Prison Architect - Wires under Perimeter Walls

Prison Architect - Wires under Perimeter Walls

Prison Architect - Wires under Perimeter Walls image 0

Other Prison Architect Guides:

  • Single Cells, or Dorms? What's the Difference?
  • How to Properly Set Up a Kitchen and Canteen.

Why Would You Want To Do That?

For example, you want to place your power generators in a safe place, behind prison walls (like I do) etc. It's useful when you cannot really bypass the perimeter wall (other generators around, etc.), or don't necessarily want to make a stupid hole in the middle of your damn wall, like really, who would want to do that.

How It Works?

It's actually really easy and doesn't require any external programs / mods. There's that annoying mechanic when you place a metal detector, fridge, cooker or anything else (although a metal detector works best for me), the game automatically places an electrical wire next to it. And so you can exploit it.

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How To

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For the sake of the tutorial, I created a little fancy work environment:

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First of all, we obviously need our electrical cables we want to connect:

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Then, we want to place our metal detector - or any object summoning electrical cable next to it - right on our cable. It must be placed on the left side of the place we want our electrical cable to be, just like on the screenshot:

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Everything will connect just fine. Now we want to discard (or dump) our metal detector:

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If we want to place our electrical cable under a horizontal wall, we need to destroy a wall on the left of a place we want our cable, then we just place our metal detector there. Next, we can just discard our metal detector and replace it with our wall.


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