Just Cause 2 Viewer (JC2Viewer)


I'll present you:

An interactive map that shows you all Ressoruce-Items, all Chaos Items, all Colonel, all Fraction-Items and all Brides for bridge limbo.

This tool is able to load a savegame and can show you all things that you don't have found/destroyed/limbo'ed.

This tool uses some files from a similar tool ("JC2-Map-Viewer" *1)

In words: All Map-images, all files in items/ and the files in icons/ are derived from the original Icons/chaos_item.png

Beyond that JC2Viewer has some advantages over JC2 Map Viewer:

* Faster rendering

* Faster refreshing data

* Press F5 to reload a savegame

* Zoom up to 1px=1m

* Sam Sites, bridges and fraction-Items have their own color.

* View Modes: Found items, missing items, all item and mone items.

* Does not require any further runtime to run (A Small exception: The Win32 build perhaps needs the VC2010 Runtime installed). All libs that are needed to run are there.

*1: http://www.justcause2mods.com/mods/other/Miscellaneous/JC2-Map-Viewer/

Download Links

Source: http://www.linux-ecke.de/jc2v/jc2viewer_src.zip

Win64 Binary: http://www.linux-ecke.de/jc2v/jc2viewer_Win64.zip

Win32 Binary: http://www.linux-ecke.de/jc2v/jc2viewer_Win32.zip

Foor the Win32 Binary maybe you need the VC2010 Runtime: http://www.linux-ecke.de/jc2v/vcredist_sp1_x86.exe

How To Use

When you start JC2 Viewer you can see 2 sides:

Left side: Can switch visiblle items and load savegame

Right side: The Mapview

First we have a llok at the left side:

The "Load savegame" button loads a Just Cause 2 Savegame. (PC-Version only!)

The "Reaload savegame" button loads the last opend file again

Under show you can choose the view mode:

Missing: All items that are not found are displayed on the mapview

Found: All items that are found are displayed o the mapview

All: All items are displayed on the mapview

none: No items are displayed on the mapviewNote: Missing and Found does only work, if you have loaded a savegame.

Below of the viewmodes you can select/deselct some groups. Here you can filter the shown items on the mapview. Right of the name of each group you may see one or two numbers.

The most right number (or the only number, if no savegame is loaded) shows the total count of items in that group. The other (if shown) shows the number of found items in that group

At the buttom there are two helper button: "Hide all" deselects all groups.

"Show all" selects all groups.

No we have a look at the right side:

You can zoom with your mouse-wheel.

You can scroll the map as you know from maps.google.com

Hover over an icon to see whats there

Some Advises

JC2Viewer opens savegames as readonly. So it does not write on the savegame. But still i want to give you some advises to keep your savegames:

Make backups of your savegames

Never load or reload a savegame that Just Cause 2 is currently written.



Added Win32 Binary

Some kind of progress-bar for each item-type

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=149690751					

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