Achievements: (47)
Story Related: (16)Achievement Breakdown: (47)
1. The Book of Legend: Grimoire Weiss joined your party.
2. The Wild Companion: Kainé joined your party.
3. The Magic Man: You learned every type of Magic.
4. The Mellow Companion: Emil joined your party.
5. Release: You freed Kainé from her petrification.
6. Key Collector: You completed the key to the Shadowlord's castle.
7. A World In Flux: You defeated the Shadowlord.
8. Call Her Back: You viewed the first Ending (Ending A).
9. Lingering Memories: You viewed the second Ending (Ending B).
10. Gratitude: You gave Louise's letter to the Postman.
11. Educated Warrior: You read all 3 Novel Segments about your friends' pasts.
12. Thank You: You viewed the third Ending (Ending C).
13. Something Very Special: You viewed the fourth Ending (Ending D).
14. e8a898e686b6e382b5e383bce38390e383bc: You viewed the final Ending (Ending E).
15. Lightspeed Fighter: You completed the game within 15 hours.
16. The Final Verse: Congratulations! Thank you for playing!
1. King of the Lost Shrine: You defeated Gretel within 3:20 minutes.
2. A True Friend: You stopped the berserk Kainé within 1:00 minute.
3. Boss of the Junk Heap: You defeated P-33 within 4:30 minutes.
4. The Little Mermaid: You defeated Louise within 5:00 minutes.
5. Scourge of the Aerie: You defeated Wendy within 8:30 minutes.
6. Protector of Façade: You defeated Roc within 3:30 minutes.
7. Permission Granted: You drove off Devola & Popola within 3:00 minutes.
8. A Dirge For the Hero: You defeated Goose within 2:00 minutes.
9. Soul Crusher: You defeated Devola & Popola within 3:30 minutes.
10. Book Burner: You defeated Grimoire Noir within 1:30 minutes.
11. The Once & Final King: You defeated the Shadowlord within 4:20 minutes.
12. The Strongest Bond: You defeated the berserk Kainé within 3:30 minutes.
1. Village Handyman: You completed 10 Side Quests.
2. Jack of All Trades: You completed 20 Side Quests.
3. Go to Guy: You completed 30 Side Quests.
4. Dear Diary: You completed the Recycled World Quest.
1. Material Hunter: You collected 50 types of raw Materials.
2. Fish of Legend: You caught a Rhizodont.
3. A Round By the Pond: You caught one of every type of Fish.
4. Legendary Gardener: You successfully cultivated the Legendary Flower.
5. Wordsmith: You collected 60/120 Words.
6. Weapons Collector: You found all 33 Weapons in the Base Game.
7. Upgrade Apprentice: You upgraded 5/38 Weapons to their maximum level.
8. Reform Specialist: You upgraded 15/38 Weapons to their maximum level.
9. Forging Master: You upgraded 33/38 Weapons to their maximum level.
10. Man of Means: You accumulated 1,000,000 pieces of Gold at one time.
1. Combo Fanatic: You pulled off a 50-hit Combo.
2. Combo Master: You pulled off a 100-hit Combo.
3. The Sheep Whisperer: You killed 100 Sheep.
1. All Aboared!: You rode a Boar for at least 5:00 minutes in one sitting.
2. Daredevil: You risked life & limb 10 times to discover someone's secret.
Side Quests - Route A1: (36)
The Village (18):Seafront (13):Facade (5):If a Side Quest is not present, beat further into the Main Questline to unlock it. Note these Side Quests are all missable if they are not completed in Route A1!
1. Book Smarts: The first available Side Quest collected at the Library after collecting Grimoire Weiss at the Lost Shrine. It is given to us by a Villager on the top floor; reward 500 Gold.
2. Herbal Remedies: Collected from Popola in the Library; reward 500 Gold.
3. The Gatekeeper's Errand: Collected from a Guard on the right side of the gate to the Northern Plains; reward 500 Gold.
4. Fragile Delivery 1: Collected from a Guard on the left side of the gate to the Northern Plains; reward 1250 Gold.
5. Boar Hunt: Collected from an old man sitting on a crate when you enter the Village square; reward 1000 Gold & the Boar Tusk.
6. The Lost Eggs: Collected from the Item Shopkeeper; nothing of note.
7. Old Fashioned Home Cooking: Collected from Villager across from Item Shopkeeper sitting on a bench near a fountain; reward 1500 Gold & becomes a Repeatable Quest.
8. Shopping List: Collected from the Florist; reward 500 Gold & unlocks the first row in our Garden.
9. A Return to Shopping: Complete Side Quest – Shopping List to receive a second Quest from the Florist; reward 2000 Gold & unlocks our full Garden.
10. The Tavern Keeper's Grandmother: Collected from the Tavern Keeper at the local Tavern; reward 2000 Gold.
11. On the Wings of Eagles: Complete Side Quest – The Tavern Keeper’s Grandmother to receive a second Quest from the Tavern Keeper; reward 2000 Gold. Requires an Eagle Egg to complete; guaranteed Eagle Egg found at the Aerie is potentially better used for Weapon Upgrades due to how hard they are to obtain naturally. You may decide not to finish this Quest…
12. A Dog Astray: Collected from a Resident near the Southern Village gates after we visit Seafront for the first time; reward 1000 Gold.
