How to play PUBG for a beginner

How to play PUBG for a beginner

Choose A Good Location For The Jump

Survival in PUBG depends greatly on the location where you land after disembarking from the plane. Every location on the map has its pros and cons. For example, military bases or shooting ranges have a lot of military equipment, weapons, and ammunition, but at the same time, there will be a lot of opponents eager to win from the very beginning.

If you are just starting to play PUBG, it is better to choose quieter places for landing at first, where you can calmly collect equipment and no one will bother you. However, if you are already accustomed to shooting or if your goal is to earn some money for cases, then a great solution would be to land in large settlements: there will be a lot of players there at once.

One of the best strategies for choosing a landing site is to open your parachute immediately after jumping from the plane and stay as close to the center of the map as possible. As soon as the zone loads, you can quickly determine the best landing point. With this strategy, you will already be inside or near the circle and will be able to understand how the area will narrow.

Avoid Shootouts

In the first minutes of the game, avoid battles at all costs. If you want to hold out as long as possible, then try to act stealthily from the start, think through your strategy thoroughly and plan your actions several steps ahead.

Don't forget about your surroundings: listen to footsteps, traffic noise and gunfire. If you hear something dangerous, it's better to move in the opposite direction from the threat and continue collecting equipment until you are ready to engage in combat.

Try To Collect Items Faster

Weapons and equipment can be anywhere: on tables, on the floor, on the ground, and on other objects. To collect them faster, press the [Tab] key: a list of objects around you will appear. To collect them, you will simply need to right-click on the ones you need. This way, you can speed up the process without having to pick up each item separately.

But if you are going to pick up things from a dead enemy, it is better to do it from a prone position: this way, the chance that someone will notice you will be much lower.

Watch Out For Red Zones

The red zone indicates an area that will soon be bombed. When you are focused on finding enemies or equipment, there is a chance that you will simply not pay attention to the warning about upcoming explosions. If you still find yourself in a bombing zone and there is no way to quickly leave it, hide in the nearest building.

Disguise Yourself

Tall grass or thick bushes are sometimes more effective than a couple of trees as cover: by moving in it, you can hide from pursuit or ambush the enemy.

Try to equip your character with the most inconspicuous equipment: your red cap or bright jacket will instantly give away your location.

Use Energy Drinks, Painkillers And Adrenaline

При использовании энергетика или аптечки можно заметить особую шкалу над очками здоровья. Она делится на четыре стадии. Первые две — это восстановление здоровья: сначала медленное, потом ускоренное. Третья — увеличение вашей скорости бега, а четвертая — улучшение прицеливания. Поэтому можно (и даже нужно) использовать эти предметы как можно чаще.

Do Not Use Transport Unless Necessary

There are many types of transport in PUBG, which can often help out (for example, if you need to quickly get out of a dangerous area). But if you are not in a hurry, it is better to move on foot: the noise of the engine will quickly give away your location, and opponents can try to get rid of you by shooting at your car.

Last Piece Of Advice

Decide on your goal before the game starts: do you want to kill a couple of enemies to get some currency, or do you want to be in the top ten? If you choose the first option, don’t be afraid to open your position to your opponents and engage in combat. But in order to hold out until the very end, you should be careful. In this case, a more effective strategy is to get to the center of the game zone as early as possible and remain unnoticed for as long as possible.

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