Quick Guide To Madballs: Babo Invasion!

Quick Guide To Madballs: Babo Invasion!


Quick Guide To Madballs: Babo Invasion! image 1

Hi! I'm Oculus, and i'm a Madball! Madballs are awesome spherical monsters that fly around the galaxy to battle each other, kill each other, and pillage. Like I said, we are awesome! And we love exclamation points!! So, lets get down to business!!!

Character Select!

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Here is my character select screen! You'll notice that since i am an Assault Class, I have no resistances! But I also have no weaknesses!!! Each Class has different resistances and weaknesses!

You'll also notice i have some Abilities! Use your Tap Ability by pressing Spacebar once! Use the Charge Ability by holding down the Spacebar!!! Each Madball has two different Abilities!

After you choose your Madball, you can choose your Weapons!

Weapon Select!

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There are 10 different weapons to unlock! Each weapon has two firing modes!! Spin the Mouse Wheel to switch Weapon Modes!!


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So here I am kicking some butt! Notice the Heads Up Display (HUD) on the bottom left corner!!

So the darker blue bar on the left is your Health! Your actual Health value is written right underneath too!! Awesome!

If your Health is 200 like me, you are awesome!! But if your Health is 0, it's Game Over Man!!!! Every time you die in multiplayer, you can choose a new character or weapon!!

The lighter blue bar on the right is split into sections! Thats your Abilitiy meter!! Each Madball has different abilities, used by pressing Spacebar or by holding down Spacebar for your Charge Ability!! The meter needs to charge up all the way to use that Charge Ability!! Wow!

This bit of the HUD shows your weapon, and which Firing Mode you are using! Spin the Mouse Wheel to change Firing Modes!! You also get some Grenades!! Use Grenades by Right-Clicking!!! Just below the grenades is your Molotov Cocktails! Use Molotov Cocktails by pressing the Mouse Wheel!!!! You will need to pick up more Grenades and Molotov Cocktails when you run out!


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Here are a couple powerups!! The left one is a Grenade!! The green one on the right is some Health!! Grab em all whenever you can!! You can also pick up stuff from freshly killed Madballs!!

Being Awesome!

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If you shoot someone and this Shield Icon pops up above their head, that means they are Resistant to your weapon type!! That sucks dude!!!!! That means you gotta change your Weapon Mode by spinning the Mouse Wheel!! Do it!

If you shoot someone and you see all these crazy stars popping out of them, you found their Weakness!!! That's how you be awesome!! You'll do more damage and kill them in no time!!!

One more thing!! Sometimes you can interact with stuff! Do that by pressing E!

Now you are all ready to play Madballs!


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=201906118					

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