13. The Ballad of the Twins: Collected from a Resident or Devola from the Tavern after we visit Seafront for the first time; there is no reward for finishing the Quest.
14. Yonah's Cooking: Collected from a Yonah from after we visit Seafront for the first time; there is no reward for completing this Quest.
15. Fragile Delivery 2: Complete Side Quest – Fragile Delivery 1 & go to Seafront for the first time to unlock this Quest from an elderly man sitting by the fountain in town; reward 1500 Gold.
16. Yonah’s Gift: Collected from Yonah after defending the Aerie from Hook. Requires one Melon bought at 1200 Gold, one Watermelon bought at 800 Gold, & a Pumpkin at 500 Gold; there is no reward.
17. Fragile Delivery 3: Complete Side Quest – Fragile Delivery 2 & rescuing the Prince in Façade to unlock this Quest from a Guard at the Eastern Gate; 2800 Gold reward.
18. The Runaway Son: Collected from an old man near the Southern Gate after rescuing the Prince in Façade; reward… nothing!
1. The Fisherman's Gambit Part 1: After catching a Shaman Fish, speak with the old man on the pier for this Side Quest.
2. The Fisherman's Gambit Part 2: Complete the previous Side Quest to unlock the next Part.
3. The Fisherman's Gambit Part 3: Complete the previous Side Quest to unlock the next Part.
4. The Fisherman's Gambit Part 4: Complete the previous Side Quest to unlock the next Part.
5. The Fisherman's Gambit Part 5: Complete the previous Side Quest to unlock the next Part.
6. A Signature Dish: Collected from the Tavern Keeper in the Tavern; reward 5000 Gold with potentially 5000 Gold needed to be spent for 10 Wheat.
7. Bon Appetit: Complete Side Quest – A Signature Dish to receive a second Quest from the Tavern Keeper; completing this Quest unlocks another one in Route A2-D2. Reward 5000 Gold.
8. The New Merchant In Town: Collected from a Resident found on a docked ship at the East side of Seafront; completing this Quest unlocks another one in Route A2-D2. Reward 10,000 Gold with 3500 Gold potentially needing to be spent for 5 Natural Rubber.
9. The Postman's Request: Speak with Devola in the Village Tavern to mark this Side Quest, then receive the Quest in full from the Postman at the Post Office in Seafront; reward 1000 Gold.
10. The Lighthouse Lady's Wrath: Complete Side Quest – The Postman’s Request & go see Devola in the Village Tavern to mark this Quest then receive it in full from the Postman; reward 1000 Gold.
11. Closure: Complete Side Quest – The Lighthouse Lady’s Wrath & go see Devola in the Village Tavern to mark this Quest then receive it in full from the Postman; there is no reward.
12. Letter to A Lover: Collected from a man wandering around near the fountain at the Eastern end of town after we defeat Hook in the Aerie; completing this Quest unlocks another one in Route A2-D2. Reward 3000 Gold.
13. The Pride of A Lover: Collected from a Resident below where the lighthouse is after we rescue the Prince in Façade; leave Seafront & re-enter 3 times to speak with the Resident to receive the Quest in full. 30,000 Gold reward!
1. The Littlest Hero: Collected from the Blacksmith after going to the Village than returning to Façade after the Prince has been rescued; 10,000 Gold reward.
2. Apology From A Fool: Collected from the Strange-Thing Shopkeeper; farm 10 Wolf Hides for 20,000 Gold.
3. The Missing Girl: Collected from a Resident just North up some stairs from the Strange-Thing Shopkeeper; 10,000 Gold Reward.
4. Item Unknown: Collected from a Resident near the King’s Palace; she wants 10 Watermelons bought for 800 Gold a piece (8000 Gold) for a 3000 Gold reward.
5. The Tangled Message: Collected from a Masked Soldier on the central tower in the middle of the city; 10,000 Gold reward.
Side Quests - Routes A2-D2: (35)
The Village (10):Seafront (14):Facade (7):Emil’s Mansion (2):Junk Heap (1):The Forest Of Myth (1):Route B2-D2 - Northern Plains (1):1. Contract For A Contractor: Collected from a Villager wandering around in the field outside town near the pigs; reward 30,000 Gold.
2. Thieves In Training: Collected from the Item Shopkeeper; reward 3000 Gold.
3. The Creaky Waterwheel: Collected from the Item Shopkeeper’s wife… I think she is at least; reward 10,000 Gold. Will require 10 Iron Ore & 10 Logs to complete.
4. The Damaged Map: Collected from the Blacksmith; reward is a Weapon – Labyrinth Shout. This is a mandatory Side Quest we need to complete.
5. The Faded Fountain: Collected from a Guard standing by the Village fountain after completing Side Quest – The Creaky Waterwheel; reward 20,000 Gold.
6. A Child's Final Chance: Collected from the Grocer after obtaining The Lost Shrine Fragment; reward 10,000 Gold.
7. The Promised Gift: Collected from the Red Bag Man after obtaining the Lost Shrine Fragment; reward 3000 Gold. Must be done 3/5 Fragments are collected.
