How To Improve Framerate Of KSP 2 Without Sacrificing Visuals

How To Improve Framerate Of KSP 2 Without Sacrificing Visuals

Graphics Settings And What Actually Hurts Preformance The Most

How To Improve Framerate Of KSP 2 Without Sacrificing Visuals image 1

How To Improve Framerate Of KSP 2 Without Sacrificing Visuals image 2

These Are The Current Settings Of KSP 2 As Of 0.1.5.x

Most of these settings, do affect the game fps, while some dont..

For this, this will only my experience of how the settings work/behave.

I Will Keep It Very Simple

* - Rendering

AA and AF, can be kept on max in most situations, there is some cases (like large builds) can cause stuttering.. For me due to either the game or unity itself, the AA and AF, is rather weak, and isn't really "needed" at 1440p, and perhaps low and "off" settings might be useful for fps.

* - Visual Options

Environment Prop: ON

Environment Density: Medium/High

Environment Draw Distance: Medium/High

Ground Shading: Normal/High

Texture Quality: Medium/Low (Unless Small Craft/Build/Beauty Shots) Then Go High.

Visual Options can and will affect performance alot, but keeping visuals without hurting fps, the largest thing i see is the draw distance, and the texture quality. Texture quality in my book even on high settings feel a little soft at 1440p/4k resolutions, however 1080p it feels and looks just fine and you will be able to see a visual difference in each setting.. Texture quality is more of a VRAM for your gpu rather than an actual performance hitter for normal not insane builds with 300-400+ parts on the launch bay..

* - Water Quality: Any

For me there is some cases where the lower quality of water did improve fps however, even on low settings the water looks good, however obviously low quality looks poor compared to high. Lower end hardware i did see better improvements just keeping it on low.

* - Shadow

Shadow Details: Medium/High

Shadow Quality: Medium/High

These settings are quite subjective, but these do indeed hurt performance but in most cases unless you want beauty shots keeping them lower will help fps.

* - Atmospheric

Clouds: Low

This setting right here is one of the demanding fps hitters in some cases or most, this can double if not triple your fps.. The most recent update of 0.1.5.x did indeed make clouds look stunning, but as of right now the performance hit even on decent hardware OR low hardware is a little to much to keep this setting on while playing.. Medium setting isn't worth the performance hit, and only really High should be used when wanting to "look" at your craft, or taking those stunning photos.

I will most likely not update this for post 0.2.0 until i have some time besides actually playing the game.

I say as of right now a 1650 laptop GPU can "play" this game as of right now even on high/low settings you can expect with nothing absolutely insane in 0.1.5.x 20-30fps, lowering the graphics settings will help, but im not a mind reader of what it will be like when science 0.2.0.x will hit we can only assume it will improve.

4k is not stable/ready for this game, the fps hit is huge for gpus that have clearly hardware to take hit 4k at 60fps+ high settings, this game crawls at 10-14fps on min settings on a 3070 with simplistic builds, 1440p is where it is at for visuals to performance loss, in most cases i didn't really even see a performance gain going down to 1080p with a gpu like this.

Main PC Tested:

CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x Overclocked

RAM: 64gb DDR4 3600mhz

Storage: M.2 SSD.

GPU RTX 3070 oc

Laptop Tested:

CPU: I5-10300h

RAM 16gb

Storage: M.2 SSD

GPU 1650 Laptop


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