Are you wondering how people get so much loot so quickly? How can the pros loot you dry before your teammate can hit them? Are you tired of putting time and effort in your viral video to share with people, only to find the comments full of guys saying that you are a slow looter? Do you want to loot so fast your teammates start to wonder your origin country? Do you want to become rich fast? (In PUBG)
Well, wait no longer since I have the ultimate looting guide ready for you that will teach you the good, the bad, and the ugly of getting the loot ready.
By the end of this, you loot so fast your steam profile will be spammed with Region lock China
If you don't want the theory, move to the practice. ->
What are loot piles? To climb the rank of master looter, one must 1st understand how the loot drops are programmed in this game. An Alternative option if you don't care at all, is to skip this section and move onto the next one.
The loot in PUBG follows a quite simple formula that makes sure that you don't always get the same loot in the same buildings. In other words, if you didn't pray to RNGesus for your loot, you ain't getting some son.
On a more serious note, in PUBG, we have this thing called loot piles. Loot piles are where the loot spawns in a building. Those are the cute little piles where you find your favorite clothing or your kar98K. The developers put all kinds of possible piles into each building. These piles are distributed amongst the buildings. Those buildings again get copy-pasted somewhere else. The same type of buildings will have placed the loot differently. But more on building types later.
What decides which what each pile gets? I can't give an accurate percentage, but every possible item in the game is assigned a specific percentage. With the more rare loot such as scopes and suppressors of course having a smaller number than your pistols. For example, one pile has a 20% chance of spawning a pistol (with ammo of course) and 0.5% chance of spawning an 8x Scope. Only one item will be spawned, and with a little bit of luck, it might as well be that 8 Scope.
The System Behind Loot In PUBG
What are loot piles? To climb the rank of master looter, one must 1st understand how the loot drops are programmed in this game. An Alternative option if you don't care at all, is to skip this section and move onto the next one.
The loot in PUBG follows quite a simple formula that makes sure that you don't always get the same loot in the same buildings. In other words, if you didn't pray to RNGesus for your loot, you ain't getting some son.
On a more serious note, in PUBG, we have this thing called loot piles. Loot piles are where the loot spawns in a building. Those are the cute little piles where you find your favorite clothing or your kar98K. The developers put all kinds of possible piles into each building. These piles are distributed amongst the buildings. Those buildings again get copy-pasted somewhere else. The same type of buildings will have placed the loot differently. But more on building types later.
What decides which what each pile gets? I can't give an accurate, but every possible item in the game is assigned a specific percentage. With the more rare loot such as scopes and suppressors of course having a smaller number than your pistols. For example, one pile has a 20% chance of spawning a pistol (with ammo of course) and 0.5% chance of spawning an 8x Scope. Only one item will be generated, and with a little bit of luck, it might as well be that 8 Scope.
Loot Density
So these wonderful piles with an RNG number are what makes your school experiences as horrible as mine, dropping in the hope of finding a lovely S12K with extended quickdraw mag but instead finding your mouth full of teeth as the only thing you seem to find is a Kar98k. To the best of your ability, you use the skills you never thought you needed from your embarrassing Call Of Duty 720 QuickScoping moments.
The goal of getting geared up as soon as possible (a.k.a. Having all the gear you need) is, of course, to go past as many of these loot piles as possible in the as short amount of time. This is of course not intended if you drop school or Hacienda Del Patron. Should you fancy yourself to have a good amount of loot before fighting so you can get some equal chances, we need to know the best places with the most loot density.
In other words, having the most loot on the smallest space possible.
For the low percentage of people caring about mathematics: Loot Piles / m² = Loot Density
Since I'm too lazy to calculate the m² in the game, I'm personally going to calculate by intuition. Also because most of them are obvious. Luckily for me, in the age of the interwebz, I'm not alone. If you want to know each building directly from the code visit PUBG GG[] .
