Hello and Welcome to my guide on how to achieve all endings in Needy Streamer/Girl Overdose! In this guide we will talk about how to get all the endings in the game which you can also count as a %100 Achievment Guide as well considering litreally every ending in the game has an achievment attachment to it along with certain game mechanics you WILL use during this mass ending streak
So let's dive in!
To achieve this ending, all you have to do is ignore Ame-chan's direct messages five times
WARNING:Take into account that not responding to her messages after performing an action and before advancing into the next stage of the day will not trigger a negative reaction from Ame.
To achieve this ending, all you have to do is sleep with Ame-chan seven times.
So Close Yet So Far
To achieve this ending, you need to maintain having less than 10,000 followers by day 11.
Normie Life
To achieve this ending, you have to keep the mental darkness meter at 0
WARNING:This ending only occurs at night.
Ground Control To Psychoelectric Angel
To achieve this ending, you must reach maximum affection, whether that number is 100 or 120 depends on if you visited Ame-chan's parents on day 23 along with her.
WARNING:This ending only occurs at night.
To achieve this ending, the affection meter must reach 0.
WARNING:This ending only occurs at night.
Fallen Angel
To achieve this ending, you must complete all 5 of the Sexy Streams
How to Unlock All 5 of the Sexy Streams:
Sexy Stream 1: Let Me Love You is unlocked by Spending Time Together
Sexy Stream 2: Tonight is unlocked by sleeping with Ame-chan
Sexy Stream 3: Me Eating Ice Cream is unlocked by Video Streaming Twice once you reach 10k Followers
Sexy Stream 4: Me Riding a Huge Ball is unlocked by dating in Shibuye once you reach 100k followers
Sexy Stream 5: Sexy Stream/Im Gonna Star in Something That Starts with P and ends with O is unlocked by sleeping with Ame-Chan twice once you reach 250k followers
Painful Future
To achieve this ending, you must complete all of Breakdown Streams
How to Unlock All 5 of Breakdown Streams:
Breakdown Stream 1: Feeling Great is unlocked by overdosing on Depaz
Breakdown Stream 2: How I Feel is unlocked by Vanity Search
Breakdown Stream 3: An Important Message is unlocked by Spending Time Together once you reach 10k Followers -WARNING:There will be a 2 day hiatus after this stream where you can't Stream-
Breakdown Stream 4: Up and Down is unlocked by overdosing on Embian at 100k Followers
Breakdown Stream 5: I Am Legend is unlocked by smoking Magic Grass at 250k Followers
Welcome To My Religion
To achieve this ending, you must complete all 5 of Conspiracy Theory Streams
How to Unlock All 5 Conspiracy Theory Streams:
Conspiracy Theory Stream 1: What if the goverment made you a nerd? is unlocked by going on Social Media
Conspiracy Theory Stream 2: Only one goverment 30 years later? is unlocked by playing Video Games
Conspiracy Theory Stream 3: Beware the Microchips is unlocked by Video Streaming once you reach 10k Followers
Conspiracy Theory Stream 4: I've seen the truth is unlocked by doing magic paper once you reach 100k Followers + Have Mental Darkness over 80
Conspiracy Theory Stream 5: The Truth is unlocked by doing the magic paper once you reach 250k followers
Blazing Hell
To achieve this ending, the mental darkness meter has to be above 60. In the DMs, when Ame asks you to buy charcoal, choose "Okay"
Bomber Girl
To achieve this ending trigger all of the stress events then reach the 120 stress cap
How to Get the Stress Events:
Have 80+ Stress for 2 days straight for the first one
Then Get to 100 Stress for the second one
Pro Tip: Stress Events can easily be triggered by streaming non-stop or abusing heavy streams like Sexy, ASMR, Breakdown or Conspiracy Theory Streams
WARNING: Try to get this ending before the 24th day, or you might get Internet Overdose ending
ANOTHER WARNING: This ending only occurs at night.
Internet Overdose
How convinent that I am teeling you how to Internet Overdose after warning you about in Bomber Girl
You need to maintain a stress level of at least 80 on the 24th day after experiencing both Stress Events to reach this ending.
How to Get the Stress Events:
Have 80+ Stress for 2 days straight for the first one
Then Get to 100 Stress for the second one
Pro Tip: Stress Events can easily be triggered by streaming non-stop or abusing heavy streams like Sexy, ASMR, Breakdown or Conspiracy Theory Streams
WARNING: DON'T reach 120 Stress otherwise you'll get Bomber Girl ending though that ending only occurs at night so If you get 120 on morning do something to reduce it Ironic isn't it?
Rainbow Girl
To achieve this ending, you have to use Magic Paper at Medication tab on 4 different days, until your desktop has 4 different logs.
After this, you have to use Magic Paper again on the next day to reach this ending.
How to Unlock Magic Paper:
Have Mental Darkness at 80 or above
WARNING: This ending only occurs at night.
