Avoid mistakes guide

Avoid mistakes guide

Starting The Game

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Gacha mistakeFirst mistake is running straight for gacha rolls and then using 2 or 3 -star characters instead of basic ones. You see, basic 12 characters are already strong enough to win the game and they get evolutions for free. Gacha characters require extra late-game resource to evolve, which you simply don't have and should not waste.

If you mix those 2-3 stars into a team, they will eat experience and denie other versions of themself from leveling up. Later while freebies gonna evolve for free, cool guys and girls will stay weak and get weaker the deeper you go into game. First evolution happens after winning story 'Inferno-The Outcast' scenario, followed by second evolution for beating 'Inferno-The Unloving'.

Evolution grants additional passive bonuses and very strong active skill, while also improving old skills. In Limbus Company evolution mechanic called "Uptie Tier". You can check it by opening sinners list and click-n-holding left mouse button on any sinner's portrait.

Another reason to ignore high-star-characters is EGO system. During Gacha rolls you can find characters OR their ego. You start game with 12 basic ego unlocked for free, their rank called "Zayin". You can equip five different egos on every character, regardless of how many stars they have. This is why upgrade resources should be spent on ego-moves instead of characters. Characters come and go, ego stays.

Loner mistakeDo not try to understand everything at once, game has a lot of mechanics thrown at you from get-go, i am not gonna describe them and it's not needed. What you do need tho is to find a friend with maxed out character (30 lvl). In main menu click Limbus Company logo (near experience bar in bottom left corner of screen). Then switch to "Friends" tab, then "Add Friend". You can try adding random people or ask for help on forums.

Before starting battle click "Edit Team", then click any character, then "Support" tab — there you can see characters of your friends and freely equip one of them. But only one can be borrowed, so you still need a little bit of planning.

EGO is must-have (not)Majority of guides on Steam and Youtube are either trolling, giving false information or both at the same time. In order to make a good team there are several complicated tactics. We will not cover them, i don't want you to pluk out hair. EGO moves is among those tactics, it requires perfect combination of 5 characters as well as math, tons of clicking and memorising numbers. Second system is affinities which are 7 types like sloth, lust etc. We don't care about them as well. We chill.

What you need is very-very simple, just click and hold portrait of your character in main menu and look to the right. There you can see his 2 active skills and their colours. That's it, you did half of job already. Now just find 5 characters with similar colours to form a team and during battle, make a chain of similar colours. Done, no complciations. Here is picture of skill colours:

As you can see Teal (light blue) is rarest among all, only sinner 5 and 11 have it and it is their third skill. You unlock third one much later, for now, concentrate on first two. Let's look at best combo:

2, 5, 6, 11 all have Blue-Yellow colour, which is very good. We can add number 12 as extra character. This team has 11 yellow and 10 blue cards for ridiculous damage and can activate EGO of number 11 every turn thanks to 2*blue + 2*yellow mana. This squad is enough to beat majority of content, while not really going deep into anything.

Energy And Currencies

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EnergyTo play battle stage you need to spend energy (-18 most of the time). It generates over time at rate of +1 per 6 minutes. Before exiting game make sure to spend it all (i also prefer doing it first time in the morning). If you hit a wall and cannot progress any further, i do not advice to farm campaign levels, since ammount of experience is small and after reaching 12-14 characters lvl it is way too hard to upgrade them any further. Instead, open energy menu in bottom left part of screen, then click 'Modules' tab and turn 20 energy into Enkephalin Modules.

Enkephalin Modules Those are special 'keys', you need three to enter randomly generated Mirror Dungeon. After beating Mirror you get account experience, shard boxes, training tickets and completion marks. This is the main way to farm resources and grind experience in Limbus Company. The good news: your character level outside dungeon does not matters inside... Cus there they always start at lvl 10 and have separate way to improve during run. But collected EGO does matters, so the more you have, the easier to beat mirrors. Also evolved characters are preferable here.

Shard BoxesThis currency (boxes with loot) is used to get hero shards, you can buy heroes with these or EGOs from shop directly (it is called Dispense). Not much i can tell about them, since to buy a single EGO or high-star character you have to bring around 400 shards. Alternatively, shards can be turned into 'threads' at 1:1 ratio and used for evolution, this way any unneeded shards are still usefull.

Training ticketsThose are straightforward experience boosters for characters. They have three qualities: bronze +50 exp, silver +200 exp, golden +1000 exp. Fully beating all Mirror floors grants the best tickets, but if you lose, final reward degrades and instead of gold tickets you might get bronze ones, which is very inefficient — don't lose.

Completion marksEach season in Lumbus Company takes around 3 months of time and provides new gachas, characters and egos. On top of it players can farm so-called 'completion marks' by doing daily, weekly and seasonal quests, as well as clearing Mirrors (5 times per week). Marks contribute towards unique seasonal pass, unlocking 60 juicy rewards... Among those you can even find EGOs for free.

What is EGO anyway?For short, this is ultimate move, unique for certain character from our roster of 12. It requires coloured mana to be casted and deals significant ammount of dmg, just enough to instantly win clash with enemy (we talk about it in later guide section). Each character can carry 5 of them and manifest during battles, but at a cost of sanity and risk going berserk. Calling EGO transforms you into a monster or creates weird abomination / weapon. But hey, it looks cool!

A little pre-story.

Lobotomy Corporation, which is now ruined due to huge catastropchic incident, was responsible for creation of EGOs. They found 'magical water source' deep underground and pretty much experimented with it by drugging humans, turning them into abnormalities. In the end it was decided to put monsters in cages and let workers go inside to study or conversate. It created lots of emotional pressure, causing emotions of both monsters and humans to resonate. This resonance was a good source of energy and led to L.Corp downfall.

