Events Guide (~78% complete)


What is this guideA reference sheet showing all outcomes of all events (once finished).

Why?I was wondering how good events really are and what they do. Turns out they do plenty of things and are pretty good. They create terror, give relics, skills, souls and essence and on top of that your disciples gain traits that'll increase their health and damage.

How social checks work:Events have social tests, which require a stat and have a difficulty.

- Stats: Scare, Stealth, Ruse, Occultism, Temptation.

- Difficulties: Easy (+50%), Normal (+0%), Hard (-20%), Very Hard (-40%).

These two attributes determine your chance to pass.

e.g. if you have 2 in occultism and an easy check is required your base chance is 70%

After each stage of an event 0 to 3 Reactions can trigger from your Disciples. Each reaction is a random positive or negative trait. (A single event can result in gaining 10 traits, but most commonly you'll get 2 or 3.)

Events in this guide are listed like this:Event name: Required Stats shown in the overworld (additional stat requirements)Option 1:

Suboption 1.1: Reward

Suboption 1.2: Reward

Option 2:

Suboption 2.1:...

Events are listed alphabetically disregarding the article. So "The Scarecrow" is found under S.

Annotation: If you hover over an event you'll see its name.

Soul rewards aren't fixed numbers and change based on book progress.

Skill rewards are listed as Tier 1-3 for common, wicked, diabolic.

If a fight has 1 or 2 phases seems to depend on how far you are in the book.

UpdateNow that I have a decent amount of event outcomes I'll try to add consequences for failed events.

e.g. [humanity rises] is a purple, negative buff on the map.

New note added [Bugged requ]: Shows a different/wrong stat requirement in the overworld.

e.g. The Hanging Tree: Stealth, (Scare) [Bugged requ], as it needs a Scare check, but the overworld event says Stealth.

Added Event Stats listing occurrences of rewards from events.

After 25+ hours of event hunting I found a new event. Now there are 56


The Abandonend Farm: OccultismSearch the farm: Tier 1 Skill

Absorb the magical residue (occultism easy): 1 extra trait

The Abandoned Sanctuary: StealthTake the relic by force: fight

Fish the relic out of the sacred bath:

Absorb part of its power: Relic, 1 negative traitStab the Sanctua Lumen devotees in the back (stealth easy):

Fish the relic out of the sacred bath: Relic, 1 negative trait

Absorb part of its power: Tier 1 Skill

The Alchemists: Ruse, OccultismTake the alchemist's side (ruse normal): Tier 2 Skill

Take the astrologer's side (occultism normal): Tier 2 Skill

Kill both of them: Tier 1 Skill, 20 Souls

The Apprentice Demon Hunter: Ruse, ScareKill the apprentice:

Turn the apprentice against the Demon Hunters (ruse easy): 1 Terror

Terrorize the apprentice (scare easy):


The Banquet: Scare, OccultismPoison the food for the living: 1 Terror

Harvest the souls of the dead: 35 Souls

Close the gab between Purgatory and the surface (occultism easy): 1 Terror

Incite the dead to possess the living (scare easy): 40 Souls

The Beast: Scare, Ruse, (Occultism) Invoke the soul of the Beast (occultism normal):

Make it a vindictive specter: 1 Terror

Harvest its soul

Devour its soul: 30 Essence

Animate the skeleton and send it to attack the Demon Hunters (scare easy): 1 Terror

Extract the power contained in the bones(ruse hard):

Reinforce her own strength: Tier 2 Skill

Create a demonic relic:

The Bone Breaker: Stealth TemptationSteal the Bone Breaker's powers (stealth hard): Tier 2 Skill

Sign a pact with the Bone Breaker (temptation hard):

Send him to keep your enemies busy: 1 Terror

Demand a gift:

Devour his soul:

Reinforce the Bone Breaker's powers (occultism hard): 1 Terror


The Cart: Temptation, ScareConvice the farmer to attack the Inquisition (temptation normal): 1 Terror

Help the Inquisition terrorize the farmer (scare easy): 40 Souls

Kill all of them: 2 Phase fight, 1 Trait

The Clandestine Peddler: Occultism, TemptationSeize the potions: 1 Trait

Curse the potions (occultism easy): 1 Terror

Make a pact with the peddler (temptation normal):

