How to make any gamepad work with the game


The same guide that I've made in Full Burst. I repost it here 9with few changes) for new players.

If game doesn't see your pad don't cry, it's a common issue, there is a way to trick it to think that you have an xbox pad.

1.Go to and download x360ce (downloads tab, file)

2.Unzip it

3.Plug in your pad

3.Run x360ce

4.It will ask you about creating filles answer yes 2 times. can search the internet for settings for your pad, but they might be incorect, we will do it manualy, press cancel

6.Options tab check all dll, Enable Xinput, Int Beeb optional if you want to hear beep meaning that emulation works.Hook Mode Normal

7.Controler tab

(if you're using x360 ver downloaded form official site change preset bar for random game pad and press load, do it until xbox pad image stops being foggy)

(if you use older version it will work without a problem)

8.Chose record next to Xbox 360 buttons and press the corresponding button at your pad. Do it for buttons, sticks etc.

9.If it sets y,x on stic worng change it manualy (from the list for examply try set oposite to what is set automaticially)

10.For vibration enable force feedback in force feedback tab (but better do not do that because it might cause game to run in slow montion)

11. Save, and close program

12. Copy all files it creates

13.Paste them where game is instaled ( the fastest way to find them" right click on your game in the library, properties, local files tab and click show local files, or something like that I don't have steam in English ;) )

As you can see those files are there already (game must be using this emulator xd) but for same reason it doesen't work

change all filles

14. Run the game, game sees your pad as xbox pad :)

I hope I've helped you.


-If vibration is chcecked game may run slower info by Kryze tank you!


Uncheck vibration

-If you've configured two pads and plug in only one game may run slower


Plug in two pads


Use two sets of x360ce files, one with configured one pad, one with two. You need to change them in game directory depend of need.

-Steam in-home streaming you can't use it, game will run slow and pad won't work

Btw. You can use this method in any game that supports Xbox pad, but doesn't recognize your gamepad.


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