Combat Tips and Strategies

Staying Aware Of Surroundings

Always stay aware of your surroundings, using headphones to detect enemy footsteps and gunfire. Engage in combat only when you have a strategic advantage, such as higher ground or cover. Use the environment to your advantage; trees, rocks, and buildings provide cover and concealment. Continuously scan your surroundings and listen for audio cues that indicate enemy presence. Maintain a high level of situational awareness to avoid ambushes and gain the upper hand in engagements.

Aiming And Shooting Techniques

Practice aiming and shooting in short bursts to maintain accuracy. Fully automatic fire can be effective at close range but is less accurate at longer distances. Use single shots or short bursts for mid to long-range targets. Attach scopes and sights to your weapons to improve your aim. Master the use of different weapon types and their recoil patterns to become a more effective shooter. Spend time in the training mode to practice and refine your shooting skills

Using Grenades And Throwables

Grenades and other throwables can be game-changers in combat. Use frag grenades to damage or kill enemies hiding behind cover. Smoke grenades provide cover for reviving teammates or retreating from dangerous situations. Stun grenades can disorient opponents, giving you an opportunity to attack. Molotov cocktails can block enemy paths or flush them out of cover. Learn to use each type of throwable effectively to gain an advantage in combat.

Healing And Repositioning

Heal after fights and reposition to avoid being predictable. Use first aid kits, bandages, and energy drinks to restore health and boost your performance. Move to new cover locations to avoid enemy counter-attacks. Keep an eye on the shrinking play zone and always be ready to move to the next safe area. Healing in safe locations and repositioning frequently can make you a harder target to hit and increase your chances of survival.