Make demonic potions: Tier 2 Skill

Ruin the Sanctua Lumen's reputation: 1 Terror

Devour his soul: 30 Essence

The Chamber of Horrors: Scare, TemptationBurn this affront to your might:

Follow the alchemist: 1 Terror

Let the alchemist live to tell his tale:

Plunder the chamber of horrors (scare very hard): 1 Relic

Bend Kellington to your will (temtpation hard):

Force him to create a new talisman for your Disciple: Tier 2 Skill

Demand his most powerful artifact: Relic

Devour his soul: 30 Souls

The Charlatan: OccultismIdentify the nature of his wares (occultism easy):

Powerful Artifact: Seize his wares: Relic

Curse his wares: No extra rewards

Sacred Relic: Destroy his sacred relic: 1 Terror

Curse his wares: No extra rewards

Unidentified Seize his wares: chance to get a Relic

Curse his wares:

The Coffin: Temptation, Scare, (Stealth)Execute the Demon Hunter: 1 negative trait

Use the cadaver's debilitated blood: 1 Terror

Use your Disciple's magically charged blood:

Leave the pathetic vampire to its fate:

Make a servant of the Demon Hunter (temptation easy):

Question him what's in the coffin: Order him to free the vampire:

Use your Disciple's magically-charged blood: 1 negative Trait, Relic

Force the Demon hunter to sacrifice his blood (temptation hard): Relict, 1 Terror

Ask the Demon Hunter another question:

Ask him where he's taking the coffin: Text

Devour his soul: 15 Essence

Use the cadaver's debilitated blood: 1 Terror

Use your Disciple's magically charged blood:

Leave the pathetic vampire to its fate: 1 Terror

Open the coffin (stealth easy):

Use your Disciple's magically-charged blood: 1 negative Trait, Relic

Slit the Demon Hunter's throat over the coffin (stealth hard): Relict, 1 Terror

Leave the pathetic vampire to its fate:

The Convoy (part 1): Stealth, TemptationAttack the Sanctua Lumen:

Free the prisoner (stealth easy):

Question him about the White Plague: Story

Demand more specifics about his remedy: Story

Ask how he's connected to the Sancuta Lumen: Story

Kill him:

Offer him a pact (easy temptation): Unlocks Part 2

Kill him:

The Convoy (part 2): Ruse, Scare, (Occultism)Starts with a 1 phase fight

The Doctor's Laboratoy: Help the doctor seach his lab (ruse easy)

Put out the fire (occultism easy):

Look for evidence of the Sancuta Lume (ruse easy): 1 Trait, Unlocks Part 3

Nab the remedy:

Make the Inquisitor talk (scare hard):

The Convoy (part 3): Stealth, OccultismThe Sancutary:

Try to slip past the guards (stealth easy):

Kill the priestess:

Take control of the ritual (occultism hard): 1 Terror, 20 Souls

Transfer its power to you:

Absorb its power: Tier 3 Skill, 1 Trait

Make the White Plague uncontrollable:

Confront the guards:

The Corpse: Ruse, (Occultism)Identify the body (ruse easy):

Alchemist's Strange substance: Examine the body: repeat statement

Carefully search the corpse: Tier 1 Skill

Taste the substance (occultism normal): 2 Traits


Insignificant Farmer: Examine the body: repeat statement

Search the body: Tier 1 Skill

Leave: Nothing

Body of a Demon Hunter attacked by a horde of rats: Examine the body: repeat statement

Search the body: Relic

Take control of the rats (occultism hard):

Send them to terrorize humanity: 1 Terror

Send them to track down more Demon Hunters: 1 Terror

Sanctua Lumen fanatic: Examine the body

Destroy the corpse and all its possessions: 1 Terror

Expose the corpse for your enemies to see: 1 Terror

Search the body: Random outcome depending on the corpse:

If Alchemist: 1 negative Trait

If Insignificant Farmer: ?

If Demon Hunter: Relic

If Sanctua Lumen fanatic: ?


