Straightforward simplification of wires using abbreviations.
> = Greater than
$ = Exactly
#ODD = Odd serial number
Any button not listed, hold and result to lit LED indicators at the bottom
> = More than
Non-shaded areas = unique symbols
Would have done more with this section, but it always became an array of colors that was impossible to decipher.
Also the "6" symbol will always be first and each column have unique symbols from each other.
Just a shortened/simplified version of memory.
S# = Stage number
Pink for POSition
Blue for LABel
STAGE (and >>)
*# = To simplify the final stage; Since you'll be pressing labels you pressed in previous stages.
Stage 3. Display is 3.
Press the button in the same postion as you pressed in stage 2.
Little box on the left to write down the numbers!
Morse Code
Simon Says
Who's On First
Complex Wires
Easiest method I could possibly come up with complex wires!
Below the line = if all apply.
Sequence Wires
Not much to simplify. Just made text more readable.
Person with the bomb will say the top, left most circle (circled in red)
Found this somewhere on google, but cannot find the source for it.
Person with the bomb will say the pattern on the right side; as they are the easiest to identify.
Up: Two L's
Down: V and a backslash
Left: Backwards L
Right: U and a backslash
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2557420725
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