No gacha challenge Walkthrough

No gacha challenge Walkthrough

What Is This?

A “no gacha use” or a “low rarity units only” challenge is something that most veteran gacha players have at least heard about. People usually start doing those self-imposed challenges to prove a point (like “See! It’s totally possible to beat this without whaling!) or if they are bored. This guide is more of the former but since I saw that people are having trouble with some battles (like the Mariachi nerfed and the chapter 3 enemies) you can use this as a walkthrough too. I will also be posting videos of my first clear of the encounters as proof. With all that been said let’s move on to the actual guide.

(Everything from now on will take for granted that you read through the game mechanics guide bellow and know how to play)


Units allowed First let’s talk about what units and identities we will be using during this playthrough. All 0 Identity Sinners and their basic EGO are obviously allowed but I will also be using Shi identity Ismael (but it kinda ended up being a noob trap because you can't easily Uptie it) since you have to get it during the tutorial. While you also get 000 Blade Yi sang by logging in during launch I won’t be using it since it not a permanent reward like Ismael. That being said, it IS possible to farm for specific Identities/EGOs through the Mirror Dungeons and you also get free EGOs from the free portion of the battlepass. Ideally everything would be beatable with the base forms/EGOs but if push comes to shove and I can’t beat something with them, I will farm for some meta 00/000 identity.

Sinner’s and you Since we will be using the base form sinners A LOT, we need to become familiar with their strengths and weaknesses. I will only be reviewing their Uptie 2 and 3 since the first chapter is extremely easy and you can beat by just doing whatever (as you will see in the first clear videos that I had no idea what I was doing). The parts that we will be judging the Sinners are: Sin (Sinners of the same Sin type work very good together), Resistances (EXTREMELY important later on), Highest attack value (For Clashes), Status effects on skills, notable passives and EGO (their effects mostly)

YI SANG: Sin: Gloom. Takes fatal damage from Slash skills and resists Pierce. His second skill is his strongest with a max attack value of 12 in Uptie 3. His skills mostly inflict Sinking and when you use 4 Gloom attacks he gives up to two units that have lower speed than him 1 damage up (since he has a whooping 4-8 speed on Uptie 3 you will always have Sinners that will have lower speed). His EGO is GREAT! It gives 2 attack down on the enemy it hits AND gives haste next turn to all your units! All in all, Yi sang is a great buffer/debuffer and I will be using him a lot.

FAUST: Sin: Pride. Takes fatal damage from Slash skills and resists Pierce. Her second skill is her strongest with a max attack value of 12 in Uptie 3. Her skills effects are AMAZING! First one gives 1 paralysis (the strongest status effect in game) on hit, second does Offense level down, third does Attack power down and when you use 2 pride attacks(Laughably easy since she already has 3 pride attacks on her skillset) she gets +10% dmg against units with any negative status effects! Her EGO not only is AoE, it also heals the SP of all allies AND Faust gets a permanent +2 Attack Skill Power (that turns into +2 protection on turn 10+ but that doesn’t matter). 0 Faust is amazing, a literal 15/10 unit that I will always have on my team.

DON QUIXOTE: Sin: Lust (??). Takes fatal damage from Blunt skills and resists Pierce. Her second skill is her strongest with a max attack value of 14 in Uptie 3, HOWEVER, her Skill 3 gains +2 coin power if she has 10+ speed which leads to her skill 3 having a max attack value of 18. Her normal speed in Uptie 3 is 3-6, and winning a clash with her first skill gives her 2 haste next turn, so she either has to win 2 clashes the turn before or get buffed some other way for her skill 3 to get buffed. Her second skills gives her +2 attack power if she wins a clash using it and her passive gives her +10% dmg on won clashes. As you can tell Don’s one job is to clash with the enemies. Her EGO gives the enemy bleed, heals her for 50% of dmg dealt in 3* and even gives her a permanent self-haste (and defense down) by the amount of Lust resources you have/2.

