Lotto numbers Vol. 2


This collection of games was a part of my childhood... These games mean alot to me and have been a staple to it.

I remember going to the library every time I gotten a new version of the games, heading online and putting down all the lotto codes in Higsby's number trader to get everything and not worry about searching everywhere for the Lotto numbers... Equalling more game time!

Here in this guide I will list all the codes that are known for Megaman Battle Network 4, 5, and 6. For Battle Network 3, please check the guides for Vol. 1.

I will also add any trivia and info under the codes if you wanna learn more about the codes or where in the game can be found (if that information is known.)

Have fun!

Battle Network 4

This is where things got intersting...

Besides being my first into to the game (First impressions are everything, eh?), this game introduced some of MegaMan's new sprites and the dark chips, along with some of the worst translation job everyone has ever seen...

Despite this, there were some great memes!

Now why is this a thing? Why was the translation so rushed?

Well I actually looked it up for once. Apparently, it was so it would release for Christmas 2003. Not to mention it was made around the time Battle Network three was finishing up...

Not to mention it was also vastly more ambitious. Did you know there was gunna be a Double soul not only for Duo, but for Bass too?

We actually got a BassSoul for the 5th game, which turned out to be Bass Cross.

To think if they had more time, we would've had Bass Cross sooner! (God I love trivia)

But enough about silly typos and lost Double Souls... Leg's go!

(I apologize to the groaners, I could not resist!)

Battle Chips

77038416 - AirHoc3 V

19095677 - ColorPt *

46292983 - FlmLine1 G

57604335 - FlmLine3 J

74293099 - GunSolEX G

66703422 - Recov300 J

32108251 - Snake R

88019791 - TwnFng3 G

03696458 - VarSwrd C

68009092 - WideSht3 T

72794137 - Z Saver Z

Just adding some Trivia here! So this code was actually found by GreigaMaster randomly. 18 years after the game's inital release!

It turns out this lotto number was added as a safety net of sorts so that people could still get the Battle Chip!

Orignally you had to connect to Mega Man Zero 3 to get the chip... but now you can just put this code in!

Sub Chips

00274304 - Unlocker

94872322 - Unlocker

59891137 - FullEnrg

84625799 - FullEnrg

14769745 - Untrap

02368995 - Untrap

89866302 - SneakRun

24247309 - SneakRun

27979609 - LocEnemy

37198940 - LocEnemy

45798331 - MiniEnrg

16589650 - MiniEnrg

NaviCust Items

10170506 - Tango (Green)

73298100 - Rush (Yellow)

02109544 - MegFldr2 (Green)

97618739 - HP+500 (Pink)

30873642 - HP+500 (White)

75420107 - Custom2 (Yellow)

05178924 - BustPack (Red)

43494372 - BodyPack (Blue)

25435428 - Beat (Blue)

Battle Network 5

Now this! Was the first game I truly owned as a kid. In particularly, the ProtoMan version (sadly).

Now why is this a sad fact?

Because it turns out, despite releasing the same day, Team Colonel had alittle bit more to it's ending... I will not say what though...

But why was Colonel's ending different to ProtoMan's?

Sadly I'm looking around, but there is no trivia I can find that explains this as of now. (Dammit. I really wanted to know!)

But I do have other trivia you might find interesting! Particularly for Double Team DS!

There turns out, there is some unused voice samples of Moltanic Soul, which was Napalm Soul's name change from the anime.

Apparently, NapalmMan's name was going to be MoltanicMan at one point... However from what I see, it was left unchanged for some reason...

And finally, some of these codes are actually found in the anime Rockman.EXE Stream!

(If that doesn't give a reason to watch all that filler, I dunno what does!)

There! Got my trivia quota met for this one!

Liberate Panel! Erm, guide...!

Battle Chips

48958798 - Static S

18746897 - Recov300 Y

35321321 - GunDelS3 O

68942679 - GrabRvng P

52052687 - Geddon3 V

83143652 - FstGauge *

91098051 - DjangoSP D

68799876 - DarkInvs *

07765623 - CusVolt3 G

50364410 - BugFix *

10133670 - AntiWood *

25465278 - AntiWatr *

10386794 - AntiSwrd R

44213168 - AntiRecv P

05068930 - AntiNavi V

73877466 - AntiFire *

35607360 - AntiElec *

Sub Chips

28706568 - Unlocker

64664560 - Unlocker

73978713 - Unlocker

90914896 - FullEnrg

12118790 - FullEnrg

34513460 - Untrap

00798216 - Untrap

64892292 - SneakRun

57950199 - SneakRun

52533649 - LocEnemy

46551130 - LocEnemy

29789661 - LocEnemy

NaviCust Items

30356451 - SpinRed

78987728 - SpinGrn

12541883 - SpinBlue

54288793 - Tango (Green)

36695497 - SpeedMAX (Pink)

28256341 - SoulT+1 (Yellow)

09609807 - Rush (Yellow)

97513648 - MegFldr2 (Green)

15595587 - Custom2 (Blue)

87412146 - ChargMAX (White)

80246758 - BustPack (Blue)

30112002 - BodyPack (Green)

79877132 - Beat (Blue)

63231870 - AttckMAX (Yellow)

72846472 - HP+500 (White)

50906652 - HP+500 (Pink)

45654128 - HP+400 (Yellow)

03419893 - HP+400 (Pink)

13926561 - HP+300 (White)

48785625 - HP+300 (Pink)

90630807 - HP+200 (Pink)

31084443 - HP+50 (Yellow)

Battle Network 6

Ah! The crown jewel of the series!

