NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... is a prequel to NieR Automata, since this is an old game there may be some old mechanics and the story overall but it stands out as being captivating and heartwrenching that it feels unforgettable.
Achievement summary: (47)
1) Story
2) Bosses
3) Grind
4) Miscellaneous
We need a minimum of 5 playthroughs, Route A, B, C, D & E. These routes are almost identical well the big difference is how you obtain them, on the other hand we do not ever get a chapter select in this game similar to how you do it in Automata. However, the story stays where they are until to the end. We do not ever need difficulty achievements related although they give high drops we can breeze through even with grinding the game.
I. How to:To get all 100%, we will be doing the game achievements of the following:
All in a single playthrough
Collectibles such as words
Boss clears
Route/story clear
Okay so there is a lot of []hit to explain but in NieR Replicant, you basically do not have the secret shop to buy achievements, combat is basic and not platinum tier level, tedious sidequest and a lot of materials I mean a lot of them to collect. You must collect, grind and run from point A to point B there is a fast travel but it never unlocks early you need to be nier the end game route (Route A) to unlock it. Luckily the whole map in NieR Replicant is not one of boring open world but it has captivating world and lore to explore. For someone who is nitpicking, searching every nook and cranny, checklisting everything then this game is for you and as well as this guide, there is so much going on that I may typed much below.
II. Routes:So for the routes, you must get all 4 before you get Route E, which never happened in old NieR but it is way different so I suggest you to grind all the stuffs and achievements in order to worry about getting Route E achievements. Unlike NieR Automata, this game fortunately has only five endings as in five routes so worry only the endings, especially the third and fourth route where you really get them by only choosing two choices. Our progress including weapons will save on Route B and we must make use of save slots, while there are 3 save slots that is why we save one of our main then save either empty slots, after all it follows like how you play Automata oh and the difference is the deletion while completing the game but fret not you get them back soon because story-wise.
As I mentioned, there is going to be a save deletion but no worries unlike old Replicant or Gestalt there is Route E in this game of course unlike also in Automata this does not clear your entire save file so you will keep it as long as you want.
III. Warning (such as missables)....During Act I, you can freely roam around as young NieR, collect and do all chores to begin with but all your options are limited such as weapons to upgrade but not quest. This is important to note for quest because in Act II, you cannot go back and do those Act I quest since they will be permanently locked until you start a new walkthrough which is why you can do around 20 quests before entering the manor second time in Act I. I will also try and make sure to add the maximum needed to complete an achievement (quest, weapons).
You need to kill all the bosses in specific time or under but this is trivial since the game is old and no difficulty specific achievement.
IV. Weapon & Character levels, material grinds:There are a total of 33 base weapons + 4 YoRHa DLC weapons. With weapon grindings comes at the cost of time and planning and hitting them at Lv. 4, make sure to heavily hoard and loot a lot of materials and list what you needed because you will be buying and selling them, luckily the achievement allows all NieR weapon DLCs to be included which I used since it costs less mats unlike the others I left at Lv. 1-3. Which weapons to max or not is up to you, after all you can refer to my checklist which will have my old notes and levels taken from my main account. On the other hand, our character level will be helpful as it increases our Stats[] , but when you hit level 40-50, things start to become funny and easy so enemies are not problematic.
However, I'd like to say that out of all material farming I did in other games, this is by far an exhausting grind, NieR Automata is not by all means bad to do at least despite grinding them (not included secret shop) but this game makes you go from point A to B with one fast traveling which is by boat, tediously also the enemy respawns when you load the next level and come back to the same spot again.
For Words, we only collect the required amount not all to get the achievement so this will come naturally as you progress.
This requires perseverance and commitment since enemies drop your preferred mats after 4-12 spawns on the same spot that is why you must progress the game instead of doing this early on the game then you plan which areas to grind I provided a link to make your life efficient and before the end of routes you can freely grind them or maybe after Route E ending which is what I did after all of the story. Optionally, if you like I would switch to hard to increase mats droprate but that is me which works sometimes. I would recommend adding words to your weapons and using what you like because it helps grinding.
