Might & Magic X Guide

Might & Magic X Guide

Might & Magic X Legacy Map

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Barrels, Shrines And Statues

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When exploring the world you come across barrels containing liquid, here a list of what you get with each discription:

Dark Red Liquid - +1 Might

Dark Blue Liquid - +1 Magic

White Liquid - +1 Perception

Purple Liqiud - +1 Destiny

Pulsing Red Liquid - +1 Resistance Fire Magic

Pulsing Blue Liquid - +1 Resistance Water Magic

Pulsing Green Liquid - +1 Resistance Earth Magic

Pulsing Yellow Liquid - +1 Resistance Light Magic

Pulsing White Liquid - +1 Resistance Air Magic

Pulsing Purple Liquid - +1 Resistance Prime Magic

Pulsing Black Liquid - +1 Resistance Dark Magic


Blue Crystal - +20 Water Resistance

Green Crystal - +20 Earth Resistance

Yellow Crystal - +20 light Resistance

Pink Crystal - +10 Resistance against all magic schools

Purple Crystal - +20 Prime Magic Resistance

Red Crystal - +20 Fire Resistance

White Crystal - +20 Air Resistance

Black Crystal - +20 Dark Resistance


Maiden Statue - Hour of Power

- Melee and ranged attack values of all party members increased by 10

- Might, magic, perception, destiny increased by 10

Blind Maiden Statue - Heroic Destiny

-Destiny increased by 10

Naga Statue

-Dispels partymembers


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List of Trainer:


Master Endurance - Maximus at the Sorpigal Town Garrison

Expert Light Magic - Lisandre at the Chapel of Elrath

Expert Magical Focus - Johara's Charms and Tasimans

Expert Heavy Armour - Thurmond at the Fine Dwarf Armour

Expert Warfare - Caldwell at Caldwell's Weapons Shop

Expert Dagger - Oscar at the Goblin Watchtower Inn

Expert Sword - Enora at theTraining Center

Expert Mace - Enora at the Training Center

Expert Axe - Enora at the Training Center

Expert Bow - Aldin at the Training Center

Expert Crossbow - Aldin at the Training Center

Expert Air Magic - Aldin at the Training Center

Expert Arcane Discipline - Faris at the Arcane Library

Agyn Peninsula:

Expert Earth Magic- Shihab at the Itinerant Merchant(Near Castle Portmeyron)

Expert Fire Magic - Shihab at the Itinerant Merchant(Near Castle Portmeyron)

Expert Prime Magic - Shihab at the Itinerant Merchant(Near Castle Portmeyron)

Master Dual Wield - Hamato at the Lighthouse

Grandmaster Axe - Drengi at Drengi's house (between Seahaven and Elemental Forge)

Grandmaster Sword - Lord Haart found in Yon Chall Forest

(must have "tell the truth mostly" to the inquisitor at the end of the "Haart has its reasons" Quest)

Grandmaster Shield - Lord Kilburn in the Flying tower in Yon Chall Forest

Grandmaster Fire Magic - Erika at the Cottage in the Minho Marches

Grandmaster Earth Magic - Caranthir in the Yon Chall Forest

Grandmaster Endurance - Atlas At Atlas hut in the Dubra Scrubland

Grandmaster Light Magic - Orna at Orna's Chappel in the Nevea Delta West of Karthal

Grandmaster Dark Magic - Luna in the Halloth Grove

Grandmaster Two-Handed Weapons - Yaksha at Yaksha's Hut in the Desolate Wilds

Grandmaster Bow - Yumiko found in the Desolate Wilds

(Must have completed the quest : "Bow Grandmaster")

Grandmaster Warfare - Sandor at Sandor's Hunt found in the Desolate Wilds

Grandmaster Arcane Discipline - Mizuki in the Desolate Wilds

(Must have Completed the quest: "Arcane Discipline Grandmaster")

Grandmaster Sword - Carla Menthil Coast (alternative to Lord Haart)

(Can only be done if Lord haart isn't there, Must have Completed the quest: "Sword Grandmaster")

Grandmaster Dodge - Wysthal at Wysthal's tower in the Wyslin Jungle

Grandmaster Air Magic - Shiva at Shiva's tent in the Wyslin Jungle

Grandmaster Crossbow - Arnod at Arnod hut in the Vantyr Range

(Must have completed the quest: "Crossbow Grandmaster"

Grandmaster Dual Wield - Changbo at the Vantyr Range

Castle Portmeyron

Master Sword - Jon Morgan

Master Shield - Gwenda

Elemental Forge

Grandmaster Magical Focus - Berenice hidden room on Lvl 2

(When entering from Lvl 2 from lvl3 you find a hidden doorway on your left)


