How to make the game run faster!

How to make the game run faster!


How to make the game run faster! image 1

How to make the game run faster! image 2
How to make the game run faster! image 3
How to make the game run faster! image 4

First of all, make sure you have set the ingame graphics to the lowest as show in the image. You can dissable the advanced DX11 Water Effects by clicking on the option at the corner of the menu. Bare in mind this option has to be toggled every time you join a server, for the time being it doesn't get saved in the game files.

Then set up the fastest settings on your GPU/iGPU graphics panel. If you own an Intel CPU or a Ryzen CPU with integrated graphics or an AMD/Nvidia GPU you can access them by right-clicking in the desktop. You can help yourself from guides online or play around the settings yourself until you're satisfied with the results.

Then check out your Power Plan is set to High Performance or Ultimate Performance. You can do this by typing POWER PLAN in the Start Menu on Windows or by double-clicking the battery icon at the lowermost right corner of your screen. Doing so will push your PC a little harder and might cause it to heat up a little more and drain your battery faster if you're on a laptop, if so, I recommend leaving the power cord connected and making sure the underside of your laptop gets a proper air flow.

On top of that, either if you use integrated graphics or a dedicated graphics adapter, would be wise to free up some of the system memory for better stability. You can do so by closing unnecessary programs while you're playing, like Discord, Chrome, Spotify and whatever else shows active in the task bar.

Now your games should be running a little faster. That's right! I said GAMES, not just Longvinter! But if you wanna squeeze a few extra framerates out of your low end hardware while playing Longvinter then keep reading!


How to make the game run faster! image 15
How to make the game run faster! image 16
How to make the game run faster! image 17

One thing many people don't realize is that Windows 10 and Windows 11 run applications in a -depending on how you look at it- super smart way. Windows allocates more resources to applications running in Fullscreen mode, which is why ALT-Tabbing could end up being too demanding on older hardware, turning the screen black for a few seconds. But don't let that slow down trick you! Playing Longvinter (and pretty much any other game) in Fullscreen mode will yield you more frames per second than just playing on Windowed or Borderless mode, so staying Fullscreen and lowering your resolution is going to be our way to go.

Now you're set to go- uh? More? What for? Alright... Let's get serious... But let me tell you, ain't gonna be pretty... Literally.

We're going to modify the configuration files to lower the settings even MORE.

First we're going to open Windows File Explorer, then, on the navigation bar we're going to write "%localappdata%\Longvinter\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor" and press enter, you should land here:

Then we're going to delete both "Settings.ini" and "GameUserSettings.ini" and replace them with the ones I've moddified and uploaded HERE[] .

Once you're done with that, jump ingame and be amazed at how badly we've butchered the graphics.

Ok, with that done I bid you all farew- WHAT? MORE?! You can't be serious... Oh my... You ARE serious... Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you, you greedy son of a biscuit.


How to make the game run faster! image 29
How to make the game run faster! image 30
How to make the game run faster! image 31
How to make the game run faster! image 32
How to make the game run faster! image 33

Sir, this is madness, the game runs good enough as it is and I don't think I can...

Okay... If desperate times call for desperate measures, no more beating around the bush then.

Let's talk bussiness. Let's talk...


Go back into the ingame settings, there you'll see this funny section I haven't said anything about. We've already tweaked the game so much that using this isn't really necessary in most cases, but if your PC still struggles to run the game you can lower it down to make the game look like an abstract masterpiece but run faster than ever before.

And the results are the following.



How to make the game run faster! image 42

I gave you all the tools to run the game as close to playable as possible, if none of the above have worked for you then you're out of luck and need to upgrade your PC components...

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