Doors also slow you down by a second or 2 if you need to open them 1st before entering. It's important to keep in mind that the more loot is behind doors, the slower it gets.
Your Inventory consists of 4 categories. Ordered from left to right they are Proximity items, backpack, Armor/Clothing, and weapons. 3 of them are what you have on yoproximityourse, proxitimity items are what you have near you. Most of them are easily understood on their own if you played the game a few times. There is one thing that was still bothering me before this, and that was the sort of type.
Picking up the best items is something you naturally do and thus give you more room space to put everything in, but it's always nice to know something about beforehand.
What gives you more inventory?
You start out with a whopping 20 capacity, and of course, the aim is to increase that. The more capacity, the more you can hold.
Utility Belt.
Gives you with Free 20 capacity.
Level 1 Backpack 170 Capacity.
Level 2 Backpack 220
Level 3 Backpack 250
Yes, armor gives you more inventory capacity.
Level 1 Armor 50
Level 2 Armor 50
Level 3 Armor 50
Tip: Generally armor and level 2 backpack give you more than enough loot to last a game. A level 3 backpack is always better but isn't required.
Tip: if you have a level 2 backpack and your partner a level 1, it's better to give him the level 3 backpack.
HOW To Loot Efficiently And WHAT To Loot In PUBG : Inventory Management 101
Sort by Type
At any time in the game, you can sort your inventory by the time you had something or by the type of something. While absolutely nobody will sort it by time, it is always, by default, sorted by type. It is never made clear what order this type is meant to be. Wait no further; the answer has finally arrived. While you get a good sense from playing the game over and over, you can also put your incredible brain power on the following list so that you naturally maximize the potential of your looting ability:
The list as follows goes to :
Type: MedKits,
1st Aid Bandage, Painkiller, Energy Drink, Scope, Attachments, Grenades, Armor/BackPack, Ammo, Weapons, Clothing.
Unless you have a photographic memory that can remember exactly what you looted and when combined with everything else, don't sort by time.
How to loot most efficiently
There are three methods of extracting the preciooooouuuus loot to your inventory. Any player who put in some hours already has found these ways, but some are far more effective than other. The following 3 gives us the ability to get that booty:
F (interact key)
Tab: Right-Click
Tab: drag and drop.
So what's the difference between these?
The F key is merely playing a pickup animation and picking up one item. You are 'stuck' in the animation and can pick up again after the animation is finished.
It's an animation; you are stuck.
If you are fast, however, you can pick up two items instead of one.
Tab: Right-Click. It's the same as the one before it. The only difference is that you pick up when in the inventory itself. It behaves and acts in the same way. For that reason, you can use it to pick up two items.
Drag and drop should be your main way of looting. It's the absolute best of the best. It's fast and the most efficient. It simply works by dragging the item and then dropping it back in your inventory. You can loot five items from this method at the same time as the others do 2. For obvious reasons when faced with multiple items, always take this route.
The Triple 2 Method
We all had had the opportunity to loot the most geared player in history when we only had some primary pea shooter and some bandages to heal ourselves. Now, how do you most efficiently loot a body most effectively? How are you lighting fast whereby you can loot and shoot at the same time? Well, how do you do that?
The best way to loot an enemy dry to the bone is to use the Triple two method. When you know, have to loot somebody and find that you have. So when you are a Loot bag.
Right-click on two items you want to pick up. Drag as many items as you can and then right click on two items again. Rinse and repeat until empty. Since you can drag and drop during any movement or animation, it's the fastest way to loot an enemy clean. If you know exactly what you need and how the inventory is sorted by type, you can thoroughly loot a loot bag in a matter of seconds.
Inventory management
Now, to get to the bread and butter. Managing one's inventory. Having your inventory sorted out and looted as quick as possible is what is essential to speed up your game pace. We all remember one of the 1st times we killed an enemy with that sweet, sweet juicy loot that held the amount of 3 airdrops. Our senses get overwhelmed by the visual sensation of PUBG's equivalent of finding the jackpot. Our inventory was already full, but eventually, we took our 5-minute break from the tension and just focused on getting all that loot. Only to be headshotted by a dude with a crossbow who just arrived.
