Welcome to this guide on how to use the Chaos mastermind effectively in Legion TD 2 which has been sponsored by Schakara. You better like this guide!
By reading this guide your knowledge of the Chaos mastermind will grow and you shall be leading your teammate to victory!
So... What Is Chaos?
The Chaos mastermind shuffles your available fighters every wave. This means you’ll never have a consistent roster, but you’ll gain access to a wide range of units and synergies.
Here’s what sets Chaos apart:
Start the game with 4 income and 250 gold.
Units from tier 1 to tier 6 are randomly provided every wave.
We spend no time thinking about what units we select in our roll!
With access to every unit in the game, you can apply multiple buffs to various units.
Requires game knowledge on all units ideally. You really need to know when you are strong or weak - the Wave Reference guide is very helpful for this!
Scales well into the late game!
Chaos isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s one of the most rewarding masterminds for players who enjoy randomness and having to adapt.
Building With Chaos
General Build Advice: Don't be afraid to save gold when you are strong and expect a send the following wave.
If you've spammed some tier 1 units out, it's okay to sell them for a bigger unit, or to upgrade one already on your board.Early Game (Waves 1-9): Aim to start with a carry unit, or look for a versatile unit like Wileshroom which just needs pierce added in following waves.
Tier 3 units are your best friend as once they're upgraded provide a solid power spike in your lane.
Remember to adjust your split accordingly for wave 5 and 6.Mid-Game (Waves 10-13): Really start filling out your board with your synergies.
Build around the strongest/highest values units you've placed. If you have a Dread Knight, support it with tanks and auras as a prime example, and cover for it's weaker waves.
Ensure you have a good ratio of DPS to tank value.
Similar to wave 6, you will need to adjust your split for wave 13 depending on your build.Late Game (Waves 14+): Expand and support your synergies as best you can.
Look at all four lanes, speak to your teammate and plan accordingly for when you expect them to send, and when you want to send.
Cover your carry's weakness.
Higher cost units provide more value than others around an aura.
Notable Units:
Dark Mage - this unit buffs your highest DPS unit for the wave your on and it's recommended to generally put down a Bone Warrior from wave 7 onwards so you have access to upgrade it to it's mage form (shoutout to Kidk for mentioning this).
Daphne - extremely useful in Chaos allowing your single target damage to hit bigger numbers faster due to the "Mark Target" ability which amplifies all damage taken by 1 (0.5 to bosses), stacking up to 10 times. For this reason you only ever really want to build 3 of these unless they are sending on a big boss wave.
Rogue Wave - one of my favourites, our purple slug amplifies ability damage taken on enemy creeps. This works amazingly well with units such as Banana Haven, Deathcap, Red-Eyes, Arc of Justice, Doomsday Machine and many more! All of which we have access to thanks to the joys of Chaos.
Below is an example of Aatrocity using Chaos and how he fills his board from wave 1, 5, 10 and 16.
So let's discuss their board in detail.
Wave 1: Their carry to start with is initially the Elite Archer, which is strong early but really struggles against wave 5, 6, and 9.
Wave 5: They've added magic damage with the Chloropixe and some other tanks like the Gargoyles and the Angler.
Wave 10: That Angler has grown into a Kingpin which shares a weakness of wave 13 with the Elite Archer. Aatrocity has managed to get a Soul Gate already on 10 to remedy that issue so for the most part he is now fine til wave 15 at the least as Trinity Archer and Kingpin are pretty strong on 14.
Wave 16: Opponents skipped 15 and went for 16 in which everyone did. At this stage he has far too much value, as the Hell Gate with Ocean Templar buffing it's summoned minions plus a Starcaller helping get them out sooner, along with Crabs to provide delay for the Trinity Archer.
You can also view the full game here:
Aatrocity's Elite Archer Chaos game[]
Here's also another game in which Drachir uses Chaos but this time his early carry is a Nekomata:
Drachir's Nekomata Chaos game[]
Now here's a video from DoofusMcDooface in which he uses Chaos with Pawn Shop in the game:
Don't fall into the Chaos trap like these poor souls!
Pawn Shop And Sacrifice
Yes, this deserves it's own section here.
Pawn Shop is by far one of the best options for a spell you can take if you're playing Chaos (or Redraw),
This allows you to sell your units for a 90% refund for the rest of the game, along with giving you +65 gold on selecting it.
What makes this so good with Chaos? We have a new selection of units every wave, and if we're expecting a send on a certain wave, we can sell the units that aren't good there and replace them with ones that are!
Good example would be expecting a send on 16 and then having either Honeyflower or Bazooka appear so we can sell the bad value and replace with Pyros and Deathcaps.
Pawn Shop is also really good for when Mudmen appear in our roll. Being able to Harden and then sell them when they are of less value or soft.
I will often pick Chaos in particular when I see that Pawn Shop is a option as a spell in the mastermind selection screen.
Sacrifice can also be a one-off Pawn Shop, allowing you to get a full refund for the unit you use it on. On selection it also gives you +85 gold.
Really handy if you have a big Kingpin and expect a 13 send. Sacrifice or Pawn Shop the Kingpin, and place a unit that is good on 13 such as a Fenix or Hell Gate. 9/10 times after this occurs your opponents will type -ff as you easily full hold.
Countering A Chaos Board
The best counter to a Chaos board? Don't let them get to late game as they scale pretty well.
Easy way to tell that they are Chaos is just to count the number of different units in their lane, especially of the same tier - likely chance that if there any many different units of the same tier in particular they are Chaos or Redraw.
If you're fairly certain they are Chaos, then you have less fear of them being able to place the same unit they've already shown (though there is a chance that can still happen). So if they've shown Pyro or Deathcaps, but the rest of the board looks weak on 16, you have a solid chance of still going 16 as they might not roll a good unit for that wave.
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