A chart showing maximum plug-in chip sizes for fusing, and quickrefs for discarding chips that are too big to fuse into the higher-tier diamond chips.
Sennzai's guide and various Reddit posts contain the necessary information for optimal fusing, but I had difficulty internalizing the rounding and incrementing rules so I drew out the dependency graph on paper. It made fusing and inventory management a lot easier for me, so here's a digital version that I hope others will find useful.
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The chart uses the following notation to represent chip tiers (fusion level) and chip sizes (the number of slots they occupy):
The diamond indicates that it is the smallest chip for that tier (takes up the least number of slots).
The arrows from each fusion point to the number of slots produced in the resulting chip in the next tier.
Discarding Chips
When you first start the game, plug-in chips will be in short supply and you'll equip many non-diamond chips. But as you progress and start accumulating many tiers and sizes of the same type of chip, you'll want to sell or destroy chips to avoid filling up your inventory -- you can carry a maximum of 200 chips total.
The "too big for" lists are a quick reference for knowing whether or not a chip size is too big to be used in the creation of a higher-tier diamond chip.
For example, if your goal is to create a diamond "Critical Up +8" chip, you can discard all "Critical Up" (+0), "Critical Up +1", and "Critical Up +2" chips 10 slots or bigger, all "Critical Up +3" chips 11 slots or bigger, all "Critical Up +4" chips 12 slots or bigger, and so on.
Some chips aren't worth upgrading to the highest tiers because their benefits don't scale favorably with chip size, like "Drop Rate Up +8" (21 slots, 90% increased droprate) -- if you want a chip set with the maximum benefit, you can equip a "Drop Rate Up +3" and "Drop Rate Up +4" chip to have that in 16 slots. So I've included a quickref for chip sizes that are too big for making diamond +4 and +5.
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