8. A Bridge In Peril: Collected from a Guard wandering around near the Northern gate after obtaining the Lost Shrine Fragment; reward 30,000 Gold as well as the Weapon – Labyrinth’s Whisper. This is a mandatory Side Quest we need to complete.
9. The Despicable Man: Collected from a woman across from the Blacksmith after obtaining the Junk Heap Fragment; reward 15,000 Gold.
10. Search For the Shade: Collected from a Guard near the Southern gate after obtaining the Aerie Fragment; reward 5000 Gold.
1. The Scattered Cargo: Collected from a Resident woman near the fountain on the East side of town; reward 20,000 Gold & a Seafront discount at the Item Shop if turned in to the woman… or 50,000 Gold if turned in to the Seafront Guards. Strongly recommend completing this Quest & turning the Cargo in to the authorities…
2. The Strange Fate of the Jewel: Collected from a Resident woman near the docks at the Eastern end of Seafront; reward 10,000 Gold if delivered or sold, or no reward if the Jewel is buried.
3. Staying Afloat: Collected from a Resident man directly in front of some ported fishing boats at the Eastern docks. Requires 5 Logs, 20 Dented Metal Boards, & 10 Stripped Bolts; reward 20,000 Gold.
4. The Masterless Lighthouse: Collected from a Resident man standing outside the lighthouse. Requires 10 Broken Lenses, 10 Broken Batteries, & 10 Mysterious Switches; reward 30,000 Gold.
5. The Fisherman's Gambit Part 6: If you completed Part 5, you can now collect the new set of Fishing Quests.
6. The Fisherman's Gambit Part 7: Complete the previous Side Quest to unlock the next Part.
7. The Fisherman's Gambit Part 8: Complete the previous Side Quest to unlock the next Part.
8. The Fisherman's Final Gambit: Complete the previous Side Quest to unlock the next Part.
9. Master of the Southern Plains: Collected from the Postman at the Post Office; reward 30,000 Gold.
10. The Great Tree: Can be unlocked from Devola in the Village after obtaining the Lost Shrine Fragment & then picked up from an old man next to the Item Shop; reward 20,000 Gold.
11. Learning A Trade: If you completed Side Quest – The New Merchant In Town in Route A1, we can collect this Quest from the man on his ship after defeating Lousie in Seafront; reward 20,000 Gold.
12. A Memorable Knife: Collected from the Tavern Keeper after obtaining the Junk Heap Fragment; reward 20,000 Gold.
13. Bon Appetit 2: Can be received from the Tavern Keeper if you completed Side Quest – A Memorable Knife & Side Quest – Bon Appetit in Route A1; reward 20,000 Gold.
14. Freesia: If you completed Side Quest – Letter to a Lover in Route A1, we can collect this Quest from the Resident above the Blacksmith after obtaining the Aerie Fragment; reward 10,000 Gold.
1. Life In the Sands: Collected from a Masked Person in front of the Mailbox when you enter Façade; reward 10,000 Gold. Obtaining 10 Pink Moonflower Seeds is grind you will complete while trying to complete the Legendary Gardener Achievement; I recommend skipping this Side Quest until you are ready to grow the White Moonflower...
2. The King's Mask: Collected from a Masked Soldier to the right of the doors to the King’s Mansion; reward 10,000 Gold.
3. Nightmares In Dust: Collected from a Masked Guard found to the left of the Façade Gates after defeating Roc; reward 20,000 Gold.
4. A City Reborn: Collected from a Masked Guard standing to the left of the King’s Mansion after defeating Roc; reward 50,000 Gold.
5. A Shade Entombed: Collected from a Masked Guard found to the right of the Façade Gates after defeating Roc; reward 20,000 Gold.
6. Disturbing the Sleep of Kings: Complete Side Quest – A Shade Entombed, & we can receive this next Quest from the King outside his Mansion on the balcony; reward Weapon – Labyrinth’s Song. This is a mandatory Side Quest.
7. Shadows of the Desert: Obtained from a strange Masked Person found at the top of the stairs from the Desert Ferry after obtaining the Aerie Fragment; reward 30,000 Gold.
1. A Tale of Study: Collected from the Butler inside the Mansion entrance after obtaining the Lost Shrine Fragment; reward 15,000 Gold.
2. Research Project: Complete the previous Side Quest then leave & re-enter the Mansion to obtain this one from the Butler as well; there are no rewards for completing this Side Quest.
1. The Shade Army: Collected from Gideon at Two Brother’s Weaponry after obtaining the Junk Heap Fragment; reward 30,000 Gold.
1. The Magical Stone: After you have collected all five Fragments, we can collect this Quest from a Fortune Teller in the forest; reward 10,000 Gold.
1. Sheep Bowling: Collected from a Guard in the far Eastern corner of the Northern Plains; reward 1000 Gold for every Sheep slain. This is a Repeatable Quest.
