How I Found Out What The Objective Best Girl Is With This One Simple Trick

How I Found Out What The Objective Best Girl Is With This One Simple Trick


The Persona Series is known for many things; well crafted stories, the visual novel and dungeon crawling gameplay, the various demons/personas, and having ties to the Shin Megami Tensei franchise. But more importantly, Persona is most well known for the characters within the stories, more specifically, the various girls that have varying personalities and quirks about them, that will appeal to one person, and not another one usually. Of course in a fanbase around waifus for a particular series, video games or anime (In this case both), people will preach that their waifu is the best, or that this other is objectively the best girl, yadayadayada. But don't worry fellow weebs. With this simple trick I've been using for years at this point, I've come here to tell you what the objective best girl is in this Shin Megami Tensei spinoff series. Keep in mind that this trick doesn't specifically work only for Persona, you can use this trick for any of your favourite series, or if you wanna serve time into the eternal waifu wars on Reddit/Twitter, any social media where you find it. Without further ado, let's get into what this trick is.

The Trick

Now again, I only include this section if you wanna try this yourself. If you do this method to find the best waifu for Persona, you'll get the exact same answer I got.

The trick itself is actually very easy, however some people may find some difficulty if they have not been exposed to sunlight for a good amount of time. Why sunlight? Well because this method requires you to go outside, either in your backyard or frontyard. Now what is something that every yard has? That's right, grass! The next step requires that you touch the grass. And by doing this, this will teach you the meaning of life and will grant you infinite IQ to help you find your answer. You can also touch trees, flowers, any other form of plant you may find in the infinite world. If it's snowy and all the plants are dead or in hibernation, touching snow can also work too, but this may have lesser effects on you.

Conclusion And Answer

Well, that was easy wasn't it? And if you tried this, you have successfully found your answer. If you didn't, well here's a spoiler warning because I am about to reveal the answer.

The objective best waifu in the entire persona series is....There is none, the objective best waifu is whoever it is you like better. We all have varying tastes and not every girl is gonna appeal to absolutely everyone. All that matters is who appeals to you; The Individual. So why should there be a waifu that appeals to absolutely everyone? Don't let others form your opinion, the only person that has any right to do that is you! Because you are awesome!

Final Remarks

How I Found Out What The Objective Best Girl Is With This One Simple Trick image 9

Well, this was fun to make. It's my first time doing something like this so it won't bug me if you didn't like this stupid crappost of a guide, to a spinoff of one of my favourite games of all time. Also if you wanna know who my favourite Persona waifu is, well she's in the thumbnai(?) of this guide, Futaba Sakura. I absolutely love my little cinnamon roll <3.


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