The faster you can loot, the less opportunity you give the enemy around you a way to kill you. The more time you can do to pursue enemies and get intelligence. It's of incredible importance to not be in the looting state half of the game if you want to have that chicken dinner.
Now, at the beginning of the game, there isn't any much to add to the discussion of Inventory management.
What do you need after looting the early game?
The Ideal Combat Equipment (ICE) for the mid-game is considered as the following :
3 First Aids
10 Bandages
1 Painkiller
3 Energy Drink
Level 2 backpack
Armor + Helmet
A secondary for close range engagements
At least one long-range weapon such as an Assault Rifle (AR) or Sniper Rifle (SR) with 150 ammo.
An optic such as a red dot or holographic sight.
Preferably a 4x scope or an 8x scope.
1 Smoke Grenade
2 Frag Grenades
The items listed above is what you need to be decently equipped for a fight into the midgame to late game if possible. It ensures that even if you win a fight and can't loot the bags (or they don't have any), you at least can fall back on some extra stuff that you have left. You have some room to work with. If you are spare and don't spray and pray, you can quickly make the late game. Of course, this shouldn't prohibit you from looting any further, but it's a good guideline for those who want to know how much you NEED.
Tip: Work and play accordingly to the gear that you have, not the equipment that you want.
Helmets and Armors
Our favorite piece of equipment when it comes to taking damage, having the right armor and helmet in the right situation will increase your chances of climbing the ladders. The better the gear, the better the durability and armor reduction.
How is durability calculated?
It is calculated by the base damage x Hit area %. Whatever number pops up from this equation will determine how much durability will go down from your armor.
Let's say you get hit by the AKM in the upper chest with a level 2 vest. A Level 2 vest has the standard durability of 220. A base AK shot in the chest does 49. You are hit in the upper chest area, so it's 110% of the base damage. That means your durability goes down by 53.9. It's rounded off so that means 220-54 and you have 166 durabilities left. Your hp will go down by 29.6. 70 hp left.
If you wanna know what the multiplier is for each area, check the following image.
When to switch helmets/ armors
Level 1 -> Level 2 89+
Level 1 -> Level 3 68+
Level 2 -> Level 3 113+
Level 1 -> Level 2 91+
Level 1 -> Level 2 1+
Level 1 -> Level 3 1+
So for example, if you have a level 1 vest with full durability, you will get more out of a level 3 vest that has anything more than 68+ durability left.
So why should you switch your fully geared level 1 helmet for a one durability level 3 helmet?
You will lose durability each time you get hit. Suprise! You will always receive the damage reduction as long as you have something on you. Even if the base damage is higher than the durability, you will still receive full damage reduction. Since level 1 helmets get destroyed by almost anything that is heavy hitting from one shot, it's wiser to take a level 3 helmet that can still take one shot. In other words, a fully level 2 helmet is worse as 1+ durability level 3 helmet when receiving a headshot from a Kark98K.
Only switch to level 3 when you are obviously against Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles.
Armor takes the base damage but grants full damage reduction when you are 1+ hp.
Since armor is most likely going to take you multiple shots. The best thing to have is the most durability. More durability = More damage reduction. A general rule of thumb is if you have half the durability, you can switch.
Half HP armor? The lower one is Gucci.
Looting Body bags
The best loot isn't found in airdrops or for that matter in buildings. It's from the cold dead bodies of your enemies. Early game, you will not see the same yield for looting these lovely wooden crates but late game oh boi. I've had it more than once where my opponents were unable to calculate the zone. We were just waiting at the edge of the blue circle, and we finished their one hp after they entered the zone. Giving us free loot. It's always nice when your Amazon Prime delivery.
