How To Use Champion
Champion is one of the masterminds you can pick at the start of the game. Instead of starting with income, you can buff one unit with +9% attack speed and damage reduction.
Use Champion earlyThis allows you to gain value from it immediately. The longer you hold off on using Champion, the worse it is.
This is the single most important tip. If you don't want to read the rest of the guide, you can stop here.
Play more undervalue than you normally wouldChampion value is not reflected in fighter value. An easy rule of thumb is that Champion is worth 10% of the total value of the unit.
For example, if you use it on a Gateguard (which costs 100 gold), you have 10 "hidden" value. When you upgrade to Harbinger (which has a total cost of 290 gold), you have ~30 "hidden" value.
If you use Champion optimally, it's worth more than that, but 10% is an easy rule of thumb.
Upgrade your Champion earlyThere's no rule for how early, but you should prioritize upgrading it earlier than you normally would.
Give your Champion lots of buffsAuras, healers, Steed, Chieftains, and Legion Spells. The more, the better. If your Champion is a DPS unit, support it with more tanks than usual.
Champion Tier List
Before diving into the tier list, let's talk generally about what units Champion is strong on, so you have a framework to think about it, rather than having to memorize a tier list.
Champion is strong on units that:
Can be opened with on wave 1 (or gotten by wave 2 or 3 via other means, such as Grarl and Pirate Skeleton)
Are relatively expensive (either the base unit or one of the upgrades)
Can be upgraded early
Either have no abilities or have abilities that scale with attack speed
There is no single best or must-pick unit for Champion. The best Champion target depends on your other units and the legion spell.
This tier list assumes the average case. For example, Green Devil on its own is C. With Titan it's B, with Lost Chieftain it's A, and with Lost Chieftain, Whitemane, Ocean Templar, and Hero, it's S+, so it averages out to A.
The tier 6 units (Eggsack, Holy Avenger, etc.) assume you are rushing them on wave 2 or 3 with Grarl or Pirate Skeleton.
Some units with Champion are optimally played unconventionally (for example, upgrading Treant / Wileshroom to Tree of Knowledge / Canopie on wave 2).
Order within each tier does not matter.
Champion Tier List:
Champion Tier List:
S: Nekomata, Sakura, Nightmare, Priestess of the Abyss, Berserker, Gatling Gun, Yozora, Eggsack
A: Radiant Halo, Elite Archer, Honeyflower, Green Devil, Oathbreaker, Angler, Pirate Skeleton, Crab Warlock, Holy Avenger, Shadow Dancer, Millennium, Firelord, Soul Gate, Lord of Death
B: Sand Badger, Gateguard, Bone Crusher, Wileshroom, Warg, Banana Bunk, Bounty Hunter
C: Antler, Fire Elemental, Daphne, Slime Siren, Pyro, Sky Queen, Eternal Wanderer, Mudman, Dwarf Banker, Treant
D: Zeus, Royal Guard, Sea Serpent, Infiltrator, False Maiden, Hell Raiser, Disciple, Great Boar, Cursed Casket
F: Everything else
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