Items Safe To Sell:
Animal Parts:Fishing:Food & Plants:Junk:Old World Shade Items:1. Bat Fang
2. Bat Wing
3. Boar Hide
4. Boar Liver
5. Boar Meat
6. Deer Antler
7. Giant Spider Silk
8. Goat Meat
9. Rainbow Spider Silk
10. Scorpion Tail
11. Wolf Fang
1. All Fish that have been caught after completing their respective Fishing Quest
2. Aquatic Plant
3. Empty Can
4. Dunkleosteus
5. Rhizodont
1. All Plant Seeds
2. Beans
3. Bell Pepper
4. Dahlia Flower
5. Freesia Flower
6. Gourd
7. Moonflowers (All colours; actual Flowers, not Seeds)
8. Tomato
9. Tulip Flower
1. Bivalve
2. Chicken Eggs
3. Crabs
4. Desert Rose
5. Driftwood
6. Gastropod
7. Ivy
8. Lichen
9. Mushrooms
10. Sap
11. Seaweed
12. Shell
13. Starfish
14. Tree Branch
1. Closed Book
2. Dirty Bag
3. Flashy Hat
4. Grubby Book
5. Leather Boots
6. Leather Gloves
7. Old Schoolbook
8. Pretty Choker
9. Technical Guide
10. Thick Dictionary
11. Used Coloring Book
Crafting Materials: (A-D)
Gold: X114,000Amber: X15Black Pearl: X15Broken Antenna: X37Broken Arm: X49Broken Battery: X5Broken Earring: X4Broken Lens: X7Broken Motor: X11Broken Pottery: X2Broken Saw: X7Broken Wristwatch: X11Clay: X18Complex Machine: X8Copper Ore: X88Crystal: X16Damascus Steel: X9Dented Metal Bat: X21Dented Metal Board: X9This is not an entirely exhaustive list of locations, only locations that are “easily” farmed or accessed. Feel free to leave better areas or locations for farming, though be sure to fact check yourself & only list it if it is actually worth while to farm there.
It is also important to note, that these cumulative totals are for ALL 38 Weapons; remember we only need to fully Upgrade 33/38 of these Weapons, so the actual requirements you need will be less for some Materials.
All Weapons can be Upgraded to Level 4 from Level 1. Each Upgrade is only 1000 Gold; for your 33/38 Weapons, you actually only need to spend 99,000 Gold. You will not have to farm Gold by the time we are ready to Upgrade Weapons since we will have 1,000,000 Gold or close to it by this point…
1. All Routes – Façade: Can be purchased from the Material Shop in Façade for 6000 Gold.
2. Route B2-D2 – Junk Heap B2: Can be farmed in the “Crate Room” found at the far North end of the area. Break all the Crates, reset the area, & return to break the Crates to farm Amber.
3. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Rooms” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. All Routes – Seafront: Rare chance of finding at Harvest Points on the two beaches in Seafront.
2. All Routes – Seafront: A Black Pearl can always be found once during all Routes in the backroom of the Post Office.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Collected as a common drop from any Yellow or Red Light Rover Drones in the Junk Heap.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Collected as a common drop from Yellow Light Rover Drones in the Junk Heap.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Collected as a common drop from any Aerial Drones on Floors 1F & B2 in the Junk Heap.
1. Route A2-D2 – Northern Plains: If the time of day is right in the Northern Plains (overcast with unarmored Shades spawning), you can farm Caster Shades for the Material. Can be infinitely respawned by starting & ending the Repeatable Quest – Sheep Bowling by climbing off the Boar fi the time of day is right...
2. Route A2-D2 – Lost Shrine: Rare Drop from Armored Caster Shades. Can be farmed from the Mailbox at the top of the Lost Shrine Roof by killing the two Armored Caster Shades that spawn with some Armored Swordsmen. Save at the Mailbox, kill the Shades, quit to the Main Menu then reload your Save if you do not get a drop. Rinse & repeat. You can also enter the Lost Shrine Altar to reset spawns.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Purchased at Two Brothers Weaponry for 900 Gold.
2. All Routes – Junk Heap: Rare Drop from Yellow Light Rover Drones.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Common Drop from Aerial Drones on the floors 1F & B2.
1. All Routes: A Rare Material that can be collected at Harvest Points in the Northern Plains, the Desert, & the Aerie.
1. Route A2-D2: A Rare Drop from Small Knife Shades in the Northern Plains & Southern Plains.
2. Route A2-D2 – Forest of Myth: Can be farmed from the Small Knife Shades by replaying Side Quest – The Magic Stone.
1. Route A2-D2 – Southern Plains: A Rare Drop from Armored Demolisher Shades.
2. Route A2-D2 – Forest of Myth: Can be farmed from the Shield & Sword or Armored Demolisher Shades by replaying Side Quest – The Magic Stone.
3. Route A2-D2 – Underground Laboratory: A Rare Drop from Sword Shades found on Floors B1-B2 in the Underground Laboratory. Travelling between the Floors respawns the Shades.
1. All Routes – Façade: Purchased at the Materials Shop for 800 Gold.
2. All Routes: Can be collected from Harvest Points in the Northern Plains, Southern Plains, Eastern Road, & the Aerie.
1. All Routes: A Rare Drop from all Giant Shades.
2. Route A2-D2 – Forest of Myth: Can be farmed from the Giant Shade by replaying Side Quest – The Magic Stone.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Purchased at Two Brothers Weaponry for 480 Gold.
2. All Routes: Can be found at Harvest Points in the Northern Plains, Southern Plains, Eastern Road, & the Aerie.
3. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. All Routes – Façade: Purchased at the Materials Shop in Façade for 2,400 Gold.
2. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. Route A2-D2 – Junk Heap: Can be farmed in the “Crate Room” found at the far North end of the B2. Break all the Crates, reset the area, & return to break the Crates to farm Damascus Steel.
2. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. Route A2-D2 – Underground Laboratory: Farmed from Small Shades on Floors B1-B2 in the Underground Laboratory. Travelling between the Floors respawns the Shades.
2. Route A2-D2 – Northern Plains: If the time of day is right (the sky is overcast) in the Northern Plains, you can farm Small Shades (not Small Armored Shades) for the Material. Can be infinitely respawned by starting & ending the Repeatable Quest – Sheep Bowling by climbing off the Boar (if the time of day is right).
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Purchased from Two Brothers Weaponry for 750 Gold.
2. All Routes – Junk Heap: Common Drop from Rover Drones.
Crafting Materials: (E-N)
Eagle Egg: X4Elaborate Machine: X5Fluorite: X18Forlorn Necklace: X4Giant Egg: X6Goat Hide: X4Gold Ore: X24Iron Ore: X263Large Gear: X7Machine Oil: X5Memory Alloy: X13Metal Piercing: X4Meteorite: X8Moldavite: X13Mysterious Switch: X9Natural Rubber: X11. Route A1 – The Aerie: An Ultra Rare Material that can be collected specifically from the Harvest Point that can sometimes spawn directly below the chief’s house.
2. Route A1 – The Aerie: Can be guaranteed to be collected from the chief’s house spawn if you accepted the Side Quest – On the Wings of Eagles. (Do not turn in the Quest if you plan on keeping it.)
3. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC. (Easiest method)
1. All Routes: A Rare Drop from all Giant Shades.
2. Route A2-D2 – Forest of Myth: Can be farmed from the Giant Shade by replaying Side Quest – The Magic Stone.
1. Route A2-D2 – Junk Heap: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found at the far North end of B2. Break all the Crates, reset the area, & return to break the Crates to farm Fluorite.
2. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. Route A2-D2 – Northern Plains: If the time of day is right in the Northern Plains (overcast), you can farm Caster Shades for the Material. Can be infinitely respawned by starting & ending the Repeatable Quest – Sheep Bowling by climbing off the Boar (if the time of day is right).
2. Route A2-D2 – Lost Shrine: Rare Drop from Armored Caster Shades. Can be farmed from the Mailbox at the top of the Lost Shrine Roof by killing the two Armored Caster Shades that spawn with some Armored Swordsmen. Save at the Mailbox, kill the Shades, quit to the Main Menu then reload your Save if you do not get a drop. Rinse & repeat. You can also enter the Lost Shrine Altar to reset spawns.
1. All Routes – The Village: Rare Material collected from Harvest Points around the Village.
1. All Routes: Uncommon Drop from Goats in the Northern Plains & the Eastern Road.
1. All Routes: Rare Material collected from Harvest Points in the Desert, Barren Temple, & The Aerie.
2. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Purchased at Two Brothers Weaponry for 1,000 Gold.
2. All Routes: Uncommon Material that can be collected from Harvest Points in the Northern Plains, Southern Plains, Eastern Road, the Aerie, & the Desert.
3. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Rare Drop from Yellow Light Rover Drones.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Rare Drop from Aerial Drones on floors 1F & B2.
1. Route A2-D2 – Junk Heap: Ultra Rare Drop from P-32 Giants on B2. If you do not receive a Memory Alloy from them, you can die, & respawn at the door to try again; faster then leaving & returning. This is easiest done on Hard Difficulty; you must die by the other machines before the doors that sealed you in open or the P-32’s will not respawn.
1. Route A2-D2 – Shadowlord’s Castle: Can be farmed once per Route in the ballroom within the Shadowlord’s Castle from the Flying Shades.
2. Route A2-D2 – Desert: Rare Drop from Flying Shades if you collected the Façade Fragment.
1. All Routes: A Rare Material that can be collected from Harvest Points in the Aerie, Desert, & Barren Temple.
2. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. Route A2-D2 – Seafront: Purchased at the Material Shop in Seafront for 8,000 Gold.
2. All Routes: A Rare Material that can be collected from Harvest Points in the Aerie, Desert, & Barren Temple.
3. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Rare Drop from Red Light Rover Drones.
1. All Routes – Seafront: Purchased at the Material Shop in Seafront for 700 Gold.
2. All Routes: A Rare Material that can be collected from Harvest Points found in the Northern Plains & Southern Plains.
Crafting Materials: (P-Z)
Pearl: X2Pyrite: X18Rusted Clump: X15Rusty Bucket: X10Rusty Kitchen Knife: X9Scorpion Claw: X10Severed Cable: X15Silver Ore: X153Simple Machine: X8Stopped Clock: X3Stripped Bolt: X10Subdued Bracelet: X3Titanium Alloy: X27Twisted Ring: X61. Route A2-D2 – Seafront: Purchased at the Materials Shop in Seafront for 3,000 Gold.
2. All Routes – Seafront: Rare Material collected from Harvest Points along the two beaches in Seafront; in Route A2-D2, Harvest Points will not appear for us until we defeat the Boss – Louise.