RYOSHU: Sin: Gluttony. Takes fatal damage from Blunt skills and resists Slash. Her second skill is her strongest with an attack value of 12 in Uptie 3. Her first skill gives her poise on hit (I really don’t care about Poise but its better than nothing), her second skills gets buffed by 30% dmg if her target took damage this turn already and her 3rd gives her +2 Slash Dmg on combat start. Her passive actives when using 3 gluttony attacks at the same turn and makes her deal (and take) +25% MORE damage. If Don was all about them Clashes, Ryoshu is all about unopposed attacks for massive damage. Her EGO is nothing special: it gives burn on hit and the passive gives her +(Wrath resources/2) slash damage but she doesn’t have any wrath attacks to actually generate resources…

MEURSAULT: Sin: Sloth. Takes fatal damage from Pierce skills and resists Blunt. His second skill is his strongest with a max attack value of 13 in Uptie 3. His skills are all about causing tremor/tremor burst and buffing his defense. The problem is that Tremor is the worst status effect in the game since it literally does nothing until an attack with tremor burst actually hits the enemy with tremor and even when that happens, the effect is really negligible. His Protection and Defense Up buffs are good but if you select and use a defense skill, most enemies will just ignore him and target his allies. His EGO gives the enemy Bind and a big Attack Power but it also gives Meursault the same debuffs which I really hate. Unfortunately, until we find a way to force the enemies to attack him, MeruSalt is one of the worst basic Identities in the game.

HONG LU: Sin: Pride/Sloth. Takes fatal damage from Slash skills and resists Blunt. His third skill is his strongest with a max attack value of 13 in Uptie 3 HOWEVER, if Lu didn’t take any dmg last turn it gets buffed to 17! Not only does his third skill hit really hard, if the 2nd Coin hits Head it gives his target 2 attack power down too! His first and second skill just deals sinking/rapture but the 2nd skill also gets buffed if Lu didn’t take any damage last turn. His EGO just like Faust’s is AoE and it also heals SP but only for Lu this time. To sum up, Hong Lu is Faust 2.0 but with an emphasis on dealing damage instead of status effects.

HEATHCLIFF: Sin: Envy. Takes fatal damage from Slash skills and resists Blunt. His third skill is his strongest with a max attack value of 18(!) in Uptie 3. His first skill deals tremor (useless), 2nd is an amazing guaranteed on use+1Attack Power and +1 Damage Up self-buff and the first coin of his 3rd skill gives the next coin +2 power (Great!) and the second coin on hit bursts tremor (useless). While his passive gives him +10 dmg to targets with the most health, it needs 5 Envy attacks to activate so unless you have an Envy focused team, you won’t see this activating ever. His EGO further buffs him with Attack Power up and Haste and gives him the most Envy-like passive ever: When another ally defeats an enemy, he gets +2 Attack Power Up/Haste AND 4 fragile for the next turn. This buff can stack! Heathcliff is just an amazing selfish attacker that can really keep up with some 00 and even 000 identities.

ISMAEL: Sin: Wrath. Takes fatal damage from Slash skills and resists Blunt. Her third skill is her strongest with a max attack value of 19 (!) in Uptie 3. Her first skill does tremor, 2nd gives Defence Down on Clash Win and 3rd does tremor burst AND Blunt fragility (needless to say all of her attacks are blunt)! Her passive gives her +1 attack power during clashes and its really easy to active by just using 2 wrath skill. Her EGO does Bind and Tremor which isn’t much but it does give her an amazing passive that gives her +2 Clash power on Dominating/Favorable clashes,+0 on neutral/unopposed and -2 on the rest. Notable mention goes to her speed which in Uptie 3 is a whooping 5-8 Speed that will guarantee that she will attack first in any battle.


No gacha challenge Walkthrough image 16

RODION: Sin: Gluttony/Wrath. Takes fatal damage from Pierce skills and resists Slash. Her second skill is her strongest with a max attack value of 12 in Uptie 3. Her 1st/2nd skills inflict bleed, her 3rd deals +20% dmg if the target has 6+ bleed and her passive that needs 3 wrath to activate gives her the ability to inflict bleed on ANY hit equal to (10xWrath resourse)% chance. Her EGO also inflicts bleed and does +30% damage if the target’s HP is above 50%. After Using her EGO she gains a permanent +1 Slash damage up but also loses 10 sp when a unit on either side dies (she is a big softie).

