The True Hero
Above is depicted the "hero" of the game, Scorpio (A.K.A. Rico) meeting Bolo Santosi for the first time. Now, at a glance, this picture is just a simple meeting. But upon closer investigation, we discover that Bolo is Rico. In this guide, I will not only explain how you play as Bolo Santosi itself- that's right, Bolo is everything- but as well as how Bolo Santosi is all.
I want you to look very careful. Look for the connection.
Do you see it yet? I will help.
Still can't see it? Fine, I will show you.
Now that you understand how Bolo is Rico, it is time to discuss the why. And, more importantly, what is Bolo? Continue reading to find out.
Bolo, The One True God
Bolo santosi is everything. Bolo Santosi is the ground at your feet. Bolo santosi is the trees in your yard. Bolo Santosi is you.
Above shows one of the trillions of forms* Bolo Santosi takes.
*Artist's interpretation. Bolo Santosi is impossible to truly see. Your brain would implode as you looked within a mile of where it stood.
An In-Depth Look At Bolo's Wise Words
"My name is Bolo Santosi. I am the leader of the revolutionary army known as the Reapers. Our goal is for the people of Panau to break the chains of oppression... and rise up as one."
These are the first magical words you hear Bolo Santosi speak when you first meet her in Just Cause 2. Unfortunately, Bolo's sole weakness is that it cannot speak to you directly. It must speak through Just Cause 2.
We can take a closer look at the dialog by doing the following:
Step 1. Translate into Japanese. You get this.
Step 2. Translate into Hungarian. You get this.
"A nevem rongyok Santosi. Én vagyok a vezetője a forradalmi hadsereg ismert Grim Reaper. Célunk, hogy az emberek a Panau, hogy álljon fel, mint egy ... és megtöri a láncot az elnyomás."
Step 3. Translate into German. You get this.
"Mein Name ist Rags Santos. Ich bin der Führer der revolutionären Armee als Sensenmann bekannt. Wir sind für die Menschen in Panau, um wie ein Stand up ... und brechen die Ketten der Unterdrückung gewidmet."
Step 4. Translate into Lithuanian. You get this.
"Mano vardas Skudurai Santos. Man yra žinomas kaip Grim Reaper iš revoliucinės armijos lyderių. Esame kad būtų sudarytas Panau žmonės atrodo kaip stand-up ... ir pertrauka priespaudos grandines skirtus."
Step 5: Translate into Finnish. You get this.
"Nimeni on Rags Santos. Olen tunnettu Grim Reaper Revolutionary armeijan johtajia. Meidät on vedetty ihmisiä kuin että näyttää stand-up ... ja rikkoa ketjut sorron."
Step 6: Translate back into English. Finally, we understand the truth behind Bolo's words.
"My name is Rags Santos. I am known as the Grim Reaper Revolutionary Army leaders. We are drawn to people like that looks like a stand-up ... and break the chains of oppression."
In the next section, we will discuss what Bolo means by this.
The Truth
"My name is Rags Santos. I am known as the Grim Reaper Revolutionary Army leaders. We are drawn to people like that looks like a stand-up ... and break the chains of oppression."
Now we will inspect these wise words.
"My name is Rags Santos."
Bolo Santosi reveals that its true name is Rags Santos. Bolo Santosi was merely a disguise to blend in with the humans.
"I am known as the Grim Reaper Revolutionary Army leaders."
Rags (Bolo) reveals that it is Death. Rags, Death, or the Grim Reaper's true identity has now been revealed to us- have you put the puzzle pieces together, yet?
"Bolo Santosi" is Thanatos, the ancient Greek god of death.
Above is Thanatos, god of death. Bolo is Thanatos, meaning Thanatos is eternal.
"We are drawn to people like that looks like a stand-up"
I honestly have no clue what Bolo/Rags/Death/Thanatos means by this.
"... and break the chains of oppression."
Bolo/Rags/Death/Thanatos no longer wishes to be the god of death. It wants to be the god of happiness and sunflowers. By saying this, it means it wants to break the chains it is bound by, the chains of death.
The End
This concludes the guide on Thanatos. That is everything you need to know for now. Hopefully now, you will truly understand Bolo Santosi when playing Just Cause 2.
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