Basics Of The Game
1. The Camera is located on the front of the ship and you can use it to take pictures to help you navigate and see what's ahead
2. In case you forget some of the controls,
-TAB for the map
-B for briefing
-ESC to quit to the main menu(but does not pause the game)
-M1 to interact
-WASD to move
3. The note on the floor is written by you, and is your thoughts on your task
4. The reason the blood pool on the moon needs investigating, is because it's an organic material on a planet that hasn't disappeared yet
5. The faded lines on the map in between the marked lines are increments of 25
6. For those bad at angles
-000% is North
-090% is East
-180% is South
-270% is West
7. The Fire Extinguisher has infinite fuel
SpinNShoot + Goodies
-If you check the game files at
\steamapps\common\Iron Lung
You can find a folder called Goodies
-Inside are Development Screenshots, Wallpapers, the Map, and a small game called SpinNShoot
(The Development Screenshot folder has another folder in it called Spoilers with spoiler stuff in it)
-SpinNShoot is a fairly simple(Yet surprisingly fun)game. You can move with WASD, and Shoot or Hit squares who get faster the closer they get to you. There's already a help screen in game, but here are a few additional tips
-Boxes break in 2 hits
-Melee does 1 point of damage, so use it after weakening a square
-Melee has a 1 second cooldown
-Using right click for rapid fire is helpful, but you can also use it to shoot quick individual shots at mid-range
-Health does not disappear so you can save it for later
-There are no invincibility frames
You can submit your score in the comments and be placed in this leaderboard
PlaceUserScore1.Sir.Stevie.John236002.No one03.No one0
More Iron Lung guilds
- All Guilds
- Iron lung
- Iron Lung
- ? (Iron Lung)
- The optional points of interests
- IRON BLOOD The Unfinished Project
- Iron Lung | Poradnik owcy Osigni
- How to play iron lung
- How to quickly traverse the map for the hidden achievement "You've played this before"
- Hidden spots / Far Corners Secrets