how to find niko666.exe in oneshot (SCARY)

how to find niko666.exe in oneshot (SCARY)

Thre Glen

how to find niko666.exe in oneshot (SCARY) image 1

go to gen and click the sheet 666 times, a demon niko will spawn and it will give you the niko666.exe item

use the red arrows if you are confused on where it is

Apartment Ruomba

how to find niko666.exe in oneshot (SCARY) image 5

if yiur on the roomba, go to the computer and click the nikoexe.666 item, make sure its 3am so it works!!!

look at the red arrows if you need help

Jumpscare (warning: Very Scary)

how to find niko666.exe in oneshot (SCARY) image 9

then you get jumscared and sent to the hyper realistic blood room

The Final Enoucnert

how to find niko666.exe in oneshot (SCARY) image 12
how to find niko666.exe in oneshot (SCARY) image 13

walk into the evil niko, they will say "hahahaha i am evil 666 . exe and i will hack you, you're game will get crashed and you will wake up with niko plush with ripped out eyes and hyper blood on your bed!!


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