The Corpses: OccultismCapture the souls of the dead

Force the dead to answer your questions (occultism easy):

Capture the souls of the dead:

Wait for the Sanctua Lumen and fight: 2 Phase Fight, 22 Souls, 1 Terror

Steal the magic contained in the hearts (occultism hard): Tier 2 Skill

The Craftsman: Occultism, ScareKill the craftsman and steal his soul: 1 negative trait, 23 Souls

Curse the mirrors (occultism easy): 1 Terror

Force the craftsman to create diabolical works (scare hard): Relic


The Dark Library: StealthConfront the Sanctum Lumen: fight, Tier 2 Skill

Save the most valuable texts: Tier 2 Skill, 1 humanity rises

Hide the library from the eyes of mortals (stealth hard):

Request healing: 30 essence, remove 1 negative trait

Request knowledge: Tier 3 Skill

Request a powerful artifact: Relic

The Doctor: Temptation, OccultismKill the doctor: 1 Terror

Push the doctor to burn the village (temptation normal): 45 Souls [on fail humanity rises]

Infect the doctor (occultism normal): 1 Terror

The Doubting Inquisitor: TemptationKill the Inquisitor and take his soul: 23 Souls

Make a pact with the Inquisitor (temptation normal): [on fail 1 negative trait]

Make him a spy: 1 terror

Devour his soul: 30 Essence


The Executioner: Occultism, Scare Kill the executioner: 1 Terror

Curse his axe (occultism easy): 1 Terror

Teach the executioner to be cruel (scare easy): 60 Souls

The Exorcist: Temptation, Scare Challenge Sister Dolores: 2 phases fight

Kill her: 1 Terror, 1 [humanity rises]

Break her (scare normal): 2 Terror

Possess Sister Dolores' mind (temptation normal): 27 Souls, 1 Trait


The Flutist: Temptation, Ruse, (Occultism)Hail the traveler

Appeal to his dark side (temptation easy):

Send him to terrorize human villages with his rats: 1 Terror

Order him to invade your enemies' camps: 39 Souls

Distract him so he quits playing the flute (ruse easy): Tier 1 Skill

Take the flue

Force the rats to revolt against their master (occultism easy): Tier 1 Skill

The Forge: Temptation, Scare Destroy the forge: fight

Kill him: 23 Souls

Let him live to tell his story: 1 Terror

Curse the weapons: 30 Souls

Pressure the blacksmith to betray the Demon Hunters (temptation hard):

Forge some demonic artifacts: Relic

Devour his soul: 30 Essence

Terrorize the blacksmith (scare easy): 1 terror

The Fugitive Vampire: Ruse, Temptation, (Occultism)Help the vampire escape: 15 essence

Discover his secret (ruse normal):

End his life (occultism easy):

Learn what you can from the elixir: Tier 2 Skill

Drink it: 30 Essence

Convince him to turn against the Sanctua Lumen (Temptation easy): 1 Terror


The Gravedigger: Ruse, Occultism Make a pact with the gravedigger:

Summon the grave robbers (ruse easy): 42 Souls, 1 Terror

waken the dead (occultism easy): 19 Souls, 1 Terror

Examine a corpse more closely:

Absorb the magic:

Continue absorbing the magic: Tier 2 Skill, 1 negative trait

Stop absorbing the magic: Tier 1 Skill

Create a talisman (occultism hard): Relic

Harvest the souls of the dead: 39 Souls


The Hanging Tree: Stealth, (Scare) [Bugged requ] Search the bodies: 1 Skill (rarity based on terror or book progress?)

Harvest the souls: 30 Souls

Revive the hanged (scare easy): 1 Terror

The Hospice: Occultism Change the dying into living dead: 1 Terror

Harvest souls of the dying: 30-33 souls

Imprison their souls in a relic (occultism hard): Relic


The Malign Fountain (1): Ruse, OccultismIdentify (ruse easy):

Not purified Examine the fountain

Drink from the foutnain: 1 Trait

Study the ancient magic (occultism normal): Tier 2 Skill


Drink from the Fountain: 1 Trait (if not purified)


The Malign Fountain (2): StealthInterrupt the ritual: fight, choose from same options as passing

Stab the Priestesses in the back (stealth easy):