Not only is it the most balanced of all the games PvP wise, Battle Network 6 also had the most depth when it comes to the gameplay itself!

You could freeze stuff and break it, bubble another and shock 'em, There's alot of combos you can pull off that you probably didn't even know would be in the game until you seen someone else do it!

Now, the trivia!

This game had alot of fan submitted bosses in the game... This includes BookMan! Er, I mean JudgeMan...! (Though that was his original name!)

Now this guy had an unused attack! His attack was that he commanded MegaMan not to perform a certain action in the battle, and if he did it, he would get damaged! God his boss battle would be so different if that was left in... He'd be a nightmare!

Another piece of trivia (and my most favorite) is concerning the Crosses!

According to the Official Complete Works book, while similar to the process of creating the looks for Double Souls, the designs were more focused on the upper half of MegaMan to allow them to design them much faster! Basically saving time on making the game.

Man, I can only imagine what his boots would've looked like for some of the forms, if they had more time to design more details to the Crosses...! Ah, I can dream...

But the biggest trivia we have to talk about is the endgame music that plays at... well end game.

Director Masakazu Eguchi, Mr. Famous himself, acknowledged that he realised that the music did not change from the music that played during the last parts of the story, to the normal music after beating the game. He actually did make sure that it was fixed for Legacy Collection... and it was! Thanks Mr. Famous!

Now with the trivia out of the way, Let's check out these numbers!

Battle Chips

71757977 - AirSpin3 O

24616497 - BlastMan *

97049899 - BlzrdBal H

92070765 - ChargeMan *

51378085 - CircGun V

44892547 - ColArmy *

32310827 - Diveman *

60884138 - DrilArm M

79814666 - DustMan *

30424514 - ElecMan *

08789369 - ElemTrap *

84387543 - EraseMan *

38116449 - Geddon *

10414878 - GrndMan *

14212857 - GunDelS3 W

12404002 - HeatMan *

69544569 - Lance *

88674125 - M-Boomer M

75641392 - Recov300 Y

55910601 - SlashMan *

51702791 - AquaMan *

00297421 - TenguMan *

23722234 - TimeBom3 M

67520179 - TmhkMan *

97403000 - Uninstll G

57656595 - Django *

12110031 - Count *

Just butting in here again! These last two chips were exclusive to the Japanese version of the games! But since the games in the Legacy Collection is based on the Japanese versions, these codes are now useable!

(In other words, those last 2 will not work in the international releases.)

Sub Chips

04789479 - Unlocker

41161139 - Unlocker

82564319 - Unlocker

99910954 - Unlocker

45566783 - FullEnrg

39345472 - FullEnrg

87341489 - FullEnrg

37495453 - LocEnemy

16336487 - LocEnemy

68008194 - LocEnemy

98766899 - LocEnemy

09000465 - Untrap

22812406 - Untrap

59485971 - Untrap

15511679 - SneakRun

74198795 - SneakRun

79459146 - SneakRun

NaviCust Items

41976910 - SpinYllw

77837421 - SpinRed

09256524 - SpinGrn

69548756 - Tango (Green)

12046210 - SpeedMAX (Green)

32132348 - Rush (Yellow)

94305487 - ChargMAX (Blue)

19790420 - BustPack (Red)

28271002 - BodyPack (Pink)

70741543 - Beat (Blue)

55031325 - HP+500 (White)

08749780 - HP+400 (Green)

54654618 - HP+300 (Pink)

24823665 - HP+200 (White)

49951337 - HP+100 (White)

37889678 - HP+50 (Pink)


And there we go! Pretty much all the Lotto Numbers in the remaining games!

This was.. a huge task to say the least... (Which is why you didn't see this uploaded as soon as I posted the first one!) I did my best to make sure none of the numbers were repeated (Like a certain other website... Looking at you, GameFAQs!) and I'm absolutely certain I gotten all the codes right... (If I haven't gotten one of the results correct, please leave a comment!)

But I finally did it, and here it is! Right up here on Steam!

I hope these guides made your game more fun and easier to play through them all!

Thank you for reading, and remember, we are always Connected!

Jack Out, MegaMan!


More Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 2 guilds