Enemy attacks and health


Another reference sheet. This time aimed at new players, who want to know what enemies do.

How to read this guideChapter X: First encoutnered in this Chapter

Health: e.g. 20 28, 22 39 = minimum Health Points Spell Points, maximum HP SP encountered in this chapter

12 HP = 12 Health Point Damage (red damage)

15 SP = 15 Spell Point Damage (purple damage)

AoE: Attacks all disciples

14x3 = Multi attack that hits 3 times for 14 damage

Enemies and Chapters- Enemy health increases each chapter

- Some abilities become stronger in chapter 3 and 5

- Most healing abilities get stronger with enemy health

- Enemy damage might increase in chapter 3 and 5

- Sometimes super enemies appear which have 50-100% more health than they should.


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Passive: War Cry: each time the holder heals, +2 damage to all enemies.

Chapter 3 Health 93 93, 101 101 Attacks: Attack and weaken 14x2 HP 1 Bleed 19- 24 HP 48 - 59 SP Heal and Preparation into 12-14x3 HP 41 SP Heal and Reinforce: 2 Wall 40 HP 40 SP Heal AoE 65 HP Heal and Preparation into 12x3 HP


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Passive: -

Chapter 1 Health 24 24 Attacks: Preparing Unknown Effect:

Give all combatants 2 Provocation,

Wandering Spirit, Dexterity,

Split Spirit, or Mirror effect 10-14 HP steal


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1,5

Passive: -

Chapter 5 Health 90 60, 120 80 Attacks: 16x2 HP Reinforce and Preparation: 3 Sharpening

into 16x3 next turn


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1,5

Passive: Starts with 1 Mental Barrier (6 SP shield)

Chapter 1 Health 22 15, 24 16 Attacks: 6-10x2 SP and Weaken: Burn 3 11-15 SP AoE Reinforce: 2 Presence of Mind (+6 SP), 2 Mental barrier


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Passive: -

Chapter 1 Health 16 16, 18 18 Attacks: 5-7x2 SP AoE 11x2 SP 10-13 SP 11-20 HP Heal


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1,75

Passive: Fervor: The holder looses as much hp as they inflict. If they render a Disciple vulnerable they recuperate all HP.

Chapter 3 Health 63 36, 77 37 Attacks: Reinforce and Preparation: 2 Provocation

into 12x3 HP next turn Reinforce 4 Aegis 14 HP 10 HP & 15-16 SP


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 0,6

Passive: Debilitating Bolts: Each time the holder inflicts damage on a Disciple, they deplete 2 random skills of their target.

Chapter 5 Health 70 112, 90 144 Attacks: 28x2 SP steal 19 SP AoE Purge (Remove a Status) and Preparation

into ??? next turn 15 SP 26 HP steal


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 0,55

Passive: Benevolence: Each time the holder is healed apply the same heal to other enemies. At the beginning of each turn remove all the weaknesses of the holder.

Chapter 6 Health 139 243, 178 311 Attacks: Reinforce and preparation: 2 Wandering Spirit

into ??? next turn 42-59 SP 17x2 SP steal 18-22x2 HP Reinforce: 1 Cheat Death + 1 Wandering Spirit


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1,5 (Chapter 6: 1,0)

Passive: Each time damage is suffered, gain +1 damage.

Chapter 3 Health 65 44 Attacks: Reinforce: 2 Provocation or 1-4 Shell 7-8x2 HP 7x4 HP


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 0,65 - 0,72

Passive: Starts with 1 Aegis (6 HP Shield).

Chapter 1 Health 16 24, 18 27 Attacks: Weaken and Preparation: 2 Zombie or 2 Silence

into ??? next turn 5-7x3 SP 8-11 SP steal 5x2 SP and weaken 2 Silence Reinforce: 3 Aegis 2 Mirror Effect


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1,2

Passive: -

Chapter 1 Health 35 29, 42 36 Attacks: 11-17x2 HP AoE 16-20 HP AoE and Weaken: 1 bleed Reinforce: 2 Sharpening, 2 Aegis, 1 Wandering Spirit


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Passive: When status is lost gain 1 Regeneration (8-15 HP).

Chapter 1 Health 23 23, 28 28 Attacks: 5-12 HP Unknown effect: Switch HP and SP of all combatant Reinforce: 1 Provocation Weaken 2 Depression


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Passive: Instigator: each time they inflict damage they heal a random wounded enemy by that much

Chapter 1 Health 27 27 Attacks: 10 HP Steal 10 HP Steal and Preparation

into 7x3 HP next turn 6-8x2 HP Reinforce and Purge: Thorns 4 Weaken: Lock 3 Skills

(changes with chapter)


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1,2

Passive: -

Chapter 3 Health 20 24 Attacks: 10 HP Steal 9-11x2 HP 6-10 HP Steal and Preparation

into 7x3 HP next turn Weaken AoE and Preparation: 1 Fracture

into 5x3 HP next turn


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 0,8 - 0,85

Passive: 2 Aegis

Chapter 1 Health 24 28 Attacks: 9 - 15 SP steal AoE 12-16 SP and Weaken: 3 Migrane 43 SP heal Reinforce and Unknown effect: ???


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 0,66

Passive: Each time the holder suffers damage, +2 damage to other enemies this turn.

Chapter 3 Health 65 98, 80 119 Attacks: Reinforce: 1-2 Provocation & 3 Shell 12-22 HP Attack and Weaken: 2 Exhaustion 16 HP & 14 SP steal AoE Reinforce: 1 Cheat Death


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Passive: Dematerialization: Each time the holder suffers damage, randomize the damage of their next attack. At the beginning of each turn they earn +1 damage.

