MMBN3 : S+/S++ rank reward list



Busting Lv. Score System

The rank system will be based on this following rule:

Virus Delete Time

0.00 ~ 5.00: +7 points

5.01 ~ 12.00: +6 points

12.01 ~ 36.00: +5 points

36.01 and up: +4 points


If Megaman move more than 2 times during a battle, the point will be deducted

0 ~ 2 steps: +1 point

3 or more: +0 points

Times You Took Damage and flinch

No flinch : +1 point

1 time : 0 points

2 times : -1 points

3 times : -2 points

4 or more: -3 points

Note : The point will be only deducted when Megaman is flinches from enemies attack. Equipping "Super Armor" will not only prevent Megaman from being interrupted by enemies, but also prevents point deduction from non-element attack as well.

Multiple Deletion:

Double Delete: +2 points

Triple Delete: +4 points

To get "S rank" : the game requires you to have 11 or more points.

For example : In order to get "S rank" You must defeat the viruses within 5 seconds (+7 point), take no damage (+1 point), Megaman must not move more than 2 units (+1 point), and Multiple deletion is required (+2 point for double Double Delete). Once the battle end, the game will concluded the point from all actions/performance (7+1+1+2) = 11 points in total.

For the boss battle, the time rule will be slightly different, player can earn up to 10 points by defeat the boss under 30 seconds. the other common rules such as : Movement, Damage count will still apply for boss battle.

Navi/Boss Delete time

0.00 ~ 30.00: +10 points

30.01 ~ 40.00: +8 points

40.01 ~ 50.00: +6 points

50.01 and up: +4 points

S+ / S++ rank requirement:

The special hidden rank will be only available for "Custom style" and "Team Style" only, which allow you to get the special reward.

The addition rule must met:

Viruses battle S+

- For "Custom style" only

- Must not fire regular-shot (mega-buster)

- Must not using Navi-Chip

Viruses battle S++

- For "Custom style" only

- Must not fire regular-shot (mega-buster)

- Must not using Navi-Chip

- Must not visit Custom screen more than once

Navi battle S+/S++

- For "Team style" only

- Must defeat the boss within 20 seconds

Viruses : Part 1

Name RewardRank requirementExclusive for game version MettaurShockWav LS+/S++ (White) ShockWav RS+/S++ (Blue) Mettaur2SonicWav GS+/S++ Mettaur3BigWave PS+(Blue) BigWave YS+(White) BigWave ES++(Blue) BigWave MS++(White) CanodumbCannon *S+/S++ Canodumb2HiCannon LS+/S++ Canodumb3M-Cannon SS+/S++ FishyDashAtk *S+/S++ Fishy2Burning FS+(White) Burning RS+(Blue) Burning AS++(Blue) Burning SS++(White) Fishy3Condor BS+/S++ SwordyLongSwrd RS+/S++ Swordy2FireSwrd FS+/S++ Swordy3AquaSwrd PS+/S++ RattyRatton1 AS+/S++ Ratty2Ratton2 AS+/S++ Ratty3Ratton3 AS+/S++ HardHeadCannBall AS+/S++(Blue) CannBall LS+/S++(White) ColdHeadIceBall *S++ HotHeadLavaBall BS+(White) LavaBall CS+(Blue) LavaBall *S++ JellyWave ES+/S++(Blue) Wave SS+/S++(White) HeatJellyRedWave BS+/S++(White) RedWave RS+/S++(Blue) ErthJellyMudWave DS+/S++(Blue) MudWave GS+/S++(White) ShrimpyBubbler AS+/S++(White) Bubbler PS+/S++(Blue) Shrimpy2 Bub-V SS+/S++(White) Bub-V VS+/S++(Blue) Shrimpy3BublSide BS+/S++(Blue) BublSide RS+/S++(White) SpikeyHeatShot BS+/S++(White) HeatShot PS+/S++(Blue) Spikey2Heat-V KS+/S++ Spikey3HeatSide CS+/S++(Blue) HeatSide TS+/S++(White) BunnyZapRing1 PS+/S++ TuffBunnyZapRing2 GS+/S++ MegaBunnyZapRing3 CS+/S++ Puffball PoisMask *S+/S++ Poofball PoisFace *S+/S++ Mushy Spice1 *S+/S++ Mashy Spice2 RS+/S++ Moshy Spice3 DS+/S++ Dominerd CrsShld1 *S+/S++ Dominerd2 CrsShld2 CS+/S++(White) CrsShld2 SS+/S++(Blue) Dominerd3 CrsShld3 ES+/S++(Blue) CrsShld3 RS+/S++(White) YortYo-Yo1 CS+/S++(White) Yo-Yo1 DS+/S++(Blue) YurtYo-Yo2 HS+/S++(Blue) Yo-Yo2 LS+/S++(White) YartYo-Yo3 PS+/S++(White) Yo-Yo3 QS+/S++(Blue) ShadowShadow HS+(White) Shadow NS+(Blue) Shadow *S++ BrushManHolyPanl JS+(Blue) HolyPanl LS+(White) HolyPanl *S++ BeetleSnglBomb *S+/S++ DeetleDublBomb AS+ DublBomb *S++ Geetle TrplBomb ES+/S++ MetridRndmMetr SS+/S++ MetrodHoleMetr CS+/S++ MetrodoShotMetr AS+/S++ SnowBlowAirStrm1 SS+/S++ LowBlowAirStrm2 CS+/S++(White) AirStrm2 GS+/S++(Blue) MoBlow AirStrm3 GS+ MoBlow AirStrm3 AS++ KillerEyeSensor1 LS+/S++ DemonEyeSensor2 SS+/S++ JokerEyeSensor3 ES+(Blue) Sensor3 PS+(White) Sensor3 BS++ MomograMole1 DS+ Mole1 *S++ MomogroMole2 BS+ Mole2 *S++ MomogreMole3 CS+/S++ BasherMagnum1 CS+/S++ SmasherMagnum2 BS+/S++ TrasherMagnum3 DS+/S++ HeavyShake1 RS+/S++ HeavierShake2 LS+/S++ HeaviestShake3 MS+/S++ PengiIceWave1 AS+(White)

