Who's a good Sun? Niko is a good Sun!(Not a son)

Who's a good Sun? Niko is a good Sun!(Not a son)

And How?

I think you really want Niko to become a real Sun.

To do this, you need to replace the Graphics folder from the game with the Graphics folder from the zip, the link to which is in the section below.

Here is the path to this folder: Steam Library ---> OneShot ---> Gear (to the right of achievements) ---> Properties ---> Game files

Link To Google.Disk

To download the zip file, you need to open the video and go to the description.

There will be a link to Google Drive. Completely and absolutely without viruses 😉


Zavershenie Bly@t

Who's a good Sun? Niko is a good Sun!(Not a son) image 9

I won’t show you in advance what awaits you when you change files, because it’s not interesting

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3182739441					

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