This is the information I got from this youtube video so all credit goes to them. I just wrote it down so its easier. Its probably not the fastest way but it works.
*You will not be able to skip all the streams since you need to delete some chats to reduce Ame's stress
*There are times when events won't align so i suggest you just reload the day (ex: Day 13, if Ame forces an event on you or if DM answers makes you skip a part of the day)
*I will write down the amount of stress Ame is supposed to have at the END of that day (It's alright if it's a bit lower or higher than what I wrote because of the randomness of DMs)
*Make sure the amount of followers is the exact same as written (can't be a single digit lower)
*Don't forget to answer all of Ame's DMs!
*If you follow this guide STEP by STEP you will get the achievement
Day By Day
Start a new save file
Stream message to delete:
Weird name
So when are you gonna show us your titsStress: 13
Noon: Social media
Dusk: /st\ post
Night: sleep till morning
Stress: 11
Followers: 1011
Noon: go to Harajuku
Night: stream KAngel tries stuff 1
Stream message to delete:
So you'll go on a date with me?!
Stress: 18
Followers: 1131
Noon: Take 3 Depaz
Night: ASMR stream 1
Stream message to delete:
You look like my ex wife
Stress: 28
Followers: 1615
Noon: video stream
Dusk: spend time together
Night: ASMR stream 2 *Can be skipped
Stress: 42
Followers: 3631
Noon: video streaming
Dusk: spend time together
Night: breakdown stream 1 *Can be skipped
Stress: 53
Followers: 12055
Noon: have ***
Night: ASMR stream 3 *Can be skipped
Stress: 65
Followers: 62050
Noon: play game
Dusk: vanity search
Night: stream internet angel 1 *Can be skipped
Stress: 61
Followers: 97996
Noon: vanity search
Dusk: spend time together
Night: stream KAngel tries stuff 2 *Can be skipped
Stress: 73
Followers: 112371
DAY 10
Noon: video streaming
Dusk: video steaming
Night: internet angel 2 *Can be skipped
Stress: 65
Followers: 166035
DAY 11
Noon: go to hospital
Night: stream KAngel tries stuff 3
Stream message to delete:
She's tone deaf
Stress: 71
Followers: 197043
DAY 12
Noon: dinder date
Night: KAngel tries stuff 4
Stream message to delete:
Wh/o\re angel
Can we go on a date
So if they respected that order you would've slept with them?!
Stress 78
Followers: 247871
DAY 13
*Reload if Ame hasn't slept till dust
Dusk: spend time together
Night: break down stream 2
Stream message to delete:
You could give me a call?
You kinda ask for it though
I could make you happy
Why do girls always like to play the victim
Lol are you trying to make people feel sorry for you so they'll give you money
Stress: 83
Followers: 431949
DAY 14
Noon: spend time together
Dusk: spend time together
Night: stream internet angel 3 *Can be skipped
Stress: 71
Followers: 540432
DAY 15
Noon: go to hospital
Night: stream internet angel 4 *Can be skipped
*DM answers to remove stress (1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1)
Stress: 54
Followers: 664045
DAY 16
Noon: go to hospital
Night: sexy stream 1
Stream message to delete:
Can you take it off
Stress: 70
Followers: 1502442
DAY 17
Noon: have ***
Night: sexy stream 2
Stream message to delete:
Show tits
Stress: 85
Followers: 2657504
DAY 18
Noon: video streaming
Dusk: spend time together
Night: sexy stream 3
Stream message to delete:
I'm also a lot bigger than you'd expect
Stress: 100
Followers: 4235998
DAY 19
Noon: max stress event 1
*Forced stream can be skipped
Stress: 85
Followers: 4448475
DAY 20
Noon: go to Shibuya
Night: ASMR stream 4 *Can be skipped
Stress: 99
Followers: 6063991
DAY 21
Noon: have ***
Night: stream internet angel 5 *Can be skipped
Stress: 87
Followers: 6562524
DAY 22
Noon: have ***
Night: stream KAngel tries stuff 5 *Can be skipped
Stress: 75
Followers: 6997454
DAY 23
Noon: have ***
Night: sponsorship stream 1
Stream message to delete:
Please don't become a sell-out
Stress: 61
Followers: 7115530
DAY 24
Noon: forced event (if not have ***)
Night: sexy stream 4
Followers: 9999999
Ending will automatically start from here
If anything is missing or if there's confusion, you can look always look at the video.
Goodluck! :)
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