Viruses : Part 2

Name RewardRank requirementExclusive for game version PengiIceWave1 KS+(Blue) IceWave1 *S++ PengaIceWave2 HS+ IceWave2 *S++ Pengon IceWave3 RS+/S++ VineyRope1 DS+(Blue) Rope1 MS+(White) Rope1 *S++ VinerRope2 ES+/S++ VinertRope3 HS+/S++(Blue) Rope3 IS+/S++(White) Slimer MetaGel1 KS+/S++(Blue) MetaGel1 YS+/S++(White) Slimey MetaGel2 PS+ Slimey MetaGel2 SS++ Slimest MetaGel3 US+/S++ Elebee Arrow1 BS+/S++ ElewaspArrow2 FS+/S++ ElehornetArrow3 PS+/S++ NeedlerNeedler1 RS+/S++(Blue) Needler1 SS+/S++(White) NailerNeedler2 FS+/S++(White) Needler2 HS+/S++(Blue) SpikerNeedler3 DS+(Blue) Needler3 OS+(White) Needler3 LS++ TrumpyFanfare CS+(White) Fanfare ES+(Blue) Fanfare *S++ Tuby Discord FS+ Discord *S++ Tromby Timpani AS+ Timpani *S++ QuakerRockArm1 PS+ RockArm1 *S++ ShakerRockArm2 PS+ RockArm2 *S++ Breaker RockArm3 CS+/S++ N.ONoBeam1 FS+(Blue) NoBeam1 GS+(White) NoBeam1 CS++ N.O-2NoBeam2 ES+(White) NoBeam2 YS+(Blue) NoBeam2 SS++ N.O-3 NoBeam3 MS+(Blue) NoBeam3 VS+(White) NoBeam3 ZS++ Eleball Plasma1 BS+/S++(White) Plasma1 RS+/S++(Blue) ElespherePlasma2 AS+/S++(Blue) Plasma2 GS+/S++(White) Eleglobe Plasma3 PS+/S++(White) Plasma3 SS+/S++(Blue) Volcano LavaCan1 GS+ Volcano YS++(White) Volcano ZS++(Blue) VolcanerLavaCan2 DS+ Volcano GS++(White) Volcano JS++(Blue) Volcanest LavaCan3 ES+ Volcano AS++ Totem Totem1 HS+ Totem1 GS++ Totam Totem2 CS+ Totem2 AS++ TotunTotem3 IS+ Totem3 DS++ TwinsTeam1 *S+/S++ Team2 *S+/S++ Boomer Boomer1 FS+ Boomer1 *S++ Gloomer Boomer2 IS+ Boomer2 *S++ Doomer Boomer3 ZS+ Boomer3 LS++


Name RewardRank requirementExclusive for game version FlashManβ FlashMn4 FS+/S++ BeastManβ BeastMn4 BS+/S++ BubbleMnβ BubblMn4 BS+/S++ DesertMnβ DesrtMn4 DS+/S++ PlantManβ PlantMn4 PS+/S++ FlamManβ FlamMan4 FS+/S++ DrillManβ DrillMn4 DS+/S++ GutsManβ GutsMan4 GS+/S++ ProtoManβ ProtoMn4 BS+/S++ MetalManβ MetalMn4 MS+/S++ KingManβKingMan4 KS+/S++ MistManβMistMan4 MS+/S++ BowlManβBowlMan4 BS+/S++ DarkManβ DarkMan4 DS+/S++ JapanManβJapanMn4 YS+/S++


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