Master Two Handed Weapons - Arsene at the Town Garrison

Expert Shield - Tristan at Town Garrison

Expert Spear - Tristan at Town Garrison

Expert Medium Armour - Tristan at the Town Garrison

Expert Endurance -Bear at Bear's house

Expert Dodge - Bear at Bear's house

Expert Dark Magic - Selena at Moon Doe

Master Fire Magic - Geilir at Geilir's House

Master Spear - Eldgrim at Eldgrim's House

Master Medium Armour - Gregor at Gregor's Armour

Master Crossbow - Torsten at Runes and Crafts

Master Magical Focus - Luce at Church Library

Master Light Magic - Umberto at Church of Elrath

Master Mace - Bao at the Naga Bank

Expert Two handed Weapons - Chao at the Naga Bank

Expert Arcane Discipline - Yayoi at Seahaven Dojo

Expert Mysticism - Yayoi at Seahaven Dojo

Expert Sword -Torchiro at Seahaven Dojo

Expert Medium Armour - Torchiro at Seahaven Dojo

Expert Dual Wield - Torchiro at Seahaven Dojo

Expert Water Magic - Shizuka at Seahaven Dojo

Expert Air Magic - Shizuka at Seahaven Dojo

Expert Prime Magic - Shizuka at Seahaven Dojo

Karthal Harbour District

Grandmaster Spear - Iason at the Praetoriam Garrison

Master Bow - John at the Deathmatch

Expert Water Magic - Ryu The Lcok Kit

Master Prime Magic - Hypatia at the Great Library of Karthal

Master Heavy Armour - Lihua at the Elegant Armour

Karthal Slums

Expert Axe - Brogan at the Black Guard's Training Center

Expert Warfare - Brogan at the Black Guard's Training Center

Expert Crossbow - Lowell at the Black Guard's Training Center

Expert Mysticism - Lowell at the Black Guard's Training Center

Expert Light Magic - Lowell at the Black Guard's Training Center

Expert Dark - Grimbold at the Black Guard's Training Center

Expert Earth - Grimbold at the Black Guard's Training Center

Expert Fire - Grimbold at the Black Guard's Training Center

Expert Dodge - Blackfang Thief at the Blackfang Hideout

Master Mysticism - Ajit at the Blackfang Hideout

Master Dark Magic - Ahlam at the Arcane Library

Expert Dual Wield - Tamina found South of the Arcane Library

Master Warfare - Zakaral at Rickard's Tavern de la Licorne

Master Fire Magic - Sayid at Sayid's House

Karthal Sewers

Grandmaster Medium Armour - Tamotsu found in the lvl 2 sewers

The Crag

Grandmaster Mace - Tao at Toa's House

Master Earth Magic - Bojekio at the Healing Lodge

Master Arcane Dicipline - Yahima at the House of Mojo

Master Water Magic - Ciele at the Fort

Grandmaster Water Magic - Kai found at the docks

(need to complete the quest: "water magic grandmaster")

Master Dodge - Every at the Everyman's Armour

Expert Spear - Guaora at the Training Center

Expert Magical Focus - Guaora at the Training Center

Expert Endurance - Guaora at the Training Center

Master Air Magic - Guaora at the Training Center

Expert Bow - Mabo at the Training Center

Expert Mace - Mabo at the Training Center

Expert Dagger - Mabo at the Training Center

Master Axe - Inamoca at the Training Center

Expert Shield - Inamoca at the Training Center

Expert Two Handed Weapons - Inamoca at the Training Center

Master Dagger - Largo at the Largo's Second-Hand Weapons

Grandmaster Mysticism - Falagar at the Big House

(Need to complete the quest: "Liberation")

The Lost City

Grandmaster Heavy Armour - Sorli found on lvl 4

The Tower of Enigma

Grandmaster Prime Magic - Nur found on the top floor

Tomb of the Thousand Terrors

Master Dark Magic - Eruina on lvl 5

Master Prime Magic - Kastore on lvl 5

Grandmaster Dagger - Yeshtar on lvl5

Promotion Quest Starting Locations

To do these quests you must have the appropriate class in your party.



Quest Giver: Myranda in Windsword Garrison, Seahaven, coordinates [4, 28].


Quest Giver: Jon Morgan, throne chamber, Castle Portmeyron level 3.


Quest Giver: Zouleika, The Crag or the Karthal Sewers depending on the progress in game



Quest Giver: Gathalel in the Yon Chall Forest. [82, 93]


Quest Giver: Monshan, by the Navea Delta [90, 45].


Quest Giver: Tieru in the Elf lodge. [40, 53] .



Quest Giver: Hedwig,in Untamed Thirst, coordinates [85, 47].


Quest Giver: Erling in the Dwarf Hall, in the Vantyr Mountains [116, 99].


Quest Giver: Eldgrim, in Seahaven [27, 2].



