Rocket League - How to Get a Guaranteed Black Market with Event Crates

Rocket League - How to Get a Guaranteed Black Market with Event Crates

Rocket League - How to Get a Guaranteed Black Market with Event Crates image 0

This guide explains what you can do to make sure you get a guaranteed black market every time you get event crates (like golden eggs). Also it will explain why doing it in this way is more beneficial for you in the whole scheme of things.

Guide To Get A Guaranteed Black Market

What Crates Can Work For This

Any of the event crates in-game you can use for this method of getting a guaranteed Black Market every time there is an event. These would included:

  • Golden Egg 2018, 2019, 2020
  • Golden Gift 2018, 2019, 2020
  • Golden Lantern
  • Golden Pumpkin 2018, 2019, 2020

How To Get A Guaranteed Black Market

Here's the steps for how to do this:

Step 1

Earn all 5 of the event crates. All the events that Rocket League does with event crates allows you to earn up to 5, and you're going to want to do so. You might be able to do this with 4 of them, but 5 is a safer bet.

Step 2

Sell all 5 of your event crates. The average price for these event crates are around 100-250 credits. Sell them for around 150 credits, and if you can, maybe a little higher for some extra profit.

Step 3

Using the credits used to sell your event crates, buy 5 non crate exotics. You can buy non crate exotics for around 100-150 credits each. So, if you find some deals on exotics or are able to sell your event crates a little higher priced, you may be able to buy 5 exotics for the price of selling 4 event crates.

Step 4

Using your 5 non crate exotics, trade them in for a guaranteed Black Market. This is the final step. Once you have your exotics, just trade them in, and see what you get!

Why Do It This Way

Doing it this way increases your chances of getting a Black Market from 1% to 100%. Here's the statistics for if you opened the event crates 1 at a time, having 5 tries:

  • Chances of receiving a Black Market from a crate: 1%
  • Chances of receiving a Painted Black Market from a crate: 0.25%
  • Chances of receiving a Certified Black Market from a crate: 0.25%
  • Chances of receiving a Painted & Certified Black Market from a crate: 0.0625%

Now, let's say you sold all of your event crates at 150 credits, and you bought all your non crate exotics for the same price. That would be 750 credits worth of exotics, so:

  • Chances of receiving a Black Market worth less than 750 credits from a crate: 0.7045%
  • Chances of receiving a Black Market worth more than 750 credits from a crate: 0.2955%

Note that those last 2 percentages do not take into affect if they are painted or certified, if an item under 750 credits worth is painted, it is likely close to or above 750 credits as well.

Now, let's take this method of a guaranteed Black Market and look at the statistics:

  • Chances of receiving a Black Market: 100%
  • Chances of receiving a Painted Black Market: 25%
  • Chances of receiving a Certified Black Market: 25%
  • Chances of receiving a Painted & Certified Black Market: 6.25%
  • Chances of receiving a Black Market worth less than 750 credits: 70.45%
  • Chances of receiving a Black Market worth more than 750 credits: 29.55%

Note again that the last 2 percentages do not take into affect if they are painted or certified, if an item under 750 credits worth is painted, it is likely close to or above 750 credits as well.


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