Quick and Easy Weapon XP Farm

Quick and Easy Weapon XP Farm


Hi! Welcome to my guide. Like I said in the description of the guide, you do not have to participate in multiplayer / PVP activities to grind XP for this technique.




I tried to make this guide as detailed as possible because that's how I am lol. So, TL;DR play Mission: EMP over and over again using the gun you're leveling (and ONLY the gun you are leveling). End screen may bug but you still get your XP. If you have questions, read over the full guide. If they are not answered leave a comment!

Recommended Loadout

>Weapon: The gun you're leveling up. (Keep in mind, durability of the weapon will still go down after each game)

>Attachments: EMP bullets.

>Skills: Quick Reload, Double Time, and Blast Protection.

Try not to use other methods of killing the sentinels. It will not net you xp for your gun.

The Mission

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>Navigate through these menus: Play > Mission > Mission: EMP

>Play through the mission and do the objective. Kill all sentinels.

>Sometimes killed sentinels will drop ammo boxes. Just run over those for extra ammo.

>It's very difficult to die. Sentinels barely do damage, however...

Watch out for bombers. They can kill you with one blast. Sometimes when you're pretty far away you could die. Don't worry too much though, you respawn after 5 seconds when you die. Bombers don't net you xp or score when you kill them, but they're still a big threat .

>Towards the end of the mission, lots of sentinels will spawn. Do whatever you can to get as many kills as you can.

Reaping The Rewards + Conclusion

Quick and Easy Weapon XP Farm image 23

>As you can see here, I got 2.1k XP for my gun. This is a pretty good amount and is about what you would get out of a normal match with a pretty good score. The amount of XP will vary.

>Sometimes the end screen bugs out and the XP earned doesn't show. Don't worry! You still got it! Just check your loadout.

Happy grinding!Questions? Concerns? Leave a comment!

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Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2209003756					

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