Activities made easy - Tips & Tricks inside


This Guide is WIP (Work In Progress) and is beeing expanded if needed and as time permits.

If you got any other idea i haven't covered yet, let me know in the comments and i might add it here.

General Hints That Apply To More Then One Activity

Doing activities in COOP mode: SPREAD OUT! This especially counts for any MAYHEM or FRAUD. If you spread out you have better target oppurtinities then beeing stuck together.

One player with Tornado and Sprint upgrades only runs over all the sidewalks and tries to bring all fences down. This counts up Combos over 100+ and the other player then just needs to kill some police/alien cars and tanks.Mayhem activitiesMost MAYHEM activities have primary targets spread out in the area. Kill these only when you got 50+ COMBO multiplier for max effect. Look out for fences, bus stops, mailboxes or even pedestrians to raise your COMBO count right before you kill the primary target. This specifically applies to primary tank targets as they mostly take 2-3 hits to die and by that time your COMBO often gets reset to 0 when you kill the tank thus losing lots of points.DifficultyTurning down the difficulty to CASUAL helps alot on the Mayhem and M.O.M. activites as it lowers the enemy life force alot. Don't forget to turn it back to HARDCORE once your activity is done because the game would be too easy then. :)


Ignore the bonus areas!

Get your super powers for Jumping and Gliding

Find long highways like the one to the north or center of the map that connect all three islands. Also the highway on the western island can be used

Jump-hit a car and keep flying along the highways till you almost hit ground, then bump into another car and keep flying. Repeat that until you reach the end of the highway and while flying turn 180* and go all the way back doing this back and forth yields you enough points to do every FRAUD GOLD on the first try


Doing the BLAZIN activities once you have the follwing upgrades makes them alot easier to accomplish:










Get your SUPER SPRINT power and these Upgrades:




Run over pedestrians, Bus Stops, Mail/Paper Boxes, cars and almost anything else on the sidewalk and between houses. Try to avoid using the center of the street as there are just a few cars. With the Tornado upgrade you keep throwing everything in the air and destroy almost anything on the first hit. This accumulates alot of COMBO points to get your needed GOLD count.


Have your secondary weapon fire always active to accumulate more COMBO points

Stay on the move, run over cars/pedestrians

Find FENCES, BUS STOPS, MAILBOXES to shoot, they raise your COMBO points alot


Focus on your Bonus targets and shoot every moving alien vehicle on the ground

When doing it in coop play make sure one of the two players stays a bit higher then the other to avoid collisions


You can only use the telekinesis balls to get points

Try to get 3+ balls together in an area so you can use and throw them in quick succession for more COMBO points

Best way to do this is finding a road with lots of buildings on the sides and then getting 4 balls together. Throwing them along the road one after the other to cover the whole road area gives the best COMBOs. Keep walking along the road letting the balls roll one beside eachother will bring your GOLD in fast

Several players reporting that just holding one of the balls and running over cars works for them. Running on sidewalks might proof more efficent then on the street as cars tend to need several TOUCHES with the ball before going up while the sidewalk holds tons of pedestrians and combos.


Keep your Machine Gun spinning all the time!

Same things apply as for all other Mayhems, get Fences, Bus Stops, Mailboxes for quick combos raise

Focus on the main targets and you should have no problems in getting the score


Having SPRINT and JUMP upgrades saves you time when moving from one area to the other

When reaching a new area take a quick look on your minimap to see how many targets you need avoid finding the hit spots while looking around and use your minimap to find your target circles once you've picked up a face/pedestrian/car


Jumping on all platforms without avoiding some (e.g. on HARD where you have to choose one of three ways to continue) helps getting the score. There is also a second one, i think it's the MEDIUM one, where there are several platforms near eachother, hitting all of them from left to right/right to left helps on getting the count up.

When you can't reach the target center circle use your GLIDE and DASH ability to get into the center

Jumping on targets in quick succession yields you some extra points -> pre-hold/-charge your super jump while still in mid-air to get faster from platform to platform


Avoid using your controller for this one, it is way easier with Mouse+Keyboard

Use your blast everytime you get over 50% because getting it to 100% is wasting time, barriers and balls add to your blast when it is active so try to hit the blue barriers

Use your blast often to catch the flying Zin for bonus points


Match colors! It's the only way to get the needed gold points

Keep jumping on the spot to avoid beeing hit by the incoming balls

There is no time limit, so take your time!

Getting hit by the incoming balls is the only way to fail this activity i think


Boss battles are made easy when you use these three powers one right after the other:

* Blast Element - Freeze

* Stomp Element - Shrink

* Telekinesis Element - Life Steal | Blast Element - Fire

This power combo should kill every enemy almost instantly.

For normal enemies this should work also by altering the Life Steal to Lightning

King of the Hill rounds are easily done when using Blast Element - Mind Control in the capture area when there are 3+ enemies in it. This not only gives you fighting partners but also caps the hill faster.

The HARD instance of the Fight Club can be used to get Alien kills for several body count achievements like the "Pounding the Pavement" or "Fist Meet Ground". On the 2nd round "King of the Hill" just don't cap the hill instantly but kill the enemies instead, up to 10 spawn at each time. It IS nesessary to complete the activity instance for the numbers/kills to count! If you fail the instance then your count will be reset to what it was before starting the Fight Club.


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