SINCLAIR: Sin: Pride. Takes fatal damage from Pierce skills and resists Slash. His third skill is his strongest with a max attack value of 11 in Uptie 3. His first skill does Rapture, 2nd gains more dmg when he wins a clash (kinda unlikely due to its low rolls) and the 3rd gives him +1 attack Power Up when he wins a clash (same problem as the 2nd skill). His passive is worthless, it gives +1 attack power if an ally dies the turn the passive got activated. His EGO does high Slash and inflicts a huge amount of rapture when it hits BUT. Using it not only gives him a -2 attack power next turn (that cripples his clash capability) it also gives him a weird and dumb passive that alternates with giving him a +(Gluttony resources/2) Attack power up and then giving him an Attack power down next turn. Absolute garbage. Now in theory, if you can consistently give him attack buffs he would be a great clash attacker but Ismael does the same job without all that extra garbage Sinclair comes with. At his current state, LCB Sinclair might be the absolute weakest Sinner.

OUTIS: Sin: Sloth. Takes fatal damage from Blunt skills and resists Slash. Her third skill is her strongest with a max attack value of 20(!) in Uptie 3. Her first skill does Rupture. Her 2nd does more dmg when her speed is higher than her target (and with a 3-7 speed range this will happen a lot), her 3rd does more dmg if the targets health is over 50% and her passive (needs 3 sloth attacks) gives her +10% dmg against enemies with 0 SP or lower. Her EGO has a big base attack so it doesn’t need to win the cointoss to do huge damage and if the target’s HP is lower than 50% it does even more pierce damage! To continue dealing even more dmg, her EGO passive gives her +1 Damage up if she didn’t get hit the previous turn. To sum up, Outis is pretty much a better Ryoshu due to her beefy attack skills and EGO.

GREGOR: Sin: Gloom. Takes fatal damage from Blunt skills and resists Pierce. His second skill is his strongest with a max attack value of 14 in Uptie 3. His first skill does Rupture. 2nd does Rapture and pierce fragility (his 2nd/3rd skills are pierce too!) and his 3rd skill does more dmg when the target has rupture+heals him on a head hit by a percentage of the damage dealth. His passive also heals him when you activate it by using 3 gloom skills. His EGO inflicts a random ailment on the enemy between bleed, burn, tremor, rapture and sinking and gives him a passive that when he has less than 25% health, he heals 15 HP and gains 2 protection while an ally loses 15 SP due to his gross metamorphosis. As you can see Greg is cockroach that just won’t die, unless you are facing blunt damage enemies in which case they will squash him like a bug.

“That’s nice and all, but what Sinners should I use?” In Chapter 1? Any team composition will clear all stages. From Chapter 2 and on resistances start to come into play. If you go into a fight with a team made out of Identities that are weak to the attacks of the enemies you are going to have a bad time. After that pick your favorites (I always use Faust) and choose a team that will cover all the EGO affinities so that you can use them as much as possible.

Above is a normal tier 3 team with its members picked without caring about their resistances, purely so that all Sin affinities are (mostly) covered. Pay special attention to Gloom and Envy. Gloom only has 4/7 while Envy has 5/2. That means that we lack enough Gloom attacks on our team to normaly use our EGOs and that we should go out of our way to use Gloom attacks in order to generate Gloom resources even if its not optimal. On the other hand, it seems that we have too many Envy attacks on our team's skilldeck so we should avoid using them (if possible) after we get 2 Envy resources.


Stage 1: No battles

Stage 2:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Just make sure all your clashes are “Dominating” or “Favorable”

Video of first clear:

Stage 3:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before.

Video of first clear:

Stage 4:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before.

Video of first clear:

Stage 5:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: You will start fighting Head Hooligans from now on that can roll up to 10+ and it is possible that he might use it on a Sinner that doesn’t have a big skill ready. That being said, he really isn’t dangerous so just use a defensive skill if you can get a “Dominating” or “Favorable” clash with him (or just ignore it, he has really low HP so he can’t really solo your team.)

Video of first clear:

Stage 6:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: You will start facing G-corp veterans from now on that like to use Slice, a 3-10 slash attack. You will need to start paying attention to all your clashes from now on.

Video of first clear:

Stage 7:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before.

Video of first clear:

Stage 8:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before.

Video of first clear:

Stage 9:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before.