Quest Giver: Kraal in the Sandor’s Tent in the Desolated Wilds. [41, 17]


Quest Giver: Ulagan in the Crag, on Ulagan’s Ship. [15, 10]


Quest Giver: Airini in a shrine “Healing Lodge”, in the Crag. [24, 27]

The Naga Tea

Quest : The Naga Tea

Collect the five Naga tea's found at diffrent locations

Quest Giver: Meleager in Karthal Harbour, coordinates [4, 23]

Urago tea Manami - Karthal Harbour Streets [21, 19]

Heijin tea Erika - Minho Marches [43, 64]

Ohlae tea Idas - Itinerant Merchants[119, 55]

Higan tea Tamal Tavern - Navea Delta [85, 47]

Akari tea Hamato - Lighthouse (after the Quest: Darkness in th

e Lighthouse quest

Peninsula Incognita Answers

Q: Sorpigal-by-the-sea is located by the shores of a bay. What's the name of the bay?

A: Tirya

Q: What is the name of the large river on which Karthal is located?

A: Navea

Q: There's a lake in the very centre of the peninsula. What is it called?

A: Eye

Q: What name is given to the rocky coast on the western edge of the peninsula?

A: Menthil

Q: What is the name of the sea north of the peninsula?

A: Irisus

Q: What was the ancient name of these lands, before they became know as the Agyn Peninsula?

A: Malyn

Q: What is the name of the small forest east of Karthal?

A: Shadow Woods

Q: There's a place whose name means "Song of the wind" in the elven language. What is the place?

A: Wyslin

The Secret Of The Obelisks

This quest activates from the moment you actived an Obelisk. There are 8 Obelisks accros the Agyn Peninsula and each time you find one you get a clue, you can find the clues you got sofar in your quest log under "Quest Tokens". Here are the locations and clues you get.

1# Ashen Hills 92,60

2# Ashen Hills 127,50

3# Dubra Scrabland 92,22

4# Minho Marches 32,56

5# Desolate Wilds 52,19

6# Desolate Wilds 22,19

7# Wyslin Jungle 22,83

8# Vantyr Range at 117,88

Clues: Start from the gates of Seahaven and walk 9 steps towards the Savage Sea. Turn left and walk 12 steps. Turn right and walk 11 steps. Turn left and walk 19 steps. Turn right and walk 3 more steps. Turn Right again and walk your last step. Turn left and search the rock.

You need all clues in order to get the loot.

Elemental Forge

On your journey you find crystal shards for each element, each one unlocks a room with in the Elemental Forge, after solving the puzzles and beating the guardian you are granted acces to one of the six blessings.

Earth Magic Room

[Shard of Earth] Found at lvl 1 of the Elemental Forge.

No Puzzle here, you see a brush infront of you, when activated the boss will spawn.

Beating the boss grants you the Blessing of Sylanna

+5 Earth Magic Resistance

Enables you to find paths in thickets where other's don't.

Light Magic Room

[Shard of Light] found at lvl 2 of Falagar's Mansion in Karthal

In the Middle of the room you find 9 pressure plates, when all are lite the pillers wil drop clearing a path to the upper level where you find the boss.

Start from the middle plate near the stair, then go L,U,R,R,U,L and D

Beating the boss grants you the Blessing of Elrath

+5 Light Magic Resistance

Gain permanent Clairvoyance

Water Magic Room

[Shard of Water] Found at lvl 4 of the Lost City

In The middle of the room you find 3 levers.

Left one: Alters the flow

front one: rotates the structure

Right one: Changes the element

To clear the puzzle you need to rotate the structure towards the hole infront of you, and change the element to water (Blue), this will spawn the boss.

3x front, 4x right, 2x left

Beating the boss grants you the Blessing of Shalassa

+5 Water Magic Resistance

Allows you to walk on shallow water

Air Magic Room

[Shard of Air] Found at lvl 2 of the Skull Rock

When standing in the center of the room you see a plates to your left, one in front, one to the right and one behind you.

3x plate in front

2x plate on the right

1x plate on the left

4x plate behind

After this pass through the left side avoid triggering a plate, on the top you find the boss

Beating the boss grants you the Blessing of Ylath

+5 Air Magic Resistance

Allows you to step on unsafe footings

Dark Magic Room

[Shard of Darkness] Found at lvl 1 Karthal Prisson (Boss room Quest: Liberation )

Actived the switches to make a path to the top

Use the teleporter in this order:


After this the puzzle is solvde and the teleporters will be gone and you can beat the boss.

Beating the boss grants you the Blessing of Malassa

+5 Dark Magic Resistance

Allows you to spot secrets that are hidden from mortal eye's

Fire Magic Room

[Shard of Fire] Found at lvl 3 Lost city (boss room Quest: The Curse)

Use the levers to make a path across the lava and defeat the boss

from where you come activate the top right switch, go back and use the switch on the right of the entrance, next the one on the left and the one next to it, Last the one on the top left. Now follow the path on the top left till you actived the last bridge. Go back to the top Right and actived the boss

Beating the boss grants you the Blessing of Arkath

+5 Fire Magic Resistance

Raises your awareness of hostiles

Riddle Solutions

Riddle chest found near the obelisk west of Castle Portmeyron.