Of course I will try my best to add on when to upgrade the weapons (begin doing them when I list a specific weapon location) but make sure to do them while not doing the story. Additionally, you do not need to do all of the weapon upgrades even though you have all collected as the mats can be ridiculous to grind even the same mats can be used on any 6 different weapons and they accumulate much so that is why after I am done with the upgrading weapons I leave the non-max leveled weapons.
Additionally, hard difficulty makes enemies health spongier so you will spend time mashing mouse buttons and spamming dodge and roll (which is my case), so you get a nice challenge but at what cost? The time you spent is too much on this one especially late game where you need achievements via bosses.
V. To end this before beginning...Lastly, all I will be doing is sorting all achievements and try my best to write all on steps in where to go and what to do in collecting. Make sure to let me know on mistakes, copy and paste any texts on the comment section by sentence so it's easy for me to find it (unless you do numbering). All sections will consist of micromanaging and searching every nook and crannies to do them as early as possible, of course like I said make sure to correct me by locating errors and posting them on comment section unless I flawlessly had done them.
There is an option to switch game music to Automata's and lastly the Voices, like always the English and Japanese are superior in this game but I play with Japanese so enjoy the experience.
Hope my guide would help but it may not be perfect so will probably improve this a bit. Last time, this guide contains spoilers including my checklist.
This is another one of my guide where I sort achievements to fit them into my sections.
Part 1: Route A
1) Route A: Tokyo, (Our) Village/Northern Plains, Eastern Roads/Lost Shrine
2) Do combo and sheep grind. progress through Lost Shrine after
3) Quests: 0/30
4) Words: 0/60
5) Weapons: 6/37
6) Sealed Verses: 2/8
7) Achievements: 4/47
There is not much achievements but we can get two early on. After that just try to survive without dying which in my experience before I never died. Lastly, the Iron Pipe (keep this in mind later on) does not count here since you want to find it, the text will appear saying you Obtained it, this ensures we will be on the progress of Weapons Collector achievement so for now not yet.
Combo Fanatic
You pulled off a 50-hit combo.
Combo Master
You pulled off a 100-hit combo.
Achievement #1-2: This is where a hard difficulty comes useful, in my past experience I decided to play on hard without the knowledge of this until later game. There will be hordes of shades yes you will be close to dying but doing this on easy is not possible due to the one hits, by luring in 3 or more normal shades or more than that and hit them multiple times you get the achievements.
After this, you can keep killing more shades until after the mini-boss which will appear later. Cutscene will also play out. But, you need to watch out for Attack gauges, while not too bad on easy and even normal in hard it was a problem for me as I know I became exhausted dealing with it but well hope you do not need to deal with what I experience and enjoy the game as you wish.
Village/Northern Plains:Tip: Save often, find something good and how much you grinded you save there are some scattered around but you will know by them and plus this is very useful for later achievements.
In here is very important to note, we need a lot of stuffs and necessity even gold to build up, well do not be buying stuffs excessively because we can also grind the free DLC which nets us necessary resources, being million golds and other upgrade mats.
Weapon #1 - Nameless Blade: Starter weapon. Easy to upgrade although the lead pipe is our first weapon, this is truly our first to count on Weapons Collector achievement.
Weapon #2 - Virtuous Contract: Starter DLC weapon, this may not count as Weapons Collector achievement since originally we need all base game weapons.
Weapon #3 - Cruel Oath: Starter DLC weapon.
BUT you cannot upgrade them for now because through progression you will unlock a shop in the Junk Heap surface which is where you get during Act I.
We will be able to do few quest later on, for reference go to my To-Do List guide and follow accordingly. I will also most of all 30 quests to get the achievement before Act II which will void Act I quests especially the Fisherman quests so we won't let that happen. Keep in mind we will be needing to level up our fisherman skills so do your quest and fish later when you visit Seafront first time.
The Sheep Whisperer
You killed 100 sheep.