Video of first clear:

Stage 10:Dangerous enemies: Razor-Sharp Veteran, Embittered Veteran

General Strategy: The veterans are finally starting to sent their best. Razor-Sharp can use a 3-11 slash damage Slice that inflicts +3 Rupture and Embittered can use a 3-12 Slice that also inflicts +3 Rupture. Try to save up your Sin Resources in order to use EGO when you are targeted by those attacks and you will win before long because of their low health.

Video of first clear:

Chapter 1 Dungeon:

Its time to put to practice all that you’ve learned so far. The recommended level is 7 so if you want you can farm stage 10 a bit to level your main team to level 7-8 for a smoother experience. When you are ready start the descent. GENERAL TIP FOR ALL DUNGEONS (Including Mirror Dungeons): ALWAYS GO TOWARDS EVENTS AND BE GREEDY. The more EGO gifts you have, the more powerful you became and the more powerful you are, the more easier getting MORE EGO gifts became. Always pick the EGO gift options in dungeon events, no matter how painful it might seem.

Floor 1:You will face G-corp veterans and your first abnormalities here. The veterans are the exact same as stage 10, same strategy applies here. GENERAL ABNORMALITY BATTLE PLAN: Since you have full control over your clashes you must make sure than no Sinner is getting focused on. Always use the “Win Rate” autobattle option and CLICK THE ARROWS ABOVE THE SIN AFFINITIES TO SEE THE CLASHES. Sometimes autobattle picks “Struggling” clashes or, even worse, allows abnormalities to do one-sided attacks on your sinners. After you make sure that all abno attacks are clashing (preferable to have them also be “dominating” and “favorable” but neutral might also work sometimes) use your extra attacks (if any) to attack the WEAKEST enemy. Its all about action economy. The less skill attacks the enemy team has, the better are your clashing options.

Floor 1 Boss: EBONY QUEEN'S APPLE General Strategy: Its head is his weak spot. Once you destroy it, all other parts will be inflicted with fragile. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CLASHES. The roots have +2 power for each arm that’s intact for a total of +4 power. Your part focus should be: Head it regenerates so pay attention ->Left or Right Arm(pick one and only one to focus fire on)->the remaining arm. At the end of turn 2, you will get an event and if you pass the check you will remove the permanent bind debuff your sinners had. Once you destroy both arms you will get another event that, if you pass it, will end the battle. If you don’t, you just have to finish the Boss remaining health manually. All in all, a straightforward boss fight. Pick good Clashes, pass the skill checks and the battle will be over before you know it.

Video of first clear:

Floor 2:You will have to fight the old G-corp head manager here. He can buff 2 random allies with protection and he has high HP but he isn’t that dangerous himself. During the event pick the option that starts a fight but gives you a better EGO gift (the fight itself is really easy).

Floor 2 Boss: DOOMSDAY CALENDAR, DOOMSDAY CLAY DOLLS General Strategy: The whole fight revolves around the little enemies. Once you clear the small enemies, the fight enters the next phase and the boss will summon more enemies.

At the end of the first turn of this phase you'll get a skill check that you can only pass either by giving the boss the corpse of a small enemy or a sinner. You obviously don't want to give them your Sinners so try and focus fire and kill a small enemy so that you have something to give. Once you kill all the enemies and break both parts of the boss, the next phase starts and boss summons even more enemies.

During this phase the boss will defend but the small enemies are stronger now and have a nasty fire attack. At the end of the second turn of this phase you will once again get an event where you have to sacrifice someone but by now you'll have killed something already so its fine. Offering an enemy to the boss here will lower the Boss HP by 100 and will end its frenzy. If you have enough damage its possible to just kill the boss now and you won't have to deal with its final phase.

If you didn't have enough damage to kill it then the boss will summon the same enemies as the last phase HOWEVER it will automatically kill all remaining enemies with an AoE attack when it acts. Normally this wouldn't be bad but you get ANOTHER sacrifice event right after so you have to use EGO attacks with whatever sinners you have with higher speed than the boss and pray you roll hight. If you didn't kill anyone you are out of luck and you have to give one of your Sinners and pass the hard skill-check. Thankfully the fight ends right after this check and you get a checkpoint which means that all your Sinners will revive and get fully healed. Onward to the last floor!

Video of first clear:

Floor 3:More G-Corp enemies. As always, aim for events and pick the EGO gifts choices.

