2 Rules That I Use
1) Not to be scared of restarting the game
What ksp2 does best in even if you compare it to ksp1 especially if you playing ksp1 with mods is loading times. While you loading ksp1 you could already do whole mission in ksp2.
So if you got hit by bug, just reload the game if that bug not braking your save, like most common bug of that type is orbital lines dissapearing, restart of the game almost every time fixes it, so if you feeling that reloading save would not fix yout bug just restart game
2) Every time make your quick saves under a new name in your game through escape button
Some bugs could be situation based or could brake your craft even after reload, but when you constantly saving and have saves of different points of mission under new name (even if that name is "aaaaa1232311") rundom bug wouldnt get you, worst case you would get set back to couple of orbits or minutes of gameplay (depends on bug and your saving rate).
I did not have mission failed because of bug or space station brake up from bug because if i caught that bug at some point i reloaded previous save/saves/restarted the game, and i have massive space ship/space station that i built from different space craft launches.
Saves could impact your performance over time but just delete them strait from savefile location (Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Intercept Games/Kerbal Space Program 2/Saves) also in save file you could find craft workspaces that could also over time impact your perfomace so move them or delete over time.
Almost every bug fixes through reloading previous save if you have one, or restarting the game
Aalso use useful mods for you in CKAN same as ksp1 ckan, it has community fixes, eva anarchy for kerbals that dont want to get outside, visual mods like cloudy and much more, also many work as there was no updates for a long time...
And pls remove all your Flags, Flags brake reality and ground on planets, Take picture with your flag and remove it after with your kerbal!!!
here some pics (im not really used for steam guides)
ksp2 could be a great game (especially if you already spent $50 and wonder what you would do with it in your library), it has gameplay and progression after For Science!, looks great, could be some fps drops but they manageble if you dont build crazy like me and there is boost mods for fps (i mostly played stock and on 1050ti), feels tbh somewhat different then ksp1 and looks way different then ksp1 and i like how ksp2 looks now tbh.
So thanks for reading and playing ksp2! I hope new ip management would shine their light on ksp2, maybe even if they would get some bug fixes, or upload ksp2 colonies update from hard drives that was indevelopment... there is very small hope but stil is...
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3407869623
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