1. All Routes: A Rare Material that can be found at Harvest Points in the Desert & Barren Temple.
2. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC. (Easiest method).
1. All Routes – Desert: Can be caught while fishing at the quicksand lake where the Fast Travel Boat is using a Lure.
2. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC. (Best method; will obtain quadruple this amount farming other Rare Materials at the Crate Room).
1. All Routes – Desert: Can be caught while fishing at the quicksand lake where the Fast Travel Boat is using a Lure. You must wait for the bob to go under the sand (after three bobs) before reeling it in; most times, you will get a Sandfish & it will break the line.
1. All Routes: Rare Drop from Small Knife Shades.
2. Route A2-D2 – Forest of Myth: Can be farmed from the Small Armored Axe Shades by replaying Side Quest – The Magic Stone.
1. All Routes – Desert: Common drop from Scorpions.
1. Route A2-D2 – Junk Heap: Uncommon Drop from Aerial Drones on floors 1F & B2.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Purchased at Two Brothers Weaponry for 1,500 Gold.
2. All Routes: Uncommon Material that can be collected from Harvest Points in the Northern Plains, Southern Plains, Eastern Road, the Aerie, & the Desert.
3. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from a “Crate room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. All Routes: A Rare Drop from all Giant Shades.
2. Route A2-D2 – Forest of Myth: Can be farmed from the Giant Shade by replaying Side Quest – The Magic Stone.
1. Route A2-D2 – Underground Laboratory: A Rare Drop from Sword Shades found on Floors B1-B2 in the Underground Laboratory. Travelling between the Floors respawns the Shades.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Purchased at Two Brothers Weaponry for 900 Gold.
2. All Routes – Junk Heap: Uncommon Drop from Red Light Rover Drones.
1. Route A2-D2 – Shadowlord’s Castle: Can be farmed once per Route in the ballroom within the Shadowlord’s Castle from the Flying Shades.
2. Route A2-D2 – Desert: Ultra Rare Drop from Flying Shades if you collected the Façade Fragment.
1. All Routes – Junk Heap: Rare Drop from Red Light Rover Drones.
2. Route A-D2 – Junk Heap: Uncommon Drop from P-32 Giants on B2.
3. Route B2-D2 – The World of Recycled Vessel: Can be farmed from the “Crate Room” found inside the Underground Laboratory “room” within the Third Door of the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
1. Route A2-D2 – Lost Shrine: Rare Drop from Armored Swordsman Shades.
2. Route A2-D2 – Lost Shrine Roof: Rare Drop from Armored Swordsman Shades. Can be farmed from the Mailbox at the top of the Lost Shrine Roof while farming the two Armored Caster Shades that spawn. Save at the Mailbox, kill the Shades, quit to the Main Menu then reload your Save if you do not get a drop. Rinse & repeat. You can also enter the Lost Shrine Altar to reset spawns.
Weapon Upgrades - Small Swords: (15)
Note that we need to only Upgrade 33/38 Weapons for the Forging Master Achievement. Choose wisely, & outside of Upgrading your primary/favorite Weapons, pay attention to your Inventory & skip the five hardest Weapons for you to Upgrade in favor of easier ones…
1. Ancient Overlord: Route A2. We will receive this Weapon as a part of the Story from the King of Façade before we go to war with the Wolves of the Desert.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Broken Motor x10, Silver Ore x4
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Wristwatch x3, Crystal x2, Silver Ore x6
Level 4: Gold x1000, Memory Alloy x2, Moldavite x1, Silver Ore x5
2. Beastbain: Purchased from The Village or Seafront Blacksmith for 16,800 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Complex Machine x1, Iron Ore x12
Level 3: Gold x1000, Complex Machine x1, Iron Ore x20, Machine Oil x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Crystal x1, Iron Ore x15, Pyrite x2
3. Blade of Treachery: Route A1. Use the Darkness Key in Emil’s Mansion & we can collect this Weapon from a Crate at the end of the first hallway.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Copper Ore x10, Simple Machine x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Copper Ore x15, Machine Oil x2, Rusted Clump x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Copper Ore x20, Pyrite x1, Rusted Clump x2
4. Earth Wyrm’s Claw: Route A1. Purchased from the Façade Blacksmith for 8400 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x8, Scorpion Claw x10
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Pottery x2, Clay x3, Iron Ore x8
Level 4: Gold x1000, Amber x1, Clay x15, Iron Ore x10
5. Faith: Route A1. Rescue the two Villagers from the Deathdream in the Forest of Myth & we can receive this Weapon from the Mayor.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Broken Antenna x30, Silver Ore x3
Level 3: Gold x1000, Elaborate Machine x1, Natural Rubber x1, Silver Ore x5
Level 4: Gold x1000, Moldavite x1, Silver Ore x4, Titanium Alloy x4
6. Iron Pipe: Route A2-D2. Collected during Side Quest – The Magic Stone while inside the dream realm where we return to the Prologue; it is found in a Crate where Yonah once hid in the wrecked store. We will also obtain this Weapon automatically when we start Route B1.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Broken Arm x8, Dented Metal Bat x5
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Arm x15, Dented Metal Bat x8, Rusty Bucket x10
Level 4: Gold x1000, Broken Arm x20, Dented Metal Bat x6, Rusted Clump x5
7. Labyrinth Whisper: Route A2-D2. Complete Side Quest – A Bridge In Peril collected from the Village after obtaining the Lost Shrine Fragment.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Fluorite x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Fluorite x2
Level 4: Gold x1000, Fluorite x3
8. Lily-Leaf Sword: Route A1. Purchased from the Village Blacksmith for 2400 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Titanium Alloy x3
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Antenna x7, Large Gear x1, Titanium Alloy x2
Level 4: Gold x1000, Forlorn Necklace x2, Pyrite x1, Titanium Alloy x2
9. Moonrise: Route A1. Rescue a Guard from some Shades in the Southern Plains after visiting the Aerie for the first time.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Broken Saw x1, Titanium Alloy x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Lens x1, Broken Saw x1, Titanium Alloy x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Pyrite x1, Rusty Kitchen Knife x2, Titanium Alloy x1