Q: What runs smoother than any rhyme, Loves to fall but cannot climb.

A: Water

Riddle chest found in the Yon Chall Forest

Q: This engulfing thing is strange indeed.The greater it grows, the less you see.

A: Darkness

Riddle chest found in the Halloth Grove

Q: What is not enough for one, Just right for two, Too Much for three?

A: Secret

Riddle chest found in the Desolate Wilds

Q: Completely round is fairly rare. Bright and shiny when I'm there.When I'm not, they call me new. But I'm old. Older than you."

A: Moon

Riddle chest found in the lost city on level 4

Q: history is told, forgotten and can be told again. what is put on parchment never remains unchanged. always truth can be washed away and rewritten,but the spectre of past words saldom completely fades.

A: Palimpsest

Riddle chest found in the Vantyr range

Q: I am so simple, that i can only point, Yet i guide men all over the world.

A: Compass

Riddle lever found in the Tomb of a Thousand Terrors lvl 2

1 Q: As life withers and closes, As the first sing of rage grows.

2 Q: Peace ends while battles start again.

3 Q: A circle is drawn, Where shadow is born.

A: Erebos

Riddle chest found in the Tower of Enigma

Q: I am known both young and old,Some cower from me, others i make bold, but i'm not one you mock or taunt, For your every step i hunt.

A: Death

Riddle chest found in the Tower of Enigma

Q: What does man love more than life, Hate more than death or mortal strife; That which contented men desire; The pore have, the rich require; The miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to there graves.

A: Nothing

Riddle book found in the Tower of Enigma

Q: What three letters make a man a boy?

A: Age

Riddle chest found in the Tower of Enigma

Q: While i don't walk, swim or fly, Before i fade i still wander. i shed tears even if i don't cry, But what am i? That i wonder.

A: Cloud

Riddle chest found in the Tower of Enigma lvl 2

Q: I have a head, I have a tail. But i haven't got a body. What am i ?

A: Coin

Riddle statue found in the Tower of Enigma lvl 3

Q: Strong or weak, they all soon learn, That i dwell within the hearts of men, In darkness i rule but retreat from light. I don't need hands to grasp your tight.

A: Fear

Riddle chest found in the Tower of Enigma lvl 3

Q: Who has a hat but no head, a foot but no shoe?

A: Mushroom

Varia Puzzles

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eep in mind i use the minimap for a reference as where North is

N = North

S = South

= ast

W= West

Top of the ighthouse Puzzle,

ll platforms need to be activated in order.

rom the entrance ctivate the N/W plate then the S/W Plate, go across to the N/ Plate and last the S/ Plate, The exit will activate and the main quest will update.

Mysterious rypt N/ of astle Portmeyron.

room with 3 torches, all torches need to be lite towards the middle of the room.


Mysterious rypt found West of renki's house in the The ye

Teleporter room make your way to the chest on the other end.


Mysterious rypt found in the Shadow Woods

ctivate 2 plates to clear the middle of the room to give access to the middle chest ().























14#& ('m not 100% sure if this puzzle solution is correct, the problem lies in that no longer have the save file to see if it is correct, and where the error is.)

Mysterious rypt found in the esolated Wilds

Minesweeper room, make your way to the other side, use clairvoyance, it will help you disarm the traps found in the room.


= Wall

S= Safe

T= Trap













Mysterious rypt found in the Vantyr Range

ite up all pressure plates to open the gate

rom where you come in take the 2nd passage to the then go, ,N,,,,W,S,N,,W,S

Puzzle at the Tomb of Thousand Terrors V 3

ite up all pressure plates to gain acces the exit, here the solution:


Puzzle at the Tomb of Thousand Terrors V 5


1st puzzle at lvl 2 of the Tower of nigma

ite up all pressure plates to open the exit.







= xit

S= nterance


2nd puzzle at lvl 2 of the Tower of nigma

Mine field room, make you way past the traps.

T = trap tile

S = safe tile

= nterance

Z = xit







- - - -


Skull Rock

At the Shipwreck named Sun Hind found at the Desolate Wilds you find the passcode you need to enter lvl2 of Skull Rock.


Tower of Enigma lvl 2

On lvl 1 you find book stands, on each you find a nr. You will need 4 in total to solve the code.

Nr Locations : 3,14 - 2,3 - 12,2 - 13,13

Numbers: 0 - 1 - 4 - 5

Code: 0451

Ker-Thal lvl 3

Altar in the middle of the room


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=220887893					

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