How To Activate Cheatmode
despite the name, Cheatmode is more of a debug mode, but it still offers access to in game cheats that will let you, as the title would suggest, cheat at the game.
the process is fairly simple:
First off, go to your library, right click the game and go into Properties. From there, go to Launch options, and input "cheatmode" without the quotes.
How To Activate Cheatmode In Game, And Some Commands
After editing the launch options, start up the game.
once you are in a run, press ctrl + shift + z (left ctrl & left shift, specifically). there is no notification or sound or anything to know if you activate it or not, aside from using the actual cheats and seeing if they have worked.
as for the commands, here are a few(Once again, credit goes to Moasseman on the Rift Wizard discord server)
t = will teleport you to a tile based on your cursor
x = grant 100 SP
y = remove 10 SP
h = increase max/current hp by 250
k = will kill all non-player units
g = will commit sudoku(kill yourself)
r = will recharge all spells
s = quicksave
l = quickload
NOTE: there are most likely other several commands as well, but besides not knowing what they are, they are most likely for modding/testing purposes. If you are looking to simply cheat in game, this will be enough.
Credit And Official Discord Server Link
Credit: the information was provided by Moasseman on the official Rift Wizard discord. I claim nothing inside this guide, only sharing their information with their permission.
Link to join the Official Discord Server[]
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- All Guilds
- Bestiary List (Names only)
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