Knowing where to drop and what your priorities are, are essential for you to be able to get the most loot possible uncontended. At all times, we aim for the places where the most loot piles are in the smallest space without annoying doors or corridors that aren't contested too much. This part will focus more on WHERE of the looting.
The opportunity for meeting your fellow game colleagues just passed and the timer stops. For a moment, time seems to freeze. The only thing you see moving is the green bubbles that make the sound. Everybody gets dropped in the same old rusty plane. You hear all kinds of graphic noises from your fellow adventurers. People are arguing, and horrible music is playing. Things you wish you didn't understand. Outdated memes are piercing your ear drums and then... that hateful soundtrack. The soundtrack that is so engraved into the inside of your skull, that the mere though of it will send you into a blind rage. It only plays for a mere second, but the rage is already building up. Your brain is losing it.
You just got Rick Rolled.
Then you realize, that you can press Ctrl + T to mute the voice chat.
Simply put every game starts with everybody in the plane. Well, you can count the lobby in but nothing much to be said there if you are like me and mute your sound. You fly over the map in a random direction from point A to point B. The question is where do you drop? A good question indeed. It all depends on the map and circumstances, but as a general thought, when I want my ICE, I go for better loot spots than school. My process for deciding where to drop is based on the following criteria, found through the following questions. :
How big is the squad?
How far are you possible from the circle?
What is the plane path?Tip: Before starting your hoarder behavior, always check the surrounding area for possible vehicles. You'll thank me later.
How big is the squad?
While this may seem trivial, the size of the squad will determine what you need. If you are a solo player, you have a lot more options regarding freedom where to go. You can take any vehicle and be fine. Players are more spread out, but without a careful attitude, you can spot them. A full four-man squad is a little bit more of a logistical nightmare. If you want to make it out alive with four people early game.
What is the plane path?
So it's not the easiest thing to do when you are just starting out but the more experience you have, the faster it goes. What now may take the whole plain path, through repetition and practice will only take a mere amount of seconds. I've done it a few times as soon as I saw the plane. Sometimes, the game makes it a little harder. Once decided you can go drop in.
Calculating the shortest parachute path.
You can still fly some distance, but your starting inches are what matters. So that way, we need to have a straight route towards the place we want to go to. Not from an angle but STRAIGHT.
To know this, put your marker straight on the spot you want to drop. Then put one of the wings in the middle of the screen. After that, wait for the moment whereby your marker on the compass is aligned with the wing of the plain.
[Add Pictures.]
This will ensure you have the least distance to travel and the highest chance to make it.
For parachuting, there are 2 ways of dropping in populated areas. Two that guarantee you the most success. It's either super fast or super slow. In between, gives you a mix of speed and information. It can be right, but that might mean making last-minute decisions which can filter your logic. Personally, I always like to drop to get some weapons since I'm not the luckiest person out there. It is out of this personal frustration that I researched the topic at hand.
Nose Dive.
Making sure that you hit the highest fall speed possible before you chute which is 234 km/h. And just go full speed ahead towards the down area. Your parachute will automatically deploy, and because of the speed, your chute will be deployed lower than if you were at a normal speed. Then you can just push the forward key with full force, and you should be able to reach the ground as the 1st one there.
Slow Flight.
Slow Flight isn't as good for the fighting pits such as school and military. Whereby the loot you need is extremely fast and usually divided. Dropping in super late allows you to have a Bird's Eye View of where everybody drops and where they start. It's ideal for bigger cities where you can find the edges of it.
Tip: When dropping in cities and if you don't feel confident in headshoting five people in a row. Drop the edges, so your vulnerable angles are lower. It's a lot easier only to have to worry about one side.
If you are mixed in a little bit at a speed of let's say 174 km/h together with all the rest, what's the best way to not drop with three others guys at the same building? Well, assuming it's cities. Aim for the center point of the town so that when your chute, you are hovering around in the middle and you should be able to see a lot of people drop down. Should your original plan not be able to be as succesful then
Building Types : Which Buildings Should You Prioritize?