Achievement #3: You can do this on the Northern Plain, the reason why is I later discovered that it's too late to do them on Act II of Route A where you cannot find them as common due to the story progression. This grind can be done along with the quest called Old-Fashioned Home Cooking. Instead, reload the level by leaving then coming back so the 20 sheeps can respawn but otherwise don't sweat it you'd kill them as you enter Northern Plains each time.
You'd also stock up on items like goat meats so we can at least sell few items to get our weapons, Material Hunter achievement etc. For more raw material and other upgrade mats check on this Wiki[]
Weapon #4 - Lily-leaf Sword: Purchased in the Home Village from the Blacksmith store for 2,400 gold.
Weapon #5 - Beastbain: Purchased in the Home Village from the Blacksmith store for 16,800 gold. Consider putting it here if you are grinding and selling many items.
Progressing through the story where you get to the point of Yonah missing.
Eastern Roads:More on this location where you can go fishing, we will do that later as well as collecting resources for now we collect whatever we can find and do achievements. Again, your mileage on what quest you plan to do may vary so I may do all on Act I but there is more needed to be done for our Fishing Achievement at Act II.
On your right direction is the Lost 'Forest' (yes air quotes), the left is the Lost Shrine.
Lost Shrine:We can find a map in here btw so it comes handy, we will revisit this area later and is the key part in progressing. You will see with achievements and others but keep in mind we need to grind on one of these areas if you want with words coming to play.
Weapon #6 - Nirvana Dagger: When you are at Floor 2, you will end up seeing one breakable box, a weapon is inside.
The Book of Legend
Grimoire Weiss joined your party.
Achievement #4: Story Related. Grimoire Weiss is your first permanent companion for the rest of the game. He will be found on the Lost Shrine where you fight your first boss (who will be related to the two achievements later on at Act II so this is the same to bosses except the few). On having Grimoire Weiss we will be expecting to collect words but bear with me when I add more words in this list so parts and sections will expand upon further as like I said replicate (no pun intended :)) achievements and roadmaps.
Sealed Verse #1 - Dark Blast: After listening to us and Grimoire Weiss talking, we have a white flash will allow us to obtain this Sealed Verse, having our first magic ability. We need all Sealed Verse which are story related abilities for achievement.
Sealed Verse #2 - Dark Lance: A cutscene will play, after that we obtain this next Sealed Verse.
Part 2: Semi-clean Up
1) Route A: Revisited areas (Village etc), Aerie, Southern Plains, Seafront
2) Progress through story and completing quests
3) Quests: 18/30
4) Words: 8/60
5) Weapons: 7/37
6) Sealed Verses: 3/8
7) Achievements: 6/47
Village/Northern Plains:We should begin our quest completion and other farmings because we have Grimoire Weiss to checklist, there is one quest for what we need on the Boar. Complete the quests you can find inside the Village, sometimes you go outside of your Village and revisit back which is what we will do throughout our story on places.
Following quests before progressing: Book Smarts ✔, Lost Eggs ✔, Boar Hunt! ✔, Shopping List (Seafront > Village) ✔, Fragile Delivery (Aerie) ✔, Gatekeeper's Errand ✔, Old-Fashioned Home Cooking ✔, The Tavern Keeper's Grandmother ✔
You are free to start them because you may find some items needed for the quests and to save time in figuring out and you can have and leave them uncompleted later on, as long as you did almost all quests to reach 30 in Act I you can worry with the few planned on Act II which is the recommended needs. Like I said I made a checklist for all quests even how-to on there if that's okay for you but I put them there so you can save time the quests in my experience can be rather monotonous or tedious which is why I followed other guides.
By the time you'd collected and loot any raw materials, you would immediately interact with the person after you start the quest and get that done.
Word #1: Lug: Found in Northern Plains by small shade, during daytime even while trying to ride the Boar of course.
All Aboared!
You rode a boar for at least five minutes.
