Large Numbers Quick Guide

What The Freckle Does The "E" Mean?

If you haven't been paying attention in math, the answer is simple:

It is the scientific notation, using E as exponent.

Sounds complicated, but it is not. Here are some examples:

1E+2 means this is 1 times 10 to the 2nd power, which results in 100. So this is just another format to write 100. You could also write 1x10².

1E+3 means this is 1 times 10 to the 3rd power, which results in 1000. You could also write 1x10³.

So, as you can see, it basically just means how many zeroes are trailing the number.

This is a very simplified explanation, but enough to understand the game.

See Wikipedia[] for more information.

ps.: This also works negative. 1E-2 is 0,01.

Table Of Numbers

illion --- 1 M

1E6 1 B

1E9 1 T

1E12 1 Qa

1E15 1 Qi

1E18 1 Sx

1E21 1 Sp

1E24 1 Oc

1E27 1 No

1E30 Decillion 1 Dc

1E33 1 Ud

1E36 1 Dd

1E39 1 Td

1E42 1 Qad

1E45 1 Qid

1E48 1 Sxd

1E51 1 Spd

1E54 1 Ocd

1E57 1 Nod

1E60 Vigintillion 1 Vg

1E63 1 Uvg

1E66 1 Dvg

1E69 1 Tvg

1E72 1 Qavg

1E75 1 Qivg

1E78 1 Sxvg

1E81 1 Spvg

1E84 1 Ocvg

1E87 1 Novg

1E90 Trigintillion 1 Tg

1E93 1 Utg

1E96 1 Dtg

1E99 1 Ttg

1E102 1 Qatg

1E105 1 Qitg

1E108 1 Sxtg

1E111 1 Sptg

1E114 1 Octg

1E117 1 Notg

1E120 Quadragintillion 1 Qag

1E123 1 Uqag

1E126 1 Dqag

1E129 1 Tqag

1E132 1 Qaqag

1E135 1 Qiqag

1E138 1 Sxqag

1E141 1 Spqag

1E144 1 Ocqag

1E147 1 Noqag

1E150 Quinquagintillion 1 Qig

1E153 1 Uqig

1E156 1 Dqig

1E159 1 Tqig

1E162 1 Qaqig

1E165 1 Qiqig

1E168 1 Sxqig

1E171 1 Spqig

1E174 1 Ocqig

1E177 1 Noqig

1E180 Sexagintillion 1 Sxg

1E183 1 Usxg

1E186 1 Dsxg

1E189 1 Tsxg

1E192 1 Qasxg

1E195 1 Qisxg

1E198 1 Sxsxg

1E201 1 Spsxg

1E204 1 Ocsxg

1E207 1 Nosxg

1E210 Septuagintillion 1 Spg

1E213 1 Uspg

1E216 1 Dspg

1E219 1 Tspg

1E222 1 Qaspg

1E225 1 Qispg

1E228 1 Sxspg

1E231 1 Spspg

1E234 1 Ocspg

1E237 1 Nospg

1E240 Octogintillion 1 Ocg

1E243 1 Uocg

1E246 1 Docg

1E249 1 Tocg

1E252 1 Qaocg

1E255 1 Qiocg

1E258 1 Sxocg

1E261 1 Spocg

1E264 1 Ococg

1E267 1 Noocg

1E270 Nonagintillion 1 Nog

1E273 1 Unog

1E276 1 Dnog

1E279 1 Tnog

1E282 1 Qanog

1E285 1 Qinog

1E288 1 Sxnog

1E291 1 Spnog

1E294 1 Ocnog

1E297 1 Nonog

1E300Centillion 1 C

1E3031 Uc


Source And More Detailed Table

See Wikia for more information:


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