10. Nameless Blade: Route A1. Default starting Weapon.
Level 2: Titanium Alloys x3 (Story Related)
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Arm x3, Stripped Bolt x10, Titanium Alloy x2
Level 4: Gold x1000, Dented Metal Bat x1, Simple Machine x1, Titanium Alloy x2
11. Nirvana Dagger: Route A1. Found in a Crate on the way to the second floor of the Lost Shrine.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Rusty Kitchen Knife x2, Titanium Alloy x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Arm x3, Gold Ore x2, Titanium Alloy x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Mysterious Switch x3, Pyrite x1, Titanium Alloy x1
12. Phoenix Dagger: Route A2-D2. Purchased from the Blacksmith in Seafront for 32,200 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Giant Egg x2, Silver Ore x6
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Earring x2, Eagle Egg x1, Silver Ore x6
Level 4: Gold x1000, Amber x2, Black Pearl x5, Silver Ore x6
13. Rebirth: Route A1. Story Related; received by the King of Façade after rescuing him from the Barren Temple.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x4, Twisted Ring x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Battery x1, Large Gear x1, Iron Ore x10
Level 4: Gold x1000, Amber x1, Broken Wristwatch x3, Iron Ore x20
14. Fool’s Embrace: Route B2-D2. Collected by completing the First Door Trial in the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Damascus Steel x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Damascus Steel x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Damascus Steel x1
15. Kainé’s Sword: Post Route E. Found outside Kainé’s home in the Aerie.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x10
Level 3: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x20, Rusted Clump x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Broken Saw x1, Iron Ore x30
Weapon Upgrades - Large Swords: (9)
Note that we need to only Upgrade 33/38 Weapons for the Forging Master Achievement. Choose wisely, & outside of Upgrading your primary/favorite Weapons, pay attention to your Inventory & skip the five hardest Weapons for you to Upgrade in favor of easier ones…
1. Axe of Beheading: Route A2-D2. Purchased from the Village Blacksmith for 19,200 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Copper Ore x10
Level 3: Gold x1000, Copper Ore x15, Rusty Kitchen Knife x3, Subdued Bracelet x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Copper Ore x18, Meteorite x1, Stopped Clock x2
2. Beastlord: Route A2-D2. Found on the Roof of the Lost Shrine in a Crate beside the Mailbox & Altar doors.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Complex Machine x1, Gold Ore x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Complex Machine x1, Gold Ore x1, Machine Oil x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Amber x1, Gold Ore x3, Simple Machine x2
3. Fang of the Twins: Route A2-D2. Found in the Underground Laboratory at the end of the warehouse room beside the SA Keycard door.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Elaborate Machine x1, Silver Ore x3
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Wristwatch x2, Silver Ore x5, Stopped Clock x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Meteorite x1, Mysterious Switch x3, Silver Ore x10
4. Iron Will: Route A2-D2. Given to us by Gideon in the Junk Heap as a part of the Story when we search for the Junk Heap Fragment.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Memory Alloy x1 (Story Related)
Level 3: Gold x1000, Dented Metal Bat x1, Memory Alloy x2, Rusted Clump x2
Level 4: Gold x1000, Elaborate Machine x2, Memory Alloy x2, Pyrite x1
5. Kusanagi: Route A2-D2. Default starting Weapon in Part A2.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x10
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Battery x4, Forlorn Necklace x1, Iron Ore x18
Level 4: Gold x1000, Broken Earring x1, Iron Ore x20, Moldavite x1
6. Labyrinth’s Song: Route A2-D2. Complete Side Quest – A Shade Entombed & Side Quest – Disturbing the Sleep of Kings to collect this Weapon.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Fluorite x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Fluorite x2
Level 4: Gold x1000, Fluorite x3
7. Phoenix Sword: Route A2-D2. Collected from a Crate found across from the two Birds when we first enter the Shadowlord’s Castle.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Giant Egg x2, Gold Ore x2
Level 3: Gold x1000, Complex Machine x1, Eagle Egg x2, Gold Ore x3
Level 4: Gold x1000, Black Pearl x5, Gold Ore x4, Moldavite x1
8. Vile Axe: Route A2-D2. Purchased from the Blacksmith in Seafront for 21,600 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Silver Ore x4, Simple Machine x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Lens x2, Silver Ore x8, Twisted Ring x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Amber x1, Broken Saw x2, Silver Ore x12
Amber x1, Broken Lens x2, Broken Saw x2, Silver Ore x20, Twisted Ring x1
9. Fool’s Lament: Route B2-D2. Collected by completing the Second Door Trial in the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Damascus Steel x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Damascus Steel x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Damascus Steel x1
