Just Cause 2 Controls & MP Commands
JC2 Controls (Controller) [Keyboard]
Just Cause 2 controls are quite complex, and there are subtle differences between KB&M (keyboard & mouse) controls and gamepad (XBox360 Controller) contols. I hope this table will help to simplify. Gamepad controls in round brackets. KB&M controls in square brackets. Like this: (Controller) [KB&M] .
(R-Stick) [MOUSE] : Crosshair and Camera control. Swim, skydive, parachute direction.
(RT) [MOUSE1] : Fire weapon 1. Note: (RB) fire if in vehicle and (RT) vehicle speed up. Keyboard doesn't swap.
(LT) [MOUSE2] : Fire weapon 2 / explosives. Note: (LB) fire if in vehicle and (LT) vehicle slow down. Keyboard doesn't swap.
(L-Stick) [W A S D] : Move. Swim. Sky diving control.
(RT) (LT) : Land & sea vehicle, and aircraft, speed up / down.
[W] [S] : Land & sea vehicle speed up / down.
(RB) [LSHIFT] : Sprint. (RB) : Vehicles: Fire weapon 1. [LSHIFT] : Aircraft speed up. Bike Tilt Forward.
(RB) [TAB] : Evade, if tapped. (RB): Vehicles: Fire weapon 1.
(LB) [F] : Grappling Hook. (LB): Vehicles: Fire weapon 2.
(R3) [C] : Fine aim / scope. Look back in vehicles.
(L3) [LCONTROL] : Crouch. [LCONTROL]: Drop. Aircraft slow down. Bike Tilt Backward.
(X) [R] : Reload. (X) [X]: Handbrake.
(Y) [E] : Interact. Pick up weapon. Enter / exit.
(A) [SPACE] : Jump. Parachute open /close.
(B) [Q] : Melee attack. (B) [LALT]: Stunt jump and position. (B): Drop.
(D-Pad) [MWHEELDOWN/UP]: Weapon selection.
(D-pad left) [G] : Toggle Explosive.
(D-pad right tap) [1] : Toggle One-handed Weapon.
(D-pad right hold) [2] : Dual-Wield.
(D-pad up) [3] : Equip Two-handed Weapon.
(D-pad down) [4] : Equip beacon.
(START) [F1] : PDA.
(Back) [ESC] : Pause menu.
(RB) (LB) [LSHIFT] [LCONTROL] : Scope zoom.
JC2MP Multiplayer keys and commands
(a) Keys and commands can differ according to the server. These are some frequent ones. Commands begin with a forward slash, and T must be pressed first.
(b) Many keys and commands are toggles. Press them again, or re-enter commands, to toggle between on and off.
[ESC] – toggles JC2MP main menu. Escape from text talk.
[F1] – map.
[F2] – player map (nerd3 server)
[F3] – toggle main feed (text talk, commands, announcements, etc.).
[F4] – console toggle.
[F5] - display help guide.
[F6] or [Y] – player list toggle.
[F7] – private messaging.
[F8] – command shortcuts (nerd3 server).
[F12] – screenshot.
[T] – enter text talk or commands. [ESC] to exit.
(B) – buy items (some are free).
[G] or [H] – teleport. [H] – headlights (certain servers).
[V] – teleport to player.
[LSHIFT] or [Q] (helicopters) – Boost, tap to keep some control.
Various commands (press T to enter)
/kill – kill yourself.
/heal – heal yourself.
/repair – repair your vehicle.
/local – local messages.
/clear – remove all weapons from yourself.
/tags – configure player tags.
/w <player> <message> - send a private message to another player.
/sendmoney <player> <value> - transfer money to another player.
Game modes (press T to enter)
/derby – destruction derby mode (toggle)
/race – race mode (toggle). Also /race quality low and /race quality high.
/duel <player id> - enter a duel with selected player
/dome – Dome Deathmatch Gamemode (certain servers)
/skydive – skydive (certain servers)
HUD toggles (press T to enter)
/speedometer - Toggles the speedometer
/killfeed - Toggle killfeed (list of killed players)
/localchat - Display only local chat in the chatbox
/jethud – advanced jet HUD
Teleport commands (press T to enter)
/tp <location> - teleports player to specified location
/tp help or /tp - lists all available teleport points
/tpm <player id> - teleport to player ID.
mhc x:29584 y:11435 (The Mile High Club)
pie x:24476 y:910 (Pie Island)
dish x:23440 y:17420 (PAN MILSAT Satellite Dish)
airport x:9748 y:12798 (Panau International Airport)
airport2 x:6064 y:23457 (Airport 2)
airport3 x:22163 y:23265 (Airport 3)
desertap x:4472 y:21183 (Desert airport 1)
desertap2 x:9434 y:28188 (Desert airport 2)
city1 (City 1)
city2 (City 2)
racetrack x:9170 y:11413 (Bandar Selekeh)
dirttrack x:11229 y:4185 (Dirt track)
skull x:14834 y:17323 (Skull Island)
lost x:2120 y:2415 (Lost island)
peak x:20538 Y:11836 (Top of the World)
Faction commands (press T to enter)
Type "/f help general", "/f help base", "/f help relations", "/f help leader", "/f help use" to list commands.
/f join <faction name> (password) - join specified faction. Creates faction if none exist.
/f list - lists all unpassworded factions
/f <message> - sends message to faction members only
/f bases - lists all bases currently owned by faction
/f tp <base> - teleport to base
/f destroy - destroys base (can only be used by leaders)
/b base <name> - creates base at current location (can only be used by leaders)
/f allies - lists all current faction relations
/f ally <faction> - allies with given faction
/f unally <faction> - unallies with given faction
/f neutral <faction> - sets the given faction at neutral
/f enemy <faction> - sets the given faction at enemy
/f hue <value> - sets the hue of faction colour, where value is between 0-360
/f bringall - teleports all faction members to you
/f transfer <player> - transfers leadership to specified player
/f kick <player> (reason)- kicks the specified player from faction. Reason is optional
/f disband (reason) - disbands the current faction. Reason is optional
/f players - lists all the players in the same faction as you, and gives player count
/f goto <player> - teleports you to the faction member specified
/f leave (reason) - leave the current faction you are in. Reason is optional
Multiplayer launch options
These are added to the Steam launch options, not in-game.
/fovfactor=<value> - adjust the field of view. Use value between 1.0-2.0
/frameratecap=<value> - cap your game framerate. Use a value between 30-60
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=520894849
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