How to Change FPS from 30 to 60 / 120

How To Change The FPS ( Updated 18.06.2017 )


Go to your "Killer is Dead" folder and find the KidEngine.ini

Folder Path: C:Programs (x86) > Steam > Steamapps > common > Killer is Dead > Kid Game > Config > KidEngine.ini



Open up the KidEngine.ini file and find the line "bSmoothFrameRate" and "MaxSmoothedFrameRate"



Useful Information

"bSmoothFrameRate" has a similar function ( or is maybe the same ) as Vertical Synchronization[]

I suggest you to change the values like i did. In this case...

"bSmoothFrameRate" from TRUE ( enabled ) to FALSE ( disabled )

"MaxSmoothFrameRate" from 31 ( default ) to 60



Save the file and Start the Game. You can Launch FRAPS or another Program that displays FPS to check if the Game runs in 60FPS.


Tips and Other values that can be used.

FPS Values: 30 / 60 / 120 / 125

> You can aslo change only "MaxSmoothFramerate" without disabling VSYNC.


Possible Fix for Quick time Events [60FPS+] - Source:PCGW

> UPDATE: 18.06.17 <

You can also try these values:


- ;massageで回復するレート

mRevive_MassageRecoveryRate = 2.6

- ;massageによるHealth が下がるレート

mRevive_MassageHealtDownRate = 0.98


mRevive_MassageDownPowerMax = 10.0


- ;massageで回復するレート

mRevive_MassageRecoveryRate = 5.2

- ;massageによるHealth が下がるレート

mRevive_MassageHealtDownRate = 0.96


mRevive_MassageDownPowerMax = 20.0


For all users with Impossible QTE´s after changing to 60FPS and a lil bit above. After testing things out for some time i maybe found an "acceptable" solution to fix the QTE´s.This small Fix worked up to 75FPS.

Go to your KID Folder. C:Programs (x86) > Steam > Steamapps > common > Killer is Dead > Kid Game > Config > DefaultGame.ini

At the beginning you will find the Informations that we need to get the Problem fixed. Just change the values and replace the standard ones with my values.

- ;massageで回復するレート

mRevive_MassageRecoveryRate = 2.8

- ;massageによるHealth が下がるレート

mRevive_MassageHealtDownRate = 0.95


mRevive_MassageDownPowerMax = 18.5

Please write down if you still have Problems or if you have a more solid solution to fix the QTE´s!


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