Chapter 6 Health 129 129, 132 132 Attacks: Reinforce: 4 Wandering Spirit 24 SP AoE 25-34 SP 11-21x2 SP


Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1,8

Passive: -

Chapter 3 Health 99 55 Attacks: 12-23 SP steal 11x2 SP Purge and Preparation:

into 48 SP next turn Weaken and Purge: 2 Sentencing & remove Buffs Reinforce: 2 Mental Barrier + 2 Regeneration Reinforce: 2 Aegis + 2 Regeneration

Elite: Admiral

Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Elite Buff: Each time a combatant receives healing all enemies earn +1 damage to the same element.

Allies: 2x Medium

Chapter 1 Health 100 100 Attacks: Alternates between heal and attack each turn Heal 6-8 HP & 6-8 SP 5-6x2 HP 13-14 HP AoE

Elite: Avenger

Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1,5

Elite Buff:

Anticipation: -15 damage suffered by the avenger. When removed, apply Black Hatred (3 turns). Black Hatred: +6 damage to enemies, -8 damage suffered by the weakest enemy

Allies: Captain & Exorcist, Chapter 6: Sisters Polaris

Chapter 3 Health 120 80 Attacks: During Anticipation:

Weaken: 2 Clumsiness, 2 Migrane (-10SP d) Black Hatred: 11x2 HP & 14x2 SP Weaken: 2 Clumsiness, 2 Migrane (-10SP d)

Elite: Bounty Hunter

Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Elite Buff: Hunt: Each time a disciple uses a skill, it is locked for 2 turns. Each time a disciple recharges, +1 damage to enemies.


Chapter 1 & 2: Diva 24 24 & Privateer 29 24

Chapter 4: Tortured soul 173 173 & Medium 58 87,

Chapter 3 Health 90 90 Attacks: 5-6x2 SP 10 SP AoE Reinforce: 2 Shell to ally or self 41 SP Heal and Reinforce: 2 Wall Reinforce: Lock Skill + Shell

(Chapter 4+ only?) 65 HP Heal and Preparation into 12x3 HP

Elite: Fanatic

IncompleteHealth Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Elite Buff: Fanaticism: When the Fanatic Reaches 0 in a gauge (HP or SP):

- Completely refill the gauge

- Immortality loses 1 charge

- He becomes Invulnerable in that gauge for 1 turn

- Allies become vulnerable in the other gauge

Allies: Hierophant & Martyr

Chapter 5 Health 35 35 Attacks: Weaken: 3 Sentencing 17x4 HP 20 HP AoE

Elite: Sister Polaris

Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1,4 and 0,7

Elite Buff: Next time opposite damage deals 2x as much

Allies: Sister Polaris

Chapter 3 Health 272 192 and 192 272 Attacks: HP Sister Polaris 11-12x2 HP AoE Reinforce 2 Thorns 18 HP SP Sister Polaris Weaken: 1 Exhaustion 18 SP

Elite: Tortured Soul

IncompleteHealth Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Passive: Each time damage is suffered, gain +1 damage.

Allies: Chapter 1: Sinistra 29 34 & Hierophant 20 20

Chapter 1 Health 90 90 Attacks: ??? ??? ???

Elite: Mistress Of Ceremonies

Health Points to Spell Points ratio: 1

Elite Buff: Ringmaster: Crowd As long as another enemy is alive -8 damage suffered to the Mistress. Each time an enemy dies, apply 1 Crowd to the Mistress.

Passive: Crowd: Each time a disciple uses a Skill +1 Charge. At 10 rally 1 to 2 enemies

Allies: Duelist, Mercenary

Chapter 5 Health 315 315 Attacks: Reinforce: Lock 3-4 skills for 1 turn Reinforce: 1 Shell AoE Reinforce: 1 Shell Aoe +6 HP dmg + 2 SP dmg 18-22 HP 6-14x2 HP

Enemy Health Overview

Enemy Appearances and their Health per chapter calculated for difficulty 2 (+0% extra health):

min HP min SP, max HP max SP

On rare occurences some enemies appear with up to double the health they should have. A * at the end of their name indicates that I have encountered a version of this enemy.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Captain x x 70 70, 85 85 95 95, 115 115 165 165 251 251, 290 290 Diva 20 20 30 30 44 44, 70 70 54 54, 66 66 92 92 83 83, 143 143 Duelist 90 60, 157 104 166 110 Exorcist 22 15, 26 18 48 33, 58 39 54 37, 103 69 112 75 Hierophant* 16 16 22 22, 47 47* 29 29, 36 36 64 64 66 66 Inquisitor x x 63 36, 77 37 95 54, 158 91 136 77, 213 121 Marauder*

70 112, 175 255* 135 215, 269 429* Matriarch 115 203, 231 405 Martyr* 58 39, 65 44 108 72 144 96,206 138* 179 119, 228 152 Medium 15 22, 18 27 24 36, 29 43 32 48 48 72, 69 103 74 111 Mercenary* 35 29, 42 36 65 54, 149 125* 96 80, 217 183* 132 110 Overseer 23 23, 28 28 35 35, 42 42 45 45 Priestess 27 27 33 33, 36 36 44 44, 53 53 72 72 99 99, 119 119 Privateer 20 16, 24 20 36 30 72 60 Sinistra 24 28 36 42, 54 66 65 80, 80 98 65 75, 119 145 132 154, 198 242 Vigilante 65 98, 85 127 87 130, 144 216 Waft Zealot 99 55

Elite Health Overview

Elites health:

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Admiral 100 100 Avenger 120 80 Bounty hunter 108 108 126 126 Fanatic 36 36 Sister Polaris Sister Polaris HP 272 192 Sister Polaris SP 192 272 Tortured Soul 90 90 108 108 126 126 Mistress of Ceremonies 315 315

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2633784051					

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