We all want the most and the best loot the fastest. It's programmed into the grave and ancient neurological structure within the fortress that we call our brain. Our domination over our enemies is something that we all aspire in each chicken dinner that we go on to hunt. To accomplish that we need, of course, loot. Getting the best loot is all that matters. Whenever I land in a city, I always aim for specific building types located firmly next to each other. As getting the best of the best buildings with the most loot piles will increase your chances of getting loot. The more loot piles or spawn points you encounter, the more the chance you have that you get better loot. While if you want, you can fast drop school and military base each game, they will not promise you the most loot. If you have to share all the loot with 20 other players, it's not going to yield you with maximum profitability. I've had many encounters in the Military base where I eventually won the hunger games, only to find myself racing to the circle without a lot of medicals.
Some buildings have more than others. Some you need to walk less. And some you have to share with half the server. From my personal experience, here are all the building types in the game sorted by tiers. From best to worst. You should always aim for the better building types if you can do it without risking your position. These are the following buildings.
Building Types Erangel : Which Buildings Should You Loot?
Building Types Erangel :
God Tier
Codename "Sixes": My absolute favorite buildings on Erangel. A few of these give you so much variation of loot and a little bit of luck; you have full gear from 2 of these.
The big buildings often have loot but they just take so daaaaaaamn long. (ALL CAPS)
And Of course, it's roofed variant.
If you are looking for a good fight while you loot a little bit, school, military, or the Georgopol Shipyard are the places to go. Don't expect a full bag as everybody will have used everything by the 5-minute mark.
Warehouses: Holds a few items and has a high weapon %. Usually contested.
Note: One of these is located outside the high population area. Some people go there to prepare for Military Base.
E-Tier : Walkthourgh.
No Idea who designs buildings like this one.
Small but effective :
Useful To Bunker In but useless to loot.
Oh, boi. Words cannot describe my hatred for these buildings. So yes, I'm biased. I only do them when I have to. These are such a pain with low sensitivity. The loot isn't the greatest and people spot you so quickly from this one. It has become better since the removal of the iron bars, but I would still recommend going for anything else if you have the chance.
Building Types Mirammar (Desert Map) : Which Buildings Should You Loot?
Miramar is a lot more balanced regarding good and inadequate buildings, so the differences are not as high.
God Tier
The Pitt.
My Favorite. Almost nobody ever goes there. The only danger is if somebody can spot you from a height. The Roof Variant seems to hold a little less but insane loot nonetheless.
1. Good loot 2. little obstacles 3. Easily, found on the Map. Often seperate.
These often hold a little less loot but still good enough. These buildings have corridors, doors or a slow layout. But they usually have other benefits regarding the High Ground or cover.
Hallelujah, Holy loot in a Holy place. There is the incredible amount of loot to be found here the only problem is, you need to share it more often than not. The amount of loot divided by enemies is the result of this. If you are less good in combat, AVOID. You can always come with the Clean-Up Crew. If you were to get these bad boys alone, do it.
Luchador Arena :
Casino :
While still having good loot, their layout is usually not optimal, or it has a lot of doors open holes. These buildings make you vulnerable or take a little bit longer for what they have. While good when nobody around, PUBG is a game where you are almost never alone.
E-Tier : WalkThrough Buildings
Definitely, not the best but they might give you a lucky item which you are searching for a long time. Think of shacks or small houses. These buildings are good because you can just walk through them straight and loot them dry. They have little, but they don't take much.
Not saying you have to skip these but if you have a choice, aim for something better. These buildings are usually a mix of little piles, hard to navigate, and not a great position to be in. If I have a whole city for myself, I usually skip these entirely.
Note: the one below can serve you well in some sections of the map but just not for looting.
