Lords mobile starts minimized/tiny 1x1 window FIX

Lords mobile starts minimized/tiny 1x1 window FIX


Lords mobile starts minimized/tiny 1x1 window FIX image 1

Right click the game --> Properties --> Set Launch Options:

-screen-width 800 -screen-height 450

You can choose your own resolution (this is a Unity launch parameter, if you want to know), or just use the resolutions provided in-game.The launch option will always execute at launch, thus, the game will always start with that resolution (Personally I prefer the smaller size).

Alternatively, these are some common monitor resolutions you can paste if you want a window of this size, just make sure it's 16/9

-screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080-screen-width 1600 -screen-height 900-screen-width 1366 -screen-height 768

Remember, it will always start up with that resolution if you keep the launch option, even after you change it in-game.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2208136072					

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