Stop Crash to Desktop Errors

Stop Crash to Desktop Errors

Crash To Desktop

Hello all,

I have had crash to desktop problems consistently in Just Cause 2. This guide briefly tells people how to resolve this based on other resources on the web.

After applying these fixes, I pretty much have all advanced graphics settings other than this enabled now and have not had a crash in many hours of game play.

I take no credit for finding this fix. I am adding it as a guide to centralize the knowledge in the "right" place.

Please see this link for the original source;

Disable Decals

Stop Crash to Desktop Errors image 8

1. Reset advanced graphics settings to default.

2. Disable Decals.

Red Flickering Graphics Bug Fix

As an added bonus - to stop the annoying "Red Flickering" graphic bug which occurs when on low health and when snipers target;

1. Right click on Just Cause 2 game properties from Steam library.

2. Disable "Enable Steam Community In-Game"

If I get time I will add some screen shots to show the bug.


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