Basics About Skill Types
There are three types of skills:
Personal skills
Leader skills
Party skills
Personal skillsThese skills only benefit the owner of the skill. An example would be "Riding" which allows the character with that skill to ride horses with higher requirements.
Your character will need some of these.
Leader skillsThese skills are only active when they are owned by the leader of the party. That is you, the protagonist.
Your character will need some or even all of these.
Party skillsThe highest value from the party is used. If not the protagonist but another party member has the highest skill and the party leader (you) has the skill too (lower), then the skill gets a small bonus.
You will want to avoid these, at least for a long time. Let your party members have these skills.
Selection Of Needed Skill And Attributes
The four leader skills and the needed attributes are
Inventory Management - Intelligence, you can take more loot, transport more wares
Persuasion - Intelligence - good for relations with the lords, late game
Prisoner Management - Charisma - you can have more prisoners at once - good for selling them
Leadership - Charisma - you can lead more people with less problems
If you plan to be a great ruler you will want "Persuasion" and "Leadership", so you will need Intelligence and Charisma.
If you just want to be a trader, you could get away with only "Inventory Management".
Depending on your choices here you know, if you will need intelligence and or charisma.
If you plan on fighting yourself, which most people want, you will need some personal skills.
If you go melee, bow or throwing weapons, you will need strength for this.
If you want
Weapon Master, higher and earlier weapon skill progression - Agility
Shield, needed against ranged attacks, good against melee attacks - Agility
Riding, not needed if you plan to fight on foot, you survive much better on a horse - Agilityyou will need agility.
If you plan on having followers (you should plan to have these) you will want
Trainer, give every day xp to lower followers, Intelligenceso you will need Intelligence.
You see, whatever you do, you will want
Inventory Management - Intelligence
Power Strike, Draw or Throw - Strengthand there is a high probability you will need Agility and Charisma too, depending on your above choices.
So you will have to get all attributes up. No way around that.
Life Choices
At the start of the character creation you will get asked some questions regarding different stages of your life.
These choices will give you
Attributes like Strength or Agility
Skills like Power Strike or Trade
Proficiencies like "one handes +14" or "Pole + 7"
Equipment like "Battered old round shield" or "Hunting crossbow"
Currencies like "+80 Denar (money) or "+15 Renown"
All choices are kind of equal in so far, as no choice has per se a clear advantage above another one.
But, there are two things to consider:
Depending on your plans points in Agility and Archery are much better than points in Charisma and Trading.
You don't want party skills on your starting character, that is a waste. You only want personal or leader skills.
You can find the tables I use for reference here: Warband Wiki[] .
So you choices come down to these:
Your father was... Noble (male only), INT +1, CHA +2, Power Strike +1, Weapon Master +1, Riding +1, Tactics +1, Leadership +1
Warrior, STR +1, AGI +1, CHA +1, Ironflesh +1, Power Strike +1, Weapon Master +1, Trainer +1, Leadership +1
Early Life Page, STR +1, CHA +1 , Power Strike +1, Persuasion +1
Steppe Child, STR +1, AGI +1, Power Throw +1, Horse Archery +1
Adulthood Squire (male only), STR +1, AGI +1, Power Strike +1, Weapon Master +1, Riding +1, Leadership +1
Reason for adventuring Revenge, STR +2, Power Strike +1
Loss, CHA +2, Ironflesh +1
Forced out, STR +1, INT +1, Weapon Master +1
All above is good to know however you plan to play.
But please consider this:
Some people play as female non-noble, because this is a very hard start.
So don't take the above as bible or be insulted because of the above.
This is just knowledge I want to give to you so you can make a better decision.
If you now decide you want to create a character which has certain party skills from the beginning like looting and path finding because you want to hunt caravans and be able to get away and get better loot than other beginners, then be happy about it.
Much of the fun in this game comes from the different ways to play it.
Me, I play many different games, so I wanted an easier start for certain goals.
Perhaps I can help others a bit with this guide.
Have fun, raise your kingdom and raze the others!
Just my LibreOffice Calc Sheet about Companions, perhaps it helps someone else too:
The most important conclusion, you can't have all companions in your party at once, because they will not like each other.
So, I take only these:
Bunduk, STR
Deshavi, INT, Tracking+Pathfinding
Jeremus, INT, Wound Treatment+Surgery
Katrin, CHA, Trade
Klethi, AGI, Looting
Marnid, INT, Spotting+Engineer
Ymira, INT, Tactics+First Aid
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