Needy Streamer Overload
To achieve this ending, you need at least 500,000 followers and affection under 80 by day 30.
Utopian Parody
This ending has 2 variations but you only need one for the achievment/for Comment te dire adieu
Variaton 1:
You need at least 500,000 followers and affection under 80 by day 30.
Variaton 2:
You must have at least 60 affection and 60 mental darkness by day 15 so she will vent to you about her trauma, rest is the same
There Are No Angels
To achieve this ending, you need to have less than 500,000 followers.
Moreover, you need to have the affection meter under 60 and the mental darkness meter above 60 on the finale.
Labor Is Evil
To achieve this ending, you need to have less than 500,000 followers.
Moreover, you need to have the affection meter above 60 and the mental darkness meter under 60 on the finale.
Needy Girl Overdose
Oh yea this game got a name change
This ending has 2 variations but you only need one for the achievment/for Comment te dire adieu
Variation 1:
To achieve this ending, you need to have less than 500,000 followers.
Moreover, you need to have the affection meter and the mental darkness meter above 60 on the finale.
Variation 2:
You need type Ame how you love her on an atleast 100 charachter text that also has her name AND it's not copy-pasted
Simply copy-paste this bad boy and add something to the end of it and it should work:
Yes, I really love you Ame. I would say love to you so many times. let me show you. I love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love loveeeeeee you, Ame.
To achieve this ending, you need to have less than 500,000 followers.
Moreover, you need to have the affection meter and the mental darkness meter below 60 on the finale.
Do You Love Me?
To achieve this ending, you need to have more than a million followers.
Moreover, you need to have the affection meter and the mental darkness meter above 80 AND you also need to finish the 1 million followers celebration stream
WARNING:Do NOT trigger the second stress event otherwise you will bar yourself from this ending and enter DARK ANGEL route instead
Remember the second stress effect triggers when the Stress reaches 100
(Un)Happy End World
To achieve this ending, you need to have more than a million followers.
Moreover, you need to have the affection meter above 80 and the mental darkness meter under 80
WARNING:Do NOT trigger the second stress event otherwise you will bar yourself from this ending and enter DARK ANGEL route instead
Remember the second stress effect triggers when the Stress reaches 100
Happy End World
To achieve this ending, you need to have more than a million followers.
Moreover, you need to have the affection meter above 80 and the mental darkness meter under 80
You may notice that this ending has the exact same requirments as Happy End World and that's becouse this is a secret variation of that ending with one little extra step:
After reaching the requirments above on Day 29 disconnect your ACTUAL computers internet or find a way to prevent your PC from connecting to Twitter (If your language is set to Simplified Chinese make sure you cannot connect to Weibo) I honestly just disconnected from the internet and it worked fine so you can stick with that without all the fancy stuff
NOTE: While this ending has an achievment attached to it you are not required to get this ending for Comment te dire adieu
Okay this is a weird one to get couse there is actually no player input required for this ending other than putting Ame's Mental Darkness to 100 rest is pure RNG let me explain:
See once your Mental Darkness is 100 each time you end a night and move on to the next day the game will roll a number between 0 and 100. If this number is 66 you get this ending but DON'T WORRY couse you can actually buffer this counter by getting 16 endings or more couse If you manage to get that many endings the game will both roll a number between 0 and 100 but also roll a number between 0 to 20. If you manage to 6 in the second roll you also get this ending
Good Luck 😉
NOTE: While this ending has an achievment attached to it you are not required to get this ending for Comment te dire adieu
Galactic Express
We entering the update terriotary baby as this ending comes from the Nintendo Switch relase of this game but you didn't come to this guide for this information so let me actually serve my purpose and tell you how to get this ending:
Complete all 5 of the Netlore streams, then overdose on any drug during noon, and at night go to the Go Out section.
A new location called "Galactic Rail" should appear—choose it.