Floor 3 Boss:GOLDEN APPLE General Strategy:Pathetically easy compared to the other bosses. Just click the win rate autobattle and the battle will be over before you know it. Once you bring it to 1 HP a skill check will activate in order to finish it off.


This form of the boss is more dangerous than the Golden Apple and it has the ability to inflict Bleed, plus it can self heal if it hits you with it's "Absorb Nutrients" skill but the skills themselves are really weak so you will have no problem clashing with them.

Video of first clear:


Congratulations on beating Chapter 1! All your basic 0 Identities/EGO got raised to Rank 2 and boy are we going to need them moving forward. Resistances for both your units and the enemies are starting to matter and will affect what Sinners we are going to be picking to fight. If you don't care about getting the EX clear (aka clear within 10 turns), when the enemies are all staggered or only 1 enemy remains during the first waves, you can just use defensive skills on all your Sinners so that you can stall the fight and get more speed dice before fighting the last wave.

Stage 1: No battles

Stage 2:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Just make sure all your clashes are “Dominating” or “Favorable”

Video of first clear:

Stage 3: No battles

Stage 4:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before

Video of first clear:

Stage 5:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before

Video of first clear:

Stage 6:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before

Video of first clear:

Stage 7:Dangerous enemies: Tingtang Boss

General Strategy: Your first proper boss fight during a chapter fight! Not only can he force all his skills to roll heads for a whole turn with "Glint of Wish), some of his skills can also reuse coins or even the skill itself. While he seems tough, everytime you kill one of his boys he gets additional SP loss so once he is alone he will be panicked and unable to effectively use his powerful skills.

Video of first clear:

Stage 8:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Enemies here use blunt skills, resist blunt and are weak to Slash. Set up your team appropriately

Video of first clear:

Stage 9:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before

Video of first clear:

Stage 10:Dangerous enemies: Mariachi

General Strategy: Time to meet your worst nightmares: dancing Mariachi. No ,I'm not joking, those guys are going to be the bane of your existance for the rest of the chapter. The have lots of coins on their skills and they can heal their SP, so always you multicoin skills in order to have a chance of winning the clashes.

Video of first clear:

Stage 11:Dangerous enemies: Mariachi

General Strategy: Same as before

Video of first clear:

Stage 12:Dangerous enemies: Mariachi

General Strategy: Same as before

Video of first clear:

Stage 13:Dangerous enemies: Tieqiu Crewmen

General Strategy: No Mariachi, hurray! Meet the second worst enemy in the chapter: Tieqiu Crewmen. Not only do they have skills with high base power and minus coins (that means that when the coin lands on heads their skills became weaker), they also inflict bleed and 3 FREAKING PARALYZE ON HIT. The real Limbus Company starts here.

Video of first clear:

Stage 14:Dangerous enemies: Tieqiu Crewmen

General Strategy: You will face only Tieqiu Crewmen here. Have fun!

Video of first clear:

Stage 15:Dangerous enemies: Tieqiu Crewmen

General Strategy: Same as before

Video of first clear:

Stage 16&17: No battles

Stage 18:Dangerous enemies: EL GRANDE JEFE, Mariachi

General Strategy: I strongly recommend farming 2-2 until your units are leve 14. Even nerfed this stage is hell. You will have to suffer through 2 waves of Mariachi before even getting to fight Aida. Every single skill she has is dangerous but "Panata Party~!" takes the cake. It has 4 freaking coins so if you are clashing with a single coin skill you better start praying, cause getting hit by it is a guaranteed staggered. I hope you were hoarding your EGO recources cause you are gonna need them as they are the only things with high enough Base power to win a clash against her unless you are using Rodion and Don since thier EGO has a base of around 10 lmao

Video of first clear:


Floor 1:

A really small floor with weak enemies. The miners can use skills with +10 coin power so just pay attention to your clashes and you will be fine.

Floor 1 Boss: Balls and Ants

General Strategy: Just click the "Win Rate" autobattle a couple of times lmao

Video of first clear:

Floor 2:

This floor is HUGE with 2 Boss fights. You will get some great EGO gifts here, so aim for the Event spaces and be greedy. Pick the option to gain all three gifts in the Malding Chamber, its worth it. In Paint Shop, just win an easy combat to gain the EGO gift and don't waste your time doing the skill-checks.

