Launch Options/Console Commands
JCMP In-Game Help Guide
There is now an in-game help guide for Just Cause Multiplayer! Simply press F5 while in game to bring up a nemu that should answer most questions about commands, faction etc. This guide will be left here for reference (and occasional updating)
F5 - display help guide F2 - connect with jcmp server
Launch Options
Use the following commands and enter them into the JCMP client 'launch options' box.
/fovfactor=value> - adjust the field of view. Use value between 1.0-2.0 /frameratecap=<value> - cap your game framerate. Use a value between 30-60
Using The In-game Chatbox
The in-game chatbox is used to communicate with other players and acts as a console to perform the various commands listed in this guide. Use the following keyboard strokes to access chat:
F4 - remove/display chatbox t - reveal the cursor and to start typing in the chatbox
To use the "whisper" function, type:
/w <Player> <Message> - send a private message to another player
To duel with another player, type:
/duel <Player> - enter a duel with selected player
HUD (heads Up Display)
The HUD overlay displays various pieces of info about JCMP. As ever the chatbox can be removed/enabled with F4. Here is a lost of other commands affecting the HUD:
/speedometer - Toggles the speedometer /tags - Toggle all nametags /killfeed - Toggle killfeed /localchat - Display only local chat in the chatbox
Teleport Commands & Map
Teleport (/tp)
players can teleport to various pre-specified areas on Panau.
/tp <location> - teleports player to specified location /tp help - lists all available teleport points
mhc x:29584 y:11435 (The Mile High Club) pie x:24476 y:910 (Pie Island) dish x:23440 y:17420 (PAN MILSAT Satellite Dish) airport x:9748 y:12798 (Panau International Airport) airport2 x:6064 y:23457 airport3 x:22163 y:23265 desertap x:4472 y:21183 desertap2 x:9434 y:28188 city1 city2 racetrack x:9170 y:11413 (Bandar Selekeh) dirttrack x:11229 y:4185 skull x:14834 y:17323 (Skull Island) lost x:2120 y:2415 (Lost island) peak x:20538 Y:11836 (Top of the World)
Faction Commands
Factions allow players to form groups together. Factions can be created as public or private, using an optional password. On joining, players are assigned the color of the faction. There is a private chat channel for each faction. Players can also teleport to other faction members.
GENERAL (type "/f help general" in-game to show commands)
/f join <faction name> (password) - join specified faction. Creates faction if none exist /f list - lists all unpassworded factions /f <message> - sends message to faction members only
BASE (type "/f help base" in-game to show commands)
/f bases - lists all bases currently owned by faction /f tp <base> - teleport to base /f destroy - destroys base (can only be used by leaders) /b base <name> - creates base at current location (can only be used by leaders)
RELATIONS (type "/f help relations" in-game to show commands)
/f allies - lists all current faction relations /f ally <faction> - allies with given faction /f unally <faction> - unallies with given faction /f neutral <faction> - sets the given faction at neutral /f enemy <faction> - sets the given faction at enemy
LEADER (type "/f help leader" in-game to show commands)
Leader commands can only be used by faction leaders.
/f hue <value> - sets the hue of faction colour, where value is between 0-360 /f bringall - teleports all faction members to you /f transfer <player> - transfers leadership to specified player /f kick <player> (reason)- kicks the specified player from faction. Reason is optional /f disband (reason) - disbands the current faction. Reason is optional
USE (type "/f help use" in-game to show commands)
/f players - lists all the players in the same faction as you, and gives player count /f goto <player> - teleports you to the faction member specified /f leave (reason)- leave the current faction you are in. Reason is optional
Cash/Money & Banking
Money or cash is the in-game currency used for JCMP. Capturing bases and killing other players results in a cash reward.
Cash can be used to buy items from a menu using:
/sendmoney <player><value> - transfer money to another player
Destruction Derby Gamemode (/derby)
This is a simple demolition derby gamemode. When a player dies, they respawn within the derby. Each player can choose to enter/exit the gamemode at any time.
The derby takes place in a separate world from the rest of the server. 140 cars are spawned around the PAN MILSAT dish, and players are spawned next to them. You must exit the derby gamemode to use the teleport command.
To enter the derby gamemode use:
To exit the mode, use the command a second time.
Race Gamemode (/race)
This is a simple race gamemode.
To enter the race gamemode use:
To exit the mode, use the command a second time.
To change the quality of the HUD (and potentially increase FPS on low spec systems), use:
/race quality low
/race quality high
Dome Deathmatch Gamemode (/dome)
This is a simple deathmatch gamemode. When a player dies, they respawn within the dome. Each player can choose to enter/exit the gamemode at any time.
Gamemodes run in the same instance of the server and all players are contained within a large dome. You must exit the dome gamemode to use the teleport command.
To enter the dome gamemode use:
To exit the mode, use the command a second time.
Places Of Interest
There are several places of interest in Panau that do not have /tp (teleport) points. Here's a list and map of locations.
Ice Lake
The ice lake is a popular spot for racing around performing stunts in sports cars. There are two sports car spawn points at:
x: 21211 y:9000
x:22597 y:8571
Three Kings Hotel
Often the staging point of finishing line to races, it can be found at:
x:3709 , y:31482
Panau Falls Casino
A great place to try out some skydiving, find it at:
x:18520 , y:17716
Unmarked Racetrack
This racetrack is in the south east of the map and can be found at the following co-ordinates:
x:28000 , y:32000 (approx)
Desert Stunt Track
Another great place to hold races and perform stunts. It covers a large area and is probably easiest to access via the road at:
x:8000 , y:26000 (approx)
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