Drink from the fountain: 1 Trait

Let the curse contaminate the region: 1 Terror


The Orchard: Tempation, Occultism Destroy the Orchard: 1 Terror

Harvest the souls of the dead

Pressure the dead souls to persecute the living (temptation easy): 1 Terror

Bind the lost souls to the trees (occultism easy): 49 souls

The Orphan: Temptation, Ruse, (Occultism) Kill the orphan:

Learn more about these rumors

Kill him

Turn him into a vampire (Occultism hard): 1 Terror, 40 Souls

Offer a pact to cure him (Temptation hard)

Absorb his family's souls: 37 Souls

Lie to him about being contagious (ruse easy): 68 Souls


The Priestess: Occultism, RuseKill the Priestess: 1 Terror

Let the Priestess invoke the dead so you can capture their souls (occultism easy): 41 Souls

Trick the Priestess to invoke vengeful spirits (ruse hard):

Invoke the souls of a murderer: 1 Terror, 39 Souls

Invoke the soul of a witch: Tier 2 Skill

The Purification Ritual: Scare, OccultismHarves the souls of the villagers:

Deviate the ceremony:

Create a wave of panic (scare easy):

Turn the crowd against the Priestesses (occultism easy): 41 Souls

The Printworks: Temptation, StealthDestroy the printworks: 1 Terror

Force the printer to do as you say (temptation hard):

Print black-magic spellbooks: Tier 2 Skill

Curse the printing plates: Relic

Devour the printer's soul: 30 Essence, 28 Souls

Change the printing plates (stealth normal): 1 Terror

The Prophet: Occultism, TemptationMake the prophet the first victim of his predictions: 1 Terror

Make the prophet's prediciotns come true (occultism easy): 64 Souls

Stir up the morbud curiosity of the crowd (temptation easy): 1 Terror

The Pyre: Occultism See wether or not she's a witch (occultism easy)

Witch: Free the accused woman: Tier 2 Skill

Leave the accused woman to her fate: Nothing

Innocent: Free the accused woman: Nothing

Leave the accused woman to her fate: 65-76 Souls

Unidentified: 50% chance of being a witch or innocent



The Question: Ruse, Stealth Study how the Inquisition works:

Confront the Inquisitors: fight, 1 Terror

Start a riot:

Accuse a group of innocent bystanders (ruse hard): 1 Terror, 60 Souls

Help the witches escape (stealth hard): Relic


The Sacred Fountain: Ruse, OccultismSee if the fountain has beeen purified (ruse normal):

Purified Curse the fountain (occultism easy): Tier 1 Skill, 1 Trait

Drink from the fountain: 1 negative trait (if purified)


The Sanctuary (1): Stealth, Ruse, (Occultism)Force the passage: fight

Destroy the Sanctua Lumen's research: 1 Terror

Steal the magic contained in the hearts (occultism normal): Tier 2 Skill

Turn the Sancuta Lumen's research to your advantage (ruse normal): Tier 1 Skill, 1 Trait

Discreetly kill the guards (stealth normal):

Destroy the Sanctua Lumen's research: 1 Terror

Steal the magic contained in the hearts (occultism normal): Tier 2 Skill

Turn the Sancuta Lumen's research to your advantage (ruse normal): Tier 1 Skill, 1 Trait

The Sanctuary (2): StealthForce the main entrance: fight

Study mantras: Tier 2 Skill (at Terror lvl II)

Change the text: 1 Terror

Enter through the roof (stealth normal):

Study mantras: Tier 2 Skill

Change the text: 1 Terror

The Sanctuary (3): StealthAttack the Sanctuary: fight, Tier 2 Skill

Divert the collection for your own purposes (stealth hard): Relic

The Sanctuary (4): Stealth, ScareDestroy the Sanctuary

Seize the gold (stealth easy):

Take the gold

Curse the gold: 58 Souls

Threaten the Lord High Treasurer (scare hard):

Force him to reveal the Sanctua Lumen's manipulations to the people: 1 Terror, 61 Souls

Demand a sacrifice: Relic

Sanctuary Under Construction: OccultismDestroy the Sanctuary: 1-2 phase fight, 1 Terror

Corrupt the Sanctuary's foundation (occultism normal): 71 Souls

The Scarecrow: Occultism, ScareBring the scarecrow to life (occultism hard):

