All the locations of the Mr. Everywhere statuette with prints for an easy find!
Mr. Everywhere Statuette's Locations
Mr. Everywhere 1 - Main House 1F | Laundry Room
The first statuette can be found inside the first safe room of the game.
Mr. Everywhere 2 - Main House 1F | Hallway
Near the big hallway where you find the locked door.
Mr. Everywhere 3 - Main House 1F | Main Hall
On top of a sign saying "Shoot me" you will find the next statuette.
Mr. Everywhere 4 - Main House 2F | Recreation Room
Once inside the Recreation Room on the second floor, look for a basket and you will find it inside.
Mr. Everywhere 5 - Main House 1F | Drawing Room
This one is in a little gap near the locked door.
Mr. Everywhere 6 - Main House | Processing Area
Near some paint cans on the floor of the Processing Area.
Mr .Everywhere 7 - Yard
Once you can acess the outside of the Main House, head into the Yard near the trailler's small steps and you will find it.
Mr. Everywhere 8 - Old House 1F | Safe Room
You will find this next one at the safe room of the 1F Old House.
Mr. Everywhere 9 - Old House 1F | Before The Cellar
Just before you enter the Cellar, look at your feet by some pallets.
Mr. Everywhere 10 - Old House 1F | Crawlspace
This was the little place where Mia's Tape ended. Right past the red lawnmower on the shelf you will find it.
Mr. Everywhere 11 - Old House 2F | Altar Room
Past the Altar Room near 3 candles.
Mr. Everywhere 12 - Main House | Attic
When you have the Snake Key acess the Kid's Room and go up the stairs for an easy point of view of the next statuette.
Mr. Everywhere 13 - Testing Area 2F | Barn
At the 2nd floor of the Barn, look down to get a better angle of the wooden post where the bobblehead is.
Mr. Everywhere 14 - Testing Area 1F | Outside Safe Room
After you leave the Monitoring Room, do a 180º quick turn and look upwards to the door.
Mr. Everywhere 15 - Boathouse 1F
Once you are inside the little house that is shown on the image bellow, look down and you will find it bellow a net.
Mr. Everywhere 16 - Wrecked Ship 4F
At the stairs that lead up to the 4th floor of the Wrecked Ship.
Mr. Everywhere 17 - Wrecked Ship 3F | Shaft
Climb up the stairs and do a quick 180º turn.
Mr. Everywhere 18 - Salt Mines | Swamp Safe Room
This one is at the first safe room of the Salt Mines near the window.
Mr. Everywhere 19 - Salt Mines | Lab
Go to the Lab door, turn right and you will see it at the distance.
Mr. Everywhere 20 - Guest House | Storeroom
After you complete the Salt Mines and return to the Guest House you will find the last statuette on the shelves of the Storeroom.
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