Lore Note Locations

Lore Note Locations

World Map

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Lore Note Locations image 2

Island North

Island South

Lore List

Sorted by map location

1. Notes of the Fallen 1

2. Notes of the Fallen 2

3. Notes of the Fallen 4

4. Notes of the Fallen 5

5. Notes of the Fallen 3

6. Notes of the Fallen 6

7. Lost Journal 1/ Day 6

8. Lost Journal 2/ Day 3

9. Gorm's Letter 1

10. Notes of the Fallen 8

11. Lost Journal 7/ Day?? (None of us are allowed...)

12. Lost Journal 3/ Day?? (Last night a massive storm...)

13. Notes of the Fallen 17

14. Notes of the Fallen 10

15. Notes of the Fallen 11

16. Lost Journal 6/ Day 1

17. Lost Journal 8/ Day?? (Our food is nearly gone...)

18. Lost Journal 5/ Day 16

19. Notes of the Fallen 15

20. Notes of the Fallen 13

21. Gorm's Letter 3

22. Lost Journal 9/ Day 10

23. Lost Journal 4/ Day?? (I've lost count of...)

24. Notes of the Fallen 16

25. Notes of the Fallen 12

26. Gorm's Letter 5

27. Notes of the Fallen 9

28. Notes of the Fallen 14

29. Notes of the Fallen 7

30. Gorm's Letter 2

31. Gorm's Letter 4

Sorted by game entry

9. Gorm's Letter 1

30. Gorm's Letter 2

21. Gorm's Letter 3

31. Gorm's Letter 4

26. Gorm's Letter 5

7. Lost Journal 1/ Day 6

8. Lost Journal 2 /Day 3

12. Lost Journal 3/ Day?? (Last night a massive storm...)

23. Lost Journal 4/ Day?? (I've lost count of...)

18. Lost Journal 5/ Day 16

16. Lost Journal 6/ Day 1

11. Lost Journal 7/ Day?? (None of us are allowed...)

17. Lost Journal 8/ Day?? (Our food is nearly gone...)

22. Lost Journal 9/ Day 10

1. Notes of the Fallen 1

2. Notes of the Fallen 2

3. Notes of the Fallen 4

4. Notes of the Fallen 5

5. Notes of the Fallen 3

6. Notes of the Fallen 6

29. Notes of the Fallen 7

10. Notes of the Fallen 8

27. Notes of the Fallen 9

14. Notes of the Fallen 10

15. Notes of the Fallen 11

25. Notes of the Fallen 12

20. Notes of the Fallen 13

28. Notes of the Fallen 14

19. Notes of the Fallen 15

24. Notes of the Fallen 16

13. Notes of the Fallen 17

Locations 1-5

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1. Notes of the Fallen 1

From the starting location at the beginning of the game, swim north through the ocean. Located on an elevated platform.

2. Notes of the Fallen 2

Right at the staring location to the left.

3. Notes of the Fallen 4

Difficult to miss. It sits right in the first cave.

4. Notes of the Fallen 5

In the cave where you receive your first grapling hook.

5. Notes of the Fallen 3


The location for this lore note has slightly changed. So i updated the entry with a screenshot provided by Crys1s. For documentation you will find the previous location for the same lore note below.


Old location

You have to take the passage to the left beyond the abyss. Flying is mandatory. So you need enough stamina and a parachute (both preferably upgraded).

Locations 6-10

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6. Notes of the Fallen 6

On the way to the arena of Satyr.

7. Lost Journal 1/ Day6

Next to the corpse on the right side of the screenshot.

8. Lost Journal 2/ Day3

Inside the hut.

9. Gorm's Letter 1

Outside of the temple down in the water. Next to the flag on the left side.

10. Notes of the Fallen 11

Next to the arena of Devourer on the stone walls to the south west.

Locations 11-15

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11. Lost Journal 7/ Day??

Inside the hut. You might need to destory the crates to see it.

12. Lost Journal 2/ Day??

On the stairs next to the frozen corpse on the right.

13. Notes of the Fallen 17

Behind the tent.

14. Notes of the Fallen 10

At the entrance of the arena of Yeti before you cross the bridge.

15. Notes of the Fallen 11

Infront of the arena of Dreki on the left side behind some rubble.

Locations 16-20

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16. Lost Journal 6/ Day1

This cave is not too big. So you should see the note easily.

17. Lost Journal 8/ Day??

Around the area of these tents.

18. Notes of the Fallen 15

Inside the cave with the breakable wooden floor.

19. Notes of the Fallen 15

From the entrance to the arena of Boar head north. The note is hidden behind some inconspicuous ruins.

20. Notes of the Fallen 13

Inside the cave of Boar during the section with the two weights way down below in the water on the left side.

Locations 21-25

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21. Gorm's Letter 3

22. Lost Journal 9/ Day 10

On this screenshot you see two posts with bearded faces. The note is next to the right one.

23. Notes of the Fallen 16

Not much to say about this one. It just casually lies around on the hillside near a post.

24. Lost Journal 4/ Day??

Number 24 is quite tricky, since it is very high up and on some random slope of the mountain. I would suggest advancing the mountain to the top via the cave with the two vents and gliding downhill with your parachute, since climbing up manually might be very tedious and you might also not see the note properly. The visibility might be disadvantageous, since there will be constant wind and snow at this altitude. Wearing warm clothes is also recommended.

25. Notes of the Fallen 12

At the entrance to the arena of Crogon on the left side by the trees.

Locations 26-31

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26. Gorm's Letter 5

On top of one of the summits, next to the flag shown. In the far distance you can slightly see the outlines and an ignited post of the summit where one piece of the insulated outfit is located.

If you have trouble making out the other mountain, here is some Microsoft Paint art made by me.

27. Notes of the Fallen 9

Inside the hut.

28. Notes of the Fallen 14

On top of the hill there is a puzzle with some statues. The note is at the base of the statue on the right side of the screenshot.

29. Notes of the Fallen 7

When you head outside of the temple jump down into the water and glide to your left side (south). Land on the opposite side of the shore where lore note 9 is located and then head the hill upwards a few paces, next to an obelisk.

30. Gorm's Letter 2

This one is hidden very well, because from the river below you can't see it due to some larger rocks.

31. Gorm's Letter 4

Very well hidden on top of a rocky formation.


Alrighty, good lore hunting, everyone! :)

Special thanks to Tactiic for finding some of the lore notes and for this helpful video, which helped me with the editing of the lore names!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2021234349					

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