Floor 2 - Boss Fight 1 : "You want to get beat? Hurtily?"

General Strategy: The enemies here not only can revive when you kill them (up to 5 times) but their skills lower their HP in order to give them an attack buff. That would be fine usually but combined with their naturally high coin bonuses will make this a tough fight. If you can't win a clash with any of your skills at least try and redirect that attack towards a Sinner that is resistant to that damage type. You need to focus on the big guy, once you "kill" it twice you will get an event. Pick Investigate the factory . Now you have to reduce the boss's HP to 1 once more and you will get another event. Pick No 3 times to end their Resurrection ability and finish them of to end the battle.

Video of first clear:

Floor 2 - Boss Fight 2 : "Clippity Cloppity! Tap Away!"+3xPink Shoes

General Strategy: The enemies here can consistently roll over 10 on their skills so be prepared to loss clashes. The boss will start gaining more and more attack skill slots so our game plan here is to focus on one of the Pink Shoes and then focus on the boss. Once its gone you can easily take care of the other enemies. Around the middle of the fight you will get an event. Pick "Refuse" and pass the skill-check to prevent your Sinners from getting a massive debuff.

Video of first clear:

Floor 3:

Another extremely small floor, just 3 abnormality fights before the final boss checkpoint.

Floor 3 Boss: No Boss, just a timed battle against 4 waves of enemies.

General Strategy: Wave 1/4 is just a regular fight with no gimmicks but from wave 2 an on the enemies will have a passive debuff with 4 stacks. At the end of each turn the count goes down by 1 and when they reach 0 your sinners get killed and you lose. Make sure to not over-commit your attacks towards the same enemy and always spread them out. Getting staggered might be a fatal mistake here so be careful and you will win.

Video of first clear:


Welcome to the grind town! In this roguelite mode you will pick three Sinners to clear a small randomly generated dungeon. Here we can farm Egoshard Crates that will let us buy Identities and EGO without even having to use Extraction. You do have a weekly limit however but its not that important.

Now how exactly do you easily farm those? By using Heathcliff, Ismael and Hong Lu (aka the Blunt Gods). The most dangerous enemies in Mirror Dungeons are weak to blunt so by picking those three as your main team you are guaranteeing a smooth 3rd floor.

General Strategy: Mirror Dungeons are the opposite of regular dungeons. Here you want to fight as many regular fights as possible, NOT events. The reason for that is because after you win a fight, you can give 1 sinner +5 Level Ups! Getting at least three sinners to level 15 for floor 1, 20 for floor 2 and 25 for floor 3 will allow you to just autobattle your way through [spoilers]most[/spoiler] boss encounters without caring. After you leveled your 3 sinners, feel free to go do events/abnormality battles. EPK made a really nice guide with all of the results, so feel free to use it for a flawless Mirror Dungeon Run.


We are finally here. This chapter is infamous because of its huge difficulty spike right at the start. There are two major parts of this chapter:First half has enemies that heal themselves making every battle a fight of attrition and second half has enemies that deal a ridiculous amount of blunt/pierce damage and bleed. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE STAGE LEVEL. 3-4 enemies are level 20 and then later on the enemy level will spike to 25 and 27! If you are having a hard time then you should:A) Pick members for your team that aren't weak to blunt, B)Level them up to the required stage level.

Stage 1: Cutscenes only

Stage 2:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Just make sure all your clashes are “Dominating” or “Favorable”

Video of first clear:

Stage 3: Cutscenes only

Stage 4:Dangerous enemies: K Corp Security

General Strategy: POLICE ASSAULT IN PROGRESS! Those guys not only heal 15 HP each turn (they heal 30 when under 50% HP) but their Guard defensive skill "Activate HP bullet" heals 10 HP AND gives them a +10/+20 Shield bubble that you need to burst before you start doing damage. The required level for this stage is 20 so I hope you farmed enough Mirror Dungeons and your whole team is leveled up. K Korp Securities are all weak to Blunt and only deal Blunt damage so make sure to make a team that takes advantage of those points.

Video of first clear:

Stage 5:Dangerous enemies: K Corp Security

General Strategy: Same enemies, same strategy. Required level is only 18 for some reason so it should be easier than stage 4.

Video of first clear:

Stage 6:Dangerous enemies: K Corp Security

General Strategy: Same as before.

Video of first clear:

Stage 7,8,9: Cutscenes only

Stage 10:Dangerous enemies: N Corp Inquisitors

General Strategy: Meet the main enemies of the second half of the chapter. They deal pierce/blunt damage+bleed and they get BUFFED when you kill one of their friends. While the required level is 22, this is a simple fight that consists of 2 waves with 3 Inquisitors each that serves as a small tutorial to what those guys can do. Make a team that revolves around resisting AND dealing blunt damage if you haven't already, things are only going to get harder and harder from now on.

Video of first clear:

Stage 11:Dangerous enemies: N Corp Inquisitors

General Strategy: Same as before but 4 enemies on the 2nd wave.

Video of first clear:

Stage 12:Dangerous enemies: N Corp Inquisitors

General Strategy: Now you face 4 Inquisitors at the start of wave 1 and FIVE at wave 2. Tutorial is officially over, its time to do or die.

Video of first clear:

Stage 13:Dangerous enemies: N Corp Inquisitors, Guido the Persistent

General Strategy: Three waves of Inquisitors and our first boss fight for the chapter! Before we start talking about Guido, its important to note that the Inquisitors got buffed with another buff that gives them damage up when on of YOUR units die so they can snowball hard. Guido himself is an Inquisitor on Steroids (literally). Be very careful of not losing a clash with his "Hammers, Heed me!" attack 'cause it will buff everyone on his team (including himself) with "Fanatic". Fanatic not only raises skill final power against units that have Nails, but when Guido himself has Fanatic he deals +50% more damage! If you can't win for sure against that attack then just ignore it, DON"T USE A DEFENSIVE SKILL GUARD AND EVENT COUNT AS A CLASH, and hope for the best.

Video of first clear:

Stage 14:Dangerous enemies: N Corp Inquisitors

General Strategy: A small relaxing fight consisting of two waves of Inq. Required level is 25 but compared to Stage 13 its really easy.

Video of first clear:

Stage 15:Dangerous enemies: N Corp Inquisitors

General Strategy: An absolute joke of a stage that has only 1(One)(Uno) wave of enemies.

Video of first clear:

Stage 16:Dangerous enemies: N Corp Inquisitors

General Strategy: Back to two waves. The calm before the storm

Video of first clear:

Stage 17:Dangerous enemies: N Corp Inquisitors

General Strategy: BE LEVEL 25, THIS STAGE ISN"T A JOKE. A three wave fight against Inquisitors. Normaly that shouldn't be a problem but they periodically get buffed with Attack Power+1, Defense Power +1 AND FANATIC+2 every 3 turns! Just use your EGO attacks on turn 2, 4 etc. and hope you can stagger them before they get buffed. Getting the EX award for clearing this fight under 11 turns is going to be hard so good luck!

Video of first clear:

Stage 18:Dangerous enemies: N Corp Inquisitors, Guido

General Strategy: Guess who is back! Another 3 wave fight and once again the enemies get buffed every 3 turns (Guido gets buffed too). The required level is 27 but you can easily clear it at level 25 because Guido+2 Inq. is easier to beat than stage 17 wave 3's 5 freaking Inquisitors. Guido himself is mostly the same but with new attacks and a massive passive buff that activates when he is bellow 50% health.

Video of first clear:

Stage 19:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Compared to stage 17/18 those final few fights before the Dungeon are a joke.

Video of first clear:

Stage 20: Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before

Video of first clear:

Stage 21:Dangerous enemies: None

General Strategy: Same as before

Video of first clear:


Required level is 30 but you can totally do it with a team that's lower level. ALWAYS PICK THE OPTIONS THAT GIVE MARKS TO SINCLAIR. You get a max of 4 chances to gain a mark and if you get at least 3 he will get a big buff during the final boss fight of floor 3.

Floor 1:

Floor 1 Boss:

General Strategy:

Video of first clear:

Floor 2:

Floor 2 Boss:

General Strategy:

Video of first clear:

Floor 3:

Floor 3 Boss:

General Strategy: USE SINCLAIR

Video of first clear:


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