Achivements 100% | Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk

Achivements 100% | Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk


All 5 butterflies:

Medicines on the sink

School bag

Pages of the sketchbook

Notebook pages taped on the wall



Achivements 100% | Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk image 8
Achivements 100% | Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk image 9
Achivements 100% | Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk image 10
Achivements 100% | Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk image 11
Achivements 100% | Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk image 12

First death

To obtain first death we need to choose "That's the thing. I have no idea. This is... weird." after the player asks her about what she was thinking about on the floor

Please, forget it

To get this achievement player needs to check her laptop while looking for butterflies, the girl will give you a little story. After story ends player must select the "You'll end up returning to that subject anyway." Achivement will unlock after selecting "And if you forget?" option close to the end of disscusion about it

Second death

To get this achivements we need to make the girl go to balcony after First death and Please, forget it


To obtain this achivement we need to put girl to sleep, Player will obtain the achivement after girl falls asleep (The sleeping scene is nearly to the end of game)

You're annoying

To get this achivement player need to check her school bag while looking for butterflies. After a little talk player will ask her if she remembers her last day in school once she finish talking about that we need to select "Tell me about it again.". Achivement will appear after her words "Everything that happened next, happened after something, that led to everything that happened, after what had happened."


Achivements 100% | Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk image 24
Achivements 100% | Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk image 25
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You won't get it (Shop Ending)

To achieve this ending we need to

Trigger the First Death cutscene.

Avoid other things like Second death.

Everything is fine(Mirror Ending)

To achieve this ending we need to

Dont trigger the First Death cutscene.

Dont collect girls phone while looking for butterflies.

Collect all of butterflies.

Are we friends?(Phone/Pizza Ending)

Dont trigger the First Death cutscene.

Collect the girl's phone, which is between the fan and the radio.

I look down(Stairs Ending)

Dont trigger the First Death cutscene.

Dont collect girls phone while looking for butterflies.

Dont collect all of the butterflies.

Dont go to the balcony.

Is anyone there?(Room and Field Ending)

Dont trigger the First Death cutscene.

Dont collect girls phone while looking for butterflies.

Dont collect all of the butterflies.

Trigger Please forget it

Trigger Second Death


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