Ironsight - How to Force a Aeria Account Login Screen

Ironsight - How to Force a Aeria Account Login Screen

Ironsight - How to Force a Aeria Account Login Screen image 0

Why Is This Useful?

So me and my friends have played Ironsight for about a year now, so we have had Aeria accounts prior to the Steam version of the game. When I first booted the Steam version of the game, it gave me the option to either create a new Aeria games account, or to login using an existing account. My friend on the other hand did not get this option and the game practically forced him to start fresh which he didn't want to do. This is a guide around this, I am making this guide to try and help another struggling player since there was little to no help out there related to this issue. For all I know this was a freak bug and this guide will not help anyone else, it will just help me sleep at night. Also maybe there is a very obvious "Logout" button somewhere in the game that we have overlooked, this was just our way around it.

Edit: This method will also let you login to a existing account using an email that is "Already used under an existing Aeria Games account". I actually think this issue is more commonplace than the first issue I listed.

Step #1

So to start I am expecting you to already have the Steam version of the game installed and ready to go. Make sure to completely close out of your game before attempting this.

With the game closed completely, go to your Steam library and right click on Ironsight, hover your mouse over "Manage" and click on "Browse Local Files".

Step #2

Once in your local Ironsight files, locate the application files named "launcher" and "ironsight". Start by double clicking and running the application "ironsight" (and not the icon file named "ironsight") but keep the local files open, you will need it again soon. A splash screen should appear, just like when you normally start the game, but once the splash screen goes away and the game starts to boot, it should end the application in a white or black screen and then should take you back to the desktop. This is normal and should happen.

Step #3

Now that your game has basically broken itself, go back into the local files and double click on the "launcher" application. This should launch the game, make sure to press the play button in the bottom right and the game should force a login screen. Here you can login to your account and you should be all set.


Q: Do I Need To Do This Every Time I Want Play The Game?

A: You shouldn't. Once you login using this method your game should save your info and should log you in by itself.

Q: Will This Method Be Patched?

A: God I hope not, this isn't really a game breaking bug. It is just a way around Ironsight's stupid interface.

Q: This Method Did Not Work, What Do I Do?

A: Good question. I would restart your PC and try it again. If it does not work the second time then reinstall your game and try again. Just don't stop trying. Everyone who I have had try this method has had it work first try.

I hope this helps some people, Have a nice day.



Here is a quick video I threw together for the visual learners here. As you can see in the video I am dumb and think that the method did not work when in fact it totally did. You need to make sure to press the play button and then it will prompt you the login screen!


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