Achievement #5: Found to be done in Northern Plains, you can freely ride around and even kill Shades (be sure not to get hit by them otherwise the timer will reset on your clock). Do something else while waiting.
Aerie:If you still have the package save here at least you will get it done.
Word #2 - Pah: In Aerie where you of course fight the small shades
Word #3 - Mah: Same as always on top, they are mage small shades.
Word #4 - Geb: Still on top, small mage shades.
Word #5 - Bes: You will encounter the big shade with weapons so lance him and execute.
Finally you are done with the package.
Word #6 - Var: When you are done with whatever you need, go to the other side that will be visited later on the game but you go through the 2D section and the last area as of now we fight another hordes of shades, there is one Shield-wielding Large Shade (unarmored) so kill it and get your word.
Sealed Verse #3 - Dark Hand: Our next ability can be found when investigating Kaine's place. Defeat her and the next boss then for a solid good few minutes you will obtain it after you take control of your character.
Northern Plains (Cloudy):You will be presented either visiting Popola first or Yonah, it does not matter so pick one, I choose Yonah.
When they mentioned about new enemy that is where the word is.
Southern Plains:
Weapon #7 - Moonrise: When you are killing the shade, the guard will thank you for it and will give you Moonrise.
Seafront:We got more quests and some more things to do in here.
Following quest: Fisherman's Gambit 1-3 ✔
We need to level up our fishing skills, get ready to wait for few hours so I recommend doing this now unless you are locked until you progress through the story. Also we will go back to Seafront and few quests will begin to appear.
To fish, you can alternatively hold down S and in case guide the rod right when the fish or object (yes there will be junks so get ready) is trying to get away from you. This will still lead to the same outcome but if you failed well an exaggerated text will appear but if you succeed simple you proceed back to Yonah. This will not void The Fisherman's Gambit quests.
More fishing info here:
For now, do two quests from the fisherman.
Southern Plains (Bright):Not much here but if you found any word from a specific weather let me know.
Village:Following quest: A Dog Astray ✔, A Return to Shopping ✔, Fragile Delivery 2 ✔, Yonah's Cooking ✔, Herbal Remedies ✔, On The Wings of Eagles, The Ballad of the Twins
I planned to not do some of the quests ones without the checkmark but we can guarantee we get the two quest achievements later on. Like I said check my checklist guide on all quests.
We can buy the following maps from here: Eastern Road, Aerie, Forest of Myth, this may come in handy in case if your new. This also does not mean we get achievements for that.
Okay so now for the next part, you can complete your needed quests you had items bought from Seafront, in this case two for me.
Village Handyman
You completed 10 quests.
Achievement #6: If you have begun early you can unlock this achievement after completing the last two for this achievement. We only need two more if you want to do all of them in Act I but otherwise Act II offers a lot of quests still.
Tip: You can switch weathers by reentering levels, the Southern Plains I got was bright so you can take note of enemy spawns based on that. You can do this to items because that will help with rare items and you need a lot of materials because we will upgrade our weapons later. Additionally, by loading saves you can do that also which is good especially farming Black Pearls in Seafront.
Do some quests before we progress via by story.
Southern Plains (Cloudy):
Word #7 - Soles: If you of course load your save you get cloudy weather on Village so if you enter this area you will find a mini-shade boss. However be careful if you are Lv. 7 or 10 less you will get destroyed. This is optionally also
Seafront:Following quest: Fisherman's Gambit 4-5 ✔, A Signature Dish, The New Merchant in Town
You should be all set to worry for Act II Fisherman quests so you can be sure to get the last fish as well as every type of fishes.
Southern Plains:
Word #8 - Besi: When trying to do your quest it is found again as Soles is.
Moving on to Junk Heap.
Part 3: Kainé
1) Route A: Revisited areas (Village etc), Junk Heap, Desert, Facade, Barren Temple
2) Progress through story
3) Quests: 18/30
4) Words: 8/60
5) Weapons: 7/37
6) Sealed Verses: 3/8
7) Achievements: 6/47
Northern Plains (Cloudy):Word #9 - Hoda: Hordes of small shades will come to you, kill any of them and one word will appear.