Send him to terrorize local villagers: 1 Terror

Send him to attack your enemies: 81 Souls

Scare the farmer (scare easy):

Let him go so he can tell his tale: 1 Terror

Devour his soul: 15 Essence

The Soup Kitchen: Stealth, Ruse Attack the Sanctua Lumen: fight, 1 Terror

Poison the soup (stealth easy): 80 Souls

Create a disturbance (ruse hard): 1 Terror, 41 Souls

The Statue: Occultism, TemptationCrucify the sculptor on his statue: 1 Terror

Bring the statue to life (occultism easy): 79 Souls

Make the sculptor your servant (temptation easy):

Order him to sculpt statues of you: 1 Terror

Devour his soul: 15 Essence


The Tomb: Ruse Curse the fog: 1 Terror

Free the condemned souls:

Set them loose on the world: 1 humanity rises, 1 Terror

Harvest them:

Devour them: 15 Essence

Search the tombs (ruse hard): 1 Relic

The Tormented Human: TemptationNurture his despair:

Devour it: 15 Essence

Keep it: 28 Souls

Convince him to seek vengeance (temptation normal): 1 Terror

Threatening Woman: Temptation, Ruse, (Occultism)Teach her the art of bloodshed (occult easy): 1 Terror

Give her a better target (ruse easy)

Offer her a pact (temptation easy):

Demand human sacrifices: 61 souls

Devour her soul:

The Traitor: Stealth, Ruse Execute the traitor and her handlers: fight, 1 Terror

Discreetly assassinate the traitor (stealth hard): Tier 2 Skill

Trick the Demon Hunters into killing each other (ruse, normal): 54 Souls

Force her to spy on your enemies: 1 Terror

Devour her soul:


The Vampire's Manor: RuseEnter the manor by force

Lure the guards away (ruse hard):

Steal his notes: Tier 2 Skill

Tell the people about the Sanctua Lumen's implication (ruse hard): [1 Terror?]

Sow panic among the crowd (ruse easy): 1 Terror

The Vampire Poets: RuseKill them:

Listen to them:

Lie and designate the tragedian as winner (ruse easy): Tier 1 Skill (at Terror lvl IV)

Endure the one's performance (ruse hard):

Declare the poet winner: Relic

Declare the tragedian winner:

Let your Disciple release his frustration: Humanity is rising against you, 63 souls, 58 souls, remove 1 negative trait

Kill both of them:

Humiliate them (ruse normal): 1 Terror


The Witches: Stealth, (Scare) [Bugged requ]Massacre the Demon Hunters that threaten the village: fight, 1 Terror

Execute the witches and reap their souls: 1 negative trait, 58 Souls

Force the witches to serve only you (scare hard):

Pool the witches' magic to put a collective curse on the Demon Hunters: 71 Souls, 1 Terror

Exact an offering to your glory: Tier 2 Skill

Devour their souls: 30 Essence

Event Stats

Counting occurrences of Terror, Relic, Skill, Essence, Soul rewards.

These occurrences overlap. e.g. Hard Social check for Terror gives also Souls, or a single event has 2 paths which reward terror.

Explaining the table:

Reward: which reward; Sum: occurrences in events; easy-v.hard: difficulty of social test;

free: reward without test or fight; fight: reward after a fight;

unique: single occurence in events. (if a event has multiple ways to rise terror, it is counted as 1)

Reward Sum easy normal hard v.hard free fight unique Terror 51 21 10 11 0 11 9 38 Souls 40 15 4 9 0 11 4 28 Relic 19 4 0 14 1 0 1 16 Essence 15 5 2 0 0 0 3 0 4 Essence 30 8 0 4 4 0 0 0 7 Essence ? 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 Skill Tier 1 9 5 1 0 0 3 0 10 Skill Tier 2 19 1 8 7 0 3 0 16 Skill Tier 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 Skill Tier ? 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Extra Trait 16 5 5 1 0 2 3 10

Yes, there likely are some minor miscounts in it, but I don't care.

Example Build From Priotizing Events

This was at the end of book 3, all my Disciples had at least 2 pages of positive traits, a good amount of skills and 14 relics:


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