Building Types Sanhok
There isn't really much to add like the previous ones. Loot is plentiful and abundant. Simply by doing one or 2 buildings on your own, you should be able to be geared enough ready to fight. There are also less shotguns & smg's compared to other maps so fights should feel a lot more fair than normal. I've noticed that pistols are quite the rarity on this one and thus it should be easy to get somewhat of a loot even without getting ham.
Best Places To Drop
These are the best spots to drop if you want to get some sweet and juicy loot for four people. Combine that with being able efficiently to loot fast. You can pluck the city empty.
Top 5 Places to get the most efficient looting done in Erangel :
1. Georgopol South
2. Yasnaya Polyana
3. Novo
4. Pochininki
5. Primorisk
Top 5 Places to get the most efficient looting done in Miramar :
1. El Pozo 2. Al Azahar 3. Los Leones 4. San Martin 5. Valle Del Mar
1. El Pozo
2. Al Azahar
3. Los Leones
4. San Martin
5. Valle Del Mar
Top 5 For Sanhok :
1. Pai Nan
2. Paradise Resort
3. Ha Tinh
4. Sahmee
5. Kampong
Georgepol Sixes (add picture)
The greatest of the greatest of all looting spot. It's not as much contended as other areas, and if you do these buildings with two people, with a little bit of luck, you are both fully geared to be ICE and ready to fight.
Tips And Tricks
Tips & Tricks
Armor and a level 2 backpack give you more than enough loot to last a game. A level 3 backpack is always better but isn't required.
If you are fast, you can just run and tab drag to loot, picking it up without stopping movement.
if you have a level 2 backpack and your partner a level 1, it's better to give him the level 3 backpack.
Single item? Run over and press F right before you go over it. Too late and you will not pick it up.
Open a door while running towards another loot pile. When you done, you can go back to an open door. It may seem trivial and small but every second counts.
Smoke grenades weight more than First Aids.
5 Bandages > 1 First aid in terms of weight. So if you have a lot of bandages and need to pick up a first aid, drop 5 bandages.
Late Game, only loot if you need.
Keep a pistol to store a red dot. All pistols are able to attach a red dot with the exception of the R18 and the Sawed-Off Shotgun.
When dropping in cities and if you don't feel confident in headshoting 5 people in a row. Drop the edges so your vunerable angles are lower. It's a lot easier to only have to worry about the front.
Before starting your hoarder behavior, always check the surrounding area for possible vechiles. You'll thank me later.
Before starting your hoarder behavior, always check the surrounding area for possible vechiles. You'll thank me later.
Half durability on armor? Lower one is gucci.
Only switch to level 3 helmet with +1 durability when you are obviously against Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles.
Work and play accordingly to the gear that you have, not the gear that you want.
In-Depth PUBG MAP[] :
Plane Path[] : Super Simple Website where you draw the line that indicates the plane path and where people are most likely to go. Also has circle timer + damage. Not updated as much and only support Erangel. : DISCONTINUED
Unofficial PUBG Interactive Maps[] : Shows spawn location, vehicle spawns and elevation. Supports Both Maps.
ShatterNL's PUBG Map v0.8[] : Excellent map from ShatterNL if you want to print it and put it next to you, this is the map for you. If you want to get the miramar edition, go to ShatterNL's Steam Guide
Who Am I?
My gamertag is Whelsko and I love to play games. I'm also a big believer in learning and being efficient hence why I'm making this lovely guide about looting in PUBG.
PUBG is one of the games that took waaay too much of my time that it should have. It's a game that includes everything from small talk bonding moments to epic thrills that make your hearth come alive. This is exactly what makes it appealing for me to play. You can follow my adventures on Whelsko's Youtube Channel.
Don't hesitate to ask me anything should you wish!
I'm available on all of the following Social Media Channels HERE :
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● Youtube :
Thanks For Reading
- All Guilds
- How the game was created.
- How the game was created.
- PUBG: Battlegrounds
- >:(
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- PUBG Recoil Guide 2017-3017