Word #10 - Ashur: The same as Hoda you got in, luckily these seems to be fixed so like always no word dupes just one obtained and move on.
Junk Heap:On this place after passing by Northern Plains, we get the ability to upgrade weapons. Since we are young we only wield one-handed weapons but on the next Act we can have more weapons including the DLCs both Automata and World of Recycled Vessels. You will obtain a map here also.
It is worth mentioning that we will farm in this area, easy, normal or hard your choice they can slightly change the item drop chances but you'd be also using word item droprate as an enhancements such as what JRPGs had done. Consider your choice in upgrading I may have to add checkmarks on weapons I am willing to upgrade or used to.
Junk Heap: 1F:Just some common (green coloured drops) by yellow lit robots. Titanum Alloy (yellow coloured drops) are found also by red lit robots so after x3 found go back to the brother's shop.
When our weapon, Nameless Blade, is upgraded to Lv. 2 for free we can begin to either grind or progress through the story to get more materials, anytime you feel like grinding metal parts just stop by this place though if you want to increase a little bit of drop rate just change to hard it took countless hours to grind weapons even on hard so find a weapon to upgrade easily, I recommend weapons from Automata they got cheap mats to collect on. Collecting golds is not a problem as in Act II DLC (50,000 G on the last level floor for infinite times to play each) and some Facade quests will give you more.
For now we must progress the story our mats are way too low and insufficient to upgrade any weapons.
Junk Heap: B1:You will find almost all red lit robots, after the gimmicks you'd be familiar with in other games, you can go to Weapon Testing Area or the Depths.
Sealed Verse #4 - Dark Gluttony: On the Arena is a boss which you fight again. Once you're done with it and cutscene played out, you will obtain the new Sealed Verse.
Aerie:Word #11 - Solir: Getting this after the Shade boss goes to the other side, you will again face off the shades including the one wielding magic staff, kill it and get the word.
Word #12 - Ashurir: Near this other side is on the bridge just kill the shade staff user and get one word.
Sealed Verse #4 - Dark Phantasm: Of course you will kill the boss then watch a cutscene and the screen fades to black giving you this Sealed Verse.
The Wild Companion
Kainé joined your party.
Achievement #7: Story Related. Kaine is your second permanent companion for the rest of the game. She will of course join you after killing the Aerie's first Shade boss.
Northern Plains:Word #13 - Vara: On small shades at the open.
Word #14 - Geba: On the small mage shades via near Forest of Myth entrance.
There may be few more words in here but we can just stop at 60 and if you miss where I miss just refer to the checklist or other guides of course.
Village:Available quest: Yonah's Gift
Eastern Road:You can start fishing x3 Royal Fishes in here before going to the Desert if you have completed Fisherman's Gambit 5 due to how strong they can be and the meter's depleting slowly.
Desert:We also need some mats here, some will need a level reload via reentering as always. When checking your list of fishes caught you should have every fishes you can find and do at this moment but a reminder we need 14 fishes in total at Act II. For now we get inside Facade to also help with things to complete achievements. The desert also has some annoying fishing parts so you have to persevere and try many times even the last fish is found here but it is frustrating and can take minutes to deplete their health completely. Again we are saving enough gold even if it's not much but we will farm on that DLC.
Facade:Explore around the town, progress through to try getting the Barren Temple main quest.
Barren Temple:Inside you will need to complete trials until you reach to the end. There are words also to collect.
Word #15 - Besa: During the "Evasive Mouse" Trial room where the medium sized shades with a weapon appears, kill one and get this. Do not worry if you mess this up we can get the next other words.
Word #16 - Mahir: Same even when you evade accidentally on the Shade.
It's fine to miss some words at the temple.
Facade:Weapon #8 - Rebirth: After defeating the Barren Temple boss (Shahriyar), speak to the Prince and after he thanks you he will give you this weapon.