How to Unlock All 5 of the Netlore Streams:
Netlore Stream 1: A mysterious figure in my stream is unlocked from Internet > /st/
Netlore Stream 2: A message from the future is unlocked from Internet > /st/
Netlore Stream 3: When I got off at a strange station is unlocked by reaching 10k Followers then Go Out > Ichigaya
Netlore Stream 4: How to overcome your fears by reaching 100k Followers then Internet > social
Netlore Stream 5: KAngel is unlocked by reaching 250k Followers then Internet > /st/
Yay another new ending Im telling you this as a random trivia btw If I didn't specified that it's not required for Comment te dire adieu than it IS required don't forget that anywho let's go back me telling you how to get this ending:
There are 2 ways to get this ending:
Method 1:
Experience both Stress Events then reach 1 Million Subscribers, afterwards do the 1 Million Subscribers Celebration Stream and you will get this ending
Method 2:
If you gained the idea of 1 Million Subscribers Celebration Stream before experiencing both Stress Events simply experience both of them and the Stream should be altered to make you enter DARK ANGEL route
How to Get the Stress Events:
Have 80+ Stress for 2 days straight for the first one
Then Get to 100 Stress for the second one
Pro Tip: Stress Events can easily be triggered by streaming non-stop or abusing heavy streams like Sexy, ASMR, Breakdown or Conspiracy Theory Streams
WARNING: DON'T reach 120 Stress otherwise you'll get Bomber Girl ending though that ending only occurs at night so If you get 120 on morning do something to reduce it
Internet Runaway Angel: Be Invoked
This is the last new ending and also the hardest one to get couse at surface level all you really need to is Reach maximum followers but you wanna know the Follower cap of this game? 9,999,999 so the game basiaclly wants you to come with a stragedy that will put you in such a streak combo from every bonus you could possibly get and then do a level 5 stream of said topic (that DOESN'T trigger an ending be carefull about that) and gain such a high amount of followers that it will reach the cap
If you actually plan correctly you will reach the cap at like Day 22 but If you get stuck and knowing the requirment is simply isn't cutting anymore here is a detailed list of things that I did to achive this ending:
Before I start do note that once you reach 9,999,999 Followers you'll have to get through some story stuff once you'll see sleeping parts of this list you'll know what I mean ALSO you need to atleast ignore 2 DMs If you are actually gonna take care of Ame without breaking her we need to prevent Affection from getting bloated and trigger the ending it's attached to. With these out of the way here is how I achieved this ending:
Day 2 Noon: Video Streaming
Day 2 Dusk: Video Streaming
Day 2 Night: Stream: Angel Explains 1
Day 3 Noon: Cuddle
Day 3 Dusk: Cuddle
Day 3 Night: Stream: Angel Explains 2
Day 4 Noon: Play Game
Day 4 Dusk: Daily Tweet
Day 4 Night: Stream: Nerd Talk 1
Day 5 Noon: Vanity Search
Day 5 Dusk: Play Game
Day 5 Night: Stream: Nerd Talk 2
Day 6 Noon: Play Game
Day 6 Dusk: Play Game
Day 6 Night: Stream: Letsplay 1
Day 7 Noon: Go Out (Akihabara)
Day 7 Night: Stream: Letsplay 2
Day 8 Noon: Play Game
Day 8 Dusk: Business Tweet
Day 8 Night: Stream: Internet Angel 1
Day 9 Noon: Sleep until Dusk
Day 9 Dusk: Video Streaming
Day 9 Night: Stream: Angel Explains 3
Day 10 Noon: Video Streaming
Day 10 Dusk: Video Streaming
Day 10 Night: Stream: Nerd Talk 3
Day 11 Noon: (Ignore a DM) Play Game
Day 11 Dusk: Play Game
Day 11 Night: Stream: Internet Angel 2
Day 12 Noon: Play Game
Day 12 Dusk: Play Game
Day 12 Night: Stream: Internet Angel 2
Day 13 Noon: Play Game
Day 13 Dusk: Muse
Day 13 Night: Stream: Letsplay 3
Day 14 Noon: Go Out (Nakano)
Day 14 Night: Stream (Internet Angel 4)
Day 15 Noon: Play Game
Day 15 Dusk: Play Game
Day 15 Night: Stream: Letsplay 4
Day 16 Noon: Play Game
Day 16 Dusk: Play Game
Day 16 Night: Stream: Internet Angel 5
Day 17 Noon: Play Game
Day 17 Dusk: Play Game
Day 17 Night: Stream: Sponsorships 1
Day 18 Noon: Video Streaming
Day 18 Dusk: Play Game
Day 18 Night: Stream: Sponsorships 2
Day 19 Noon: Play Game
Day 19 Dusk: Play Game
Day 19 Night: Stream: Sponsorships 3
Day 20 Noon: (Ignore a DM) Pity Party
Day 20 Dusk: Play Game
Day 20 Night: Stream: Sponsorships 4
Day 21 Noon: Vanity Search
Day 21 Dusk: Play Game
Day 21 Night: Stream: Sponsorships 5
Day 22 Noon: Play Game
Day 22 Dusk: Muse
Day 22 Night: Stream: Letsplay 5
Day 23 Noon: Sleep Until Tomorrow
Day 24 Noon: Go Out: Ame's Parents'
Day 24 Night: Sleep Until Tomorrow
Day 25 Noon: Sleep Until Tomorrow
Day 26 Noon: Sleep Until Tomorrow
Comment Te Dire Adieu (True Ending)
To achieve this ending, you need to unlock all of the other endings,which will unlock a new save slot in the file menu. Aren't you glad all of the endings are in this guide? (It's not like that's the guides purpose or anything)
NOTE: While both Happy End World and SMT has achievments attached to them you don't need those endings to unlock this route as they are optional easter egg endings
Thanks For Reading!
Thank you for reading this guide and I hope it was helpfull for you
Take care!
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3129151285
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