Hello, welcome to my guide on all the media you need to consume to fully appreciate Project Moon, and therefore Limbus Company! This guide will cover all of the following materials:
- Games
- Web-comics
- Spin-off novels
- (Most importantly) Books
There's a very low amount of reading and game play required to fully understand Limbus Company, so don't feel too intimidated! Anyway, without further ado, let's begin!
Segment One - Lobotomy Corporation
Before playing Lobotomy Corporation you will need to fully read and memorise all of the following to fully understand the literary references within. You will need to read the entirety of:
- The Bible
- The Tanakh
- The Book of Enoch
- The Zohar
- The Apocrytha
- Hekhalot Rabbati
- Sefer Yetzirah
- The Republic
Only after reading all of these books front to cover and memorising them can you fully appreciate Lobotomy Corporation while understanding all of it's literary references! While this segment is certainly a bit dense for starting, it only gets even more packed from here!
Segment Two - Library Of Ruina
Before moving on to Library of Ruina, you must completely memorise the plot of Lobotomy Corporation to a beat, as a multitude of character's from that game appear again in this one! Furthermore, I highly recommend reading Project Moon's two spin-off novels, Wonderlab and The Distortion Detective! It will only help you slightly in understanding the concepts presented within Library of Ruina, but I still feel they are an important piece of Project Moon lore and history nonetheless! Another somewhat important piece of Project Moon media to bring up is HamHamPengPeng a cafe they own! While the location itself bares minimal plot relevance, it is present throughout many of Project Moon's games, so going there in person is optional to fully understand what characters are talking about when they bring it up!
Anywho, after reading the two spin-off novels, you need to read the following:
- Orlando Innamorato
- Orlando Furioso
- Sky, Wind and Stars
- The Library of Babel
Only after fully reading and memorising these books as well as all prior media are you fully ready to enjoy Library of Ruina while understanding the literary references that the protagonist displays!
Segment Three - Limbus Company
Before picking up Limbus Company, I feel as if it is genuinely important that I advise you read yet another Project Moon spin-off novel, this time I recommend reading Leviathan! It serves as a full prequel to Limbus Company, so this time it will genuinely help you in understanding what led to the events of the game, as well as providing a large amount of context to the characters of Vergilius and Charon, as well as giving a look into a faction that becomes prominent in a later chapter of the game!
Anywho, time to list the books required to fully understand the cast of Limbus Company! Along with every previously mentioned game and novel, you also need to read:
- The Wings by Yi Sang
- Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goeth
- Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
- Hell Screen by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
- The Stranger by Albert Camus
- Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xuequin
- Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
- Moby ♥♥♥♥ by Herman Melville
- Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Divine Comedy/Dante's Inferno by Dante Alighieri
- Demian by Hermann Hesse
- The Odyssey by Homer
- The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Only after reading all of these books and consuming all aforementioned media are you truly prepared to enjoy Limbus Company in all of it's artistic glory!
In summary, you only need to fully complete two other games, read three spin-off novels, visit a cafe and read a total of 25 books to fully understand the complexities of the free gacha game you just wanted to try out! Now, I understand that this may seem a tad daunting.
Thanks for reading! This was my first guide I've made, so please mention if there are any books or media I should add!
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