Sealed Verse #7 - Dark Wall: When trying to leave, once again the Prince talks to you, automatically you get the Dark Wall after another conversation.
Weapon #9 - Earth Wyrm's Claw: At the Facade weapons shop for 8,400 G.
A reminder that you can check other guide which consists of materials to safely sell.
The Mellow Companion
Emil joined your party.
Unmissable. Emil is your third and last permanent companion for the rest of the game.
Key Collector
You completed the key to the Shadowlord's castle.
Unmissable. Find all keys after destroying bosses for this, but before you enter make sure you grind achievements and weapons because this will be your point of no return unless you complete Route A.
A World in Flux
You defeated the Shadowlord.
Unmissable. During the Route A boss fight, you will get this.
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part X: Route B
In this route, all acts will be on Act II, and enemies this time will have dialogues so the story changes. In conclusion, you are a monster.
Part X: Route C
Part X: Route D
Part X: Route E
You risked life and limb 10 times to discover someone's secret.
To risk yourself by doing this achievement is to be a man of culture.
- Sun Tzu
Jokes aside, do note the additional dialogues when doing this by peeking her underneath as close as you can 10 times >)
e8 a8 98 e6 86 b6 e3 82 b5 e3 83 bc e3 83 90 e3 83 bc
e3 83 92 e3 82 ab e3 83 aa e3 82 ac e3 83 9f e3 82 a8 e3 83 ab
Achievement #X: Story Related. This is the final achievement for the story, so this is unlocked when you have finished the cutscene and of course you get to think all what happened throughout the story.
Achievements: WIP
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Fish of Legend
You caught a rhizodont.
Achievement #X: The last fish to catch, not going to lie this took a solid few minutes to catch it and the fish is way faster and going to likely break your fishing rod. Remember you can hold the S key button to ensure your pole line don't break and always move opposite direction from the fish.
Achievement #X:
Legendary Gardener
You successfully cultivated the legendary flower.
Achievement #X: So you had used your desktop time which you can change and do some gimmick inside the game which still works and you don't want to be waiting for days if you care about the time you value, otherwise play like normal and do other things.
This guide did a good job as well as other videos which I will link too by Gaming with Abyss
Make use of saves and be sure to change back to the present time before saving if you care about your time you achieved on Steam which is what I did luckily you can do that while in-game not quitting, speaking of which that is still viable than quitting the game and relaunching the game again when changing and experimenting in cultivating your own Lunar Tear.
Achievement #X: Having enough gold means we can do other miscellaneous and upgrading weapons while buying mats.
Achievement #X:
Achievement #X:
Speedrun / Completionist
1) Speedrun through Route A under 5 hours.
2) Miscellaneous: 2/2
3) Achievements: 47/47
This is the final section, at this point no other things to worry about we need to speedrun the game which is not so bad so if you didn't do this on your blind playthrough for reasons then this is it the second playthrough.
Lightspeed Fighter
You completed the game within fifteen hours.
Achievement #46: This is easy that it might as well should of been within 6 hours or less, I saved this for the last before the last 47th achievement, what you need to note is:
Hours spent can be in total of 3 hours but don't sweat it, I may had done this in 6 hours while speedrunning.
Pausing the game will stop the timer and also save displays the time you spend on a single save.
Cutscenes will keep the time going since it's locked in 60 fps.
Speed through the game on easy
Skip/reject all dialogues, cutscenes and persevere.
Game is too easy anyways.
The Final Verse
Congratulations! Thank you for playing!
Achievement #47: If you did all 46 achievements and earn this achievement of your miserable grinding, well now it's finished congratulations. Otherwise just do the other achievements you've missed.
NieR Replicant was just my first game to get into knowing the universe on 2022, after that is NieR Automata but I love those games and got invested into the story I had wished to invest more time into them. Since this is an upgrade to the game I do like everything from the old story, characters and the presentation. I hope you got satisfaction reading my guide (by the time you scroll throughout this guide it's still WIP).
[REDACTED] finished, keep it up people and good luck :)
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