Rocket League - Ultimate Half Flip Guide

Rocket League - Ultimate Half Flip Guide

Rocket League - Ultimate Half Flip Guide image 0

A thorough and insightful guide to half flipping.


Hey guys hope this helps and I don't know if there are more guides like this but I've tried to make it easy and understandable and I've acquired gifs to help you through the process.

Step One

This is probably the most insightful guide to half flipping. Just try each of the steps slowly and one by one .

Step 1: Just drive your car in reverse. You can also try doing the flip by being stationary but trying the flip in reverse will help you for real life game situations better.

Getting fluent with the car mechanics in reverse will also help do the flip faster but its not really required if you just want to learn it at the basic level.

Step Two

Step 2: Do a double backflip (by holding the joystick down and pressing the jump button twice) but quickly push your joystick up and land the car on its back. Do this about 20 times and get comfortable with it.

Step Three

Step 3: This is the most difficult part, you need to be rehearsed (you need to be comfortable with having your car belly up in the air as demonstrated before) and quick. As soon as you've performed the backflip from Step 2, just air roll (barrel roll) your car to any side so that instead of skidding on the ground on its back, it is belly down.

Thats it!

You've done a half-flip.

Now do this about 100 times in various situations in free-play to make it easier to use during actual gameplay.

Also, here’s some additional tips for half-flipping:

  • Start boosting after the half-flip to gain speed.
  • Use half-flip when starting kickoff from the side for the quickest fallback to corner boost.
  • Useful in lots of 1v1 situations where you need to quickly recover and get back to your goal.
  • In 1v1 you can use the half-flip kickoff strategy.

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