Hey, thanks for stopping by. Lotto Codes can be input through a Number Trader in Higsby's shop unlocked after the first or second scenario of each game. If this is your first time playing an entry in the Battle Network series, I suggest you enter these with caution as there are some very strong chips within that may affect your experience and progression with the game, and possibly even contain spoilers within chip data. I wanted to compile this list to have available offline, but I hope it is of use to you as well. You can use the navigation on the right to quick jump to your game of choice. Please leave a comment or contact me if anything is incorrect or missing. Thank you, and enjoy.
Battle Network 4: Red Sun &/ Blue Moon
Number: Recieve Chip: 68009092 WideSht3 (T) 46292983 FlmLine1 (G) 57604335 FlmLine3 (J) 88019791 TwnFng3 (G) 03696458 VarSwrd (C) 77038416 AirHoc3 (V) 32108251 Snake (R) 66703422 Recov300 (J) 19095677 ColorPt (*) 74293099 GunSolEX (G) 72794137 Z Saber (Z) *(Untested, working?)*
Number: Receive Program: 75420107 Custom2 (Yellow) 02109544 MegFldr2 (Green)
05178924 BustPack (Red) 43494372 BodyPack (Blue)
73298100 Rush (Yellow) 25435428 Beat (Purple) 10170506 Tango (Green)
30873642 HP+500 (White) 97618739 HP+500 (Pink)
Number: Receive Subchip: 94872322 Unlocker 00274304 Unlocker
84625799 FullEnrg 59891137 FullEnrg
45798331 MiniEnrg 16589650 MiniEnrg
89866302 SneakRun 24247309 SneakRun
27979609 LocEnemy 37198940 LocEnemy
Battle Network 5: Team Protoman &/ Team Colonel
Number: Receive Chip: 35607360 AntiElec * 73877466 AntiFire * 25465278 AntiWatr * 10133670 AntiWood * 05068930 AntiNavi V 44213168 AntiRecv P
10386794 AntiSwrd R 50364410 BugFix * 07765623 CusVolt3 G 83143652 FstGauge * 52052687 Geddon3 V 68942679 GrabRvng P 35321321 GunDelS3 O 18746897 Recov300 Y 91098051 DjangoSP D 48958798 Static (S) 68799876 DarkInvs (*)
Number: Receive NaviCust Program: 63231870 AttckMAX (Yellow) 36695497 SpeedMAX (Pink) 87412146 ChargMAX (White) 80246758 BustPack (Blue) 30112002 BodyPack (Green) 28256341 SoulT+1 (Yellow) 97513648 MegFldr2 (Green) 15595587 Custom2 (Blue)
31084443 HP+50 (Yellow) 90630807 HP+200 (Pink) 48785625 HP+300 (Pink) 13926561 HP+300 (White) 03419893 HP+400 (Pink) 45654128 HP+400 (Yellow) 50906652 HP+500 (Pink) 72846472 HP+500 (White)
54288793 Tango (Green) 09609807 Rush (Yellow) 79877132 Beat (Blue)
Number: Receive SubChip: 28706568 Unlocker 64664560 Unlocker 73978713 Unlocker
12118790 FullEnrg 12118790 FullEnrg
29789661 LocEnemy 46551130 LocEnemy 52533649 LocEnemy
57950199 SneakRun 64892292 SneakRun
00798216 Untrap 34513460 Untrap
Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar &/ Cybeast Falzar
Number: Receive Chip: 51702791 AquaMan * 24616497 BlastMan * 92070765 ChargeMan * 32310827 DiveMan * 79814666 DustMan * 30424514 ElecMan * 10414878 GroundMan * 12404002 HeatMan * 84387543 EraseMan * 55910601 SlashMan * 00297421 TenguMan * 67520179 TomahawkMan *
71757977 AirWheel3 O 69544569 BambooLance * 97049899 BlizzardBall H 51378085 CircleGun V 23722234 CountBomb3 M 38116449 Geddon * 60884138 DrillArm M 08789369 ElementWrap * 14212857 GunDelSol3 W 88674125 MegaBoomerang M 97403000 Uninstall G
Number: Receive NaviCust Program: 09256524 SpinGreen 77837421 SpinRed 41976910 SpinYellow
28271002 BodyPack (Pink) 19790420 BstrPack (Red) 12046210 SpeedMAX (Green) 94305487 ChargMAX (Blue)
37889678 HP+50 (Pink) 49951337 HP+100 (White) 24823665 HP+200 (White) 54654618 HP+300 (Pink) 08749780 HP+400 (Green) 55031325 HP+500 (White)
70741543 Beat (Blue) 32132348 Rush (Yellow) 69548756 Tango (Green)
Number: Receive SubChip: 04789479 Unlocker 41161139 Unlocker 82564319 Unlocker 99910954 Unlocker
87341489 Full Energy 45566783 Full Energy 39345472 Full Energy
68008194 Lock Enemy 98766899 Lock Enemy 37495453 Lock Enemy 16336487 Lock Enemy
09000465 Untrap 22812406 Untrap 59485971 Untrap
79459146 SneakRun 15511679 SneakRun 74198795 SneakRun
More Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 2 guilds
- All Guilds
- MBN 4 Maps
- MBN 5 Maps
- Lotto numbers Vol. 2
- BN6 Aquarium Puzzle Solutions
- How to Escape the Black Hole in BN4
- Karma Guide
- MMBN 4-6 character building guide // Still Wip
- Trading guide