passenger mode.


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