how to dinosaur

how to dinosaur

How To Make Dino

in guid we will make a dino useing rock and dna and other thing(s)

Step Won

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step one find yello rock

Step Too

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extroct DnA from rock

Step Three

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decode dna strands (mabey take a long time)

code should look like this if not then your skrewed up >:(

Step 4

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add code to magic something or-rather that makes dna code turn to egg goo

Step 6 (four)

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add "magic egg goo" to unfertilized ostrig egg

this should make it fertilized and ready for next step

if you skrew this up you have to restart

and this is very hard

Step 5

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after you made babys with a egg and some "goo" from a lab

you can now incubate the egg


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after (some) time the egg will hatch and a dino will spawn

Step Idk

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if you skrewed it up then you are a dumbass

also you could just steal ingens dinosaurs or tech like i did


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