Weapon Upgrades - Spears: (10)
Note that we need to only Upgrade 33/38 Weapons for the Forging Master Achievement. Choose wisely, & outside of Upgrading your primary/favorite Weapons, pay attention to your Inventory & skip the five hardest Weapons for you to Upgrade in favor of easier ones…
1. Beastcurse: Route A2-D2. Found in the Junk Heap on floor 1F after the Depths in a Crate beside the Mailbox before fighting the P-33 Boss.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Complex Machine x1, Silver Ore x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Complex Machine x1, Machine Oil x1, Silver Ore x2
Level 4: Gold x1000, Elaborate Machine x1, Moldavite x1, Silver Ore x3
2. Captain’s Holy Spear: Route A2-D2. Purchased from the Façade Blacksmith for 30,000 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Broken Wristwatch x2, Silver Ore x2
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Earring x1, Mysterious Switch x3, Silver Ore x4
Level 4: Gold x1000, Complex Machine x1, Moldavite x1, Silver Ore x4
3. The Devil Queen: Route A2-D2. Collected from a Crate near a Ladder while scaling the exterior of the Lost Shrine – Rear Path.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Crystal x3, Iron Ore x5
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Motor x1, Metal Piercing x2, Iron Ore x10
Level 4: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x13, Moldavite x1, Metal Piercing x1
4. Dragoon Lance: Route A2-D2. Found in a Crate down the hall immediately after the Goose Boss fight in the Shadowlord’s Castle.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Pyrite x1, Silver Ore x3
Level 3: Gold x1000, Pearl x1, Pyrite x3, Silver Ore x4
Level 4: Gold x1000, Meteorite x3, Silver Ore x5, Simple Machine x1
Meteorite x3, Silver Ore x12, Simple Machine x1, Pearl x1, Pyrite x4
5. Labyrinth’s Shout: Route B2-D2. Complete Side Quest – The Damaged Map collected shortly after beginning Route A2 in the Village.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Fluorite x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Fluorite x2
Level 4: Gold x1000, Fluorite x3
6. Phoenix Spear: Route A2-D2. Purchased from the Façade Blacksmith for 37,400 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Giant Egg x2, Gold Ore x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Broken Wristwatch x1, Eagle Egg x1, Gold Ore x2
Level 4: Gold x1000, Black Pearl x5, Gold Ore x3, Moldavite x1
7. Spear of the Usurper: Route A2-D2. Purchased from the Blacksmith in Seafront for 19,200 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x2, Large Gear x2, Subdued Bracelet x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Broken Lens x2, Iron Ore x5, Pyrite x1
8. Sunrise: Route A2-D2. Purchased from the Village or Aerie Blacksmiths for 21,600 Gold.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Large Gear x2, Silver Ore x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Forlorn Necklace x1, Rusty Kitchen Knife x2, Silver Ore x2
Level 4: Gold x1000, Pyrite x1, Silver Ore x3, Subdued Bracelet x1
9. Transience: Route A2-D2. Default starting Weapon in Route A2.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x2
Level 3: Gold x1000, Iron Ore x2, Metal Piercing x1, Twisted Ring x3
Level 4: Gold x1000, Crystal x2, Iron Ore x4, Pyrite x1
10. Fool’s Accord: Route B2-D2. Collected by completing the Third Door Trial in the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Damascus Steel x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Damascus Steel x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Damascus Steel x1
Weapon Upgrades - YoRHa DLC: (4)
Note that we need to only Upgrade 33/38 Weapons for the Forging Master Achievement. Choose wisely, & outside of Upgrading your primary/favorite Weapons, pay attention to your Inventory & skip the five hardest Weapons for you to Upgrade in favor of easier ones…
1. Cruel Oath: Collected from the YoRHa DLC; free on the Steam Store.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Crystal x2, Goat Hide x1, Rusted Clump x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Amber x2, Iron Ore x4, Silver Ore x3
Level 4: Gold x1000, Gold Ore x2, Large Gear x1, Moldavite x1
2. Virtuous Contract: Collected from the YoRHa DLC; free on the Steam Store.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Crystal x2, Goat Hide x1, Rusted Clump x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Amber x2, Dented Metal Board x3, Titanium Alloy x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Memory Alloy x2, Moldavite x2, Severed Cable x5
3. Virtuous Dignity: Collected from the YoRHa DLC; free on the Steam Store.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Crystal x2, Goat Hide x1, Rusted Clump x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Amber x2, Dented Metal Board x3, Titanium Alloy x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Memory Alloy x2, Moldavite x1, Severed Cable x5
4. Virtuous Treaty: Collected from the YoRHa DLC; free on the Steam Store.
Level 2: Gold x1000, Crystal x2, Goat Hide x1, Rusted Clump x1
Level 3: Gold x1000, Amber x2, Dented Metal Board x3, Titanium Alloy x1
Level 4: Gold x1000, Memory Alloy x2, Moldavite x1, Severed Cable x5
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