Since then, any high emotonal distress causes people to feel weird and manifest feelings in form of weapons, armor, or even extra body parts. Sometimes emotions are way too strong and you cannot revert to normal form, forever turning into abomination. Magical water was called Enkephalin, that is our energy to be used for battles by feeding it to 'Bus'.

AbnormalitiesThere are five known types of abnormalities and EGOs: Zayin, Teth, He, WaW and Aleph. The basic one is Zayin — creatures and equipment of this type are weak. Majority of Zayin enemies die from single attack and may not even posses any threat. Some EGOs may not be strong enough to break through boss attacks, so don't expect much from it.

'Teth' is a bit stronger version of monsters, in Lobotomy Corporation it was considered low-risk low-reward and more like annoyance to workers.

'He' is lethal and dangerous creatures, can be considered Bosses, able to one-shot if you don't know what you are doing. This why reading encyclopedia is important (the more you fight same creature, the more info revealed about it).

'WaW' are proper Bosses with several stages, often have abnormalities of lower rank as supportive minions and capable of attacking other creatures around them. They often cause changes in enviroment, emotions and scenery. Strong enough to kill whole party of characters and require special approach.

'Aleph' are what can be called 'catastrophe size of a town'. You do not want to ever meet a single creature of such caliber. Those can destroy whole towns solo and start full fledged war, replicate, regenerate, multiply itself and engulf everything around. Just their visual appearence is enough to cause irreversable damage to human sanity. Even greatly prepared army may fail against them, unless you send someone with Aleph EGO equipment.


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ClashesThere are lots of stuff going on during battles, so even players who already sinked good ammount of time into game have no idea how it works due to absolute chaos. So lets make it simple. The only thing you should care during Limbus Company battles is winning clashes. A clash is situation where your character and enemy attacking each other, so their swords clang. One will be victorious and continue swinging sword, other one will lose and take damage, possibly gets stunned or even killed.

Look at the picture below, there are many numbers, but you only care about one — clash power. Upper number shows minimum power, bottom number shows maximum power. During clash you toss coin randomly which determines if you have min or max number. Same for enemy.

Always make sure you minimum power higher than enemy minimum and your maximum is higher than enemy maximum. In that case even if both combatants have same luck you still going to win clash. Sometimes enemy attacks with super weak move and his maximum power so low that even your minimum power can beat it. In that case, enemy is doomed to lose clash no matter what. Sadly, same can happen to you in later story chapters, where opponent engages with 14 power and you have only 12 at best. What to do in this case?

Dodge and BlockIf opponent has way too much power and will mostlikely win clash, you can turn attack into Dodge or Block (depends on character). Dodge is good if several enemies attacking same character, since you can dodge all their hits one after another IF coin toss luck on your side... Else you just get destroyed and nothing can be done about it. Block will create small ammount of extra helath for character to tank some damage, but in most cases the ammount is enough to protect, at best, from one enemy attack. There is also counter, which does not makes any sence — you have to take the hit first and after that counter-attack enemy, but in most cases taking a hit means getting stunned right away, so no counter can happen.

Auto-battleYes, there is this feature called 'auto-battle'. It is locked until you beat campaign stage for the first time,- it looks like big gear in bottom right corner of screen. There are two styles for auto: to fight with higher win chances or with higher damage. Both cases can be bad and end up losing you the match. Here is a picture where i tell team of four characters to auto-attack three staggered enemies, normally it should mean you just win right away, but system is dumb so here what happens:

As you can see, my fighters decided to ignore one of the enemies for no reason. If i would allow this to happen, battle will take another round to be finished. Which is not good and can cause some extra damage taken for free. Since even first hit will kill abnormality, other attacks will just cancell. So i strongly suggest not using 'auto' feature during abnormalities battles against more than 1 alive opponent. But, when fighting humans (bandits) your team always attacks closest enemy, if he dies, they redirect remaining attacks to next target. This way feature can speed up process a little bit.

Questions and answersHow does coin luck works?

Noone knows. Game says you have higher luck if character has good 'mood' (it is also can be called psychological resolve / sanity). You can check it opposite of character hp. Max sanity is +45 (blue colour), min is -45 (red).

How to increase sanity?

Kill enemies, win clashes, do not lose characters. Using some EGO moves can reduce or increase sanity. For example, Faust EGO of rank Zayin increases sanity for whole team, which greatly boosts coins luck.

What if my dodge, block and power are weak?

Well, you have only one option left to win clash — use EGO move, since it has 16+ min power and does not depends on coin luck as much as normal attacks.

How to increase min/max power for my characters?

Only one way — to evolve them to tier 2 and 3. Attacks will become stronger, allowing to win more. Also third attack of every character (which is unlocked at tier 3) is always much stronger than first two. This is why i suggest using only basic 12 characters due to free evolution costs.

What happens when sanity is low -45?

Well, if such character manifests EGO attack, there are good chances to turn into abnormality and attack your own team. Unlikely this is going to happen.

What if both my character and enemy have same min/max power?

They will clash again and again until luck leaves one of them: unlucky person gets min power, while lucky one gets max. And then victor's damage significantly increases, depending on how many times they clashed. You can use this as advantage, if character already has +45 sanity, by picking attack skill that exactly equals enemy skill. But you still can lose...

List Of Changes

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3/1/2023: created guide with first section "Starting the game";

3/1/2023: added section "Energy and currencies";

3/3/2023: added "Battles" section, explaining very basics, no complications;

3/3/2023: added section separators, corrected typos, shortened text, added synonyms, cut water.

I do plan expanding it with more and more complex things, you do